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Effects of Exercise On Nervous System

Exercise can have profound effects on within the human body, including the
central nervous system (CNS).
• For example, Exercise improves cognitive functioning, mental health, and
memory; it also hinders the development of certain neurological conditions.
• How exercise benefits the brain –
- Exercise, as a habitual practice, enables
reprogramming of the brain.
- Exercising immediately increases the level of
dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline
neurotransmitter, which results in an
increased focus of attention and reaction time,
for at least two hours.
- Regular exercise will exercise has direct
effects on the brain that may help to
maintain brain function.
- According to many scientific studies,
Exercising enlarges the areas of the brain
associated with memory, Task management,
coordination, planning and inhibition
- This enlargement means that the developed
parts of the brain function faster and more
- When you exercise, oxygen flow to these
parts of the brain is very helpful.
Short term and Long
term benefits :

SHORT TERM EFFECTS: 1) Mental benefits

such as improved ,increased
memory ,decreased reaction time ,increased
2)Changed neurotransmitter levels such as
cortisol ,the stress hormone .

LONG TERM EFFECTS: 1) Short term effects

but in greater degree.
2)Neuron growth (NOT division)
Exercise Benefits to the muscular system –
• Improved balance, joint flexibility
• Increased muscle size (hypertrophy), Improved muscle tissue
• Vasodilation
Strengthened heart muscle
Improved breathing and respiratory efficiency
Weight control and stronger bones
Exercise Benefits to the Brain:
 Increases alertness, attention, and motivation.
 Improved concentration and performance from people diagnosed with ADHD.
 Addiction, Hormonal changes
 Aging

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