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Healthy Lifestyle


 ___% - Attendance
 ___% - Assignments
 ___% - Quizzes
 ___% - Test 1
 ___% - Test 2
 ___% - Presentations
Healthy behaviors.
 Healthy eating/healthy
food/eat clean
 ________________________
 Be happy/mental health/stress
 ______________
Healthy eating.
 Eat _________________! – cheat day?
 Moderate amount – balance calories –
details in other chapter
 _____________rule – time is needed for
you to feel ‘full’.
 Dinner early – get our body ready to
 Sugar in drinks are ____________!

 _____ minutes a week of

moderate-intensity aerobic
 Strength training at least 2x per
 ___________ exercises for senior
Let’s set a S.M.A.R.T. exercise goal:

S.M.A.R.T. stands for

 S___________
 M___________
 A___________
 R___________
 T___________

Example: “I will walk briskly for 30 minutes per

day for at least 5 days this week.”
Mental health
 Sleep - 7 to 8 hours a night for most adults - negative
health effects when oversleeping (poor sleep) and
too little sleep – we need ___________________
 Pray/meditate
 ________________
 Don’t overthink
 _________________
 Counseling
 ________________________!!!!
 Smoking is related to tobacco related diseases e.g. cancers and heart disease,
respiratory / breathing problems. It is also the gateway to illicit drugs abuse.
 How is smoking dangerous?
- When smoked, the cigarette releases about
- Approximately 63 of these chemicals may cause cancer.
 Can people surrounding the smoker get the ill-effect?
- Yes you can unwittingly become a ________________i.e. smoking second
hand smoke that comes from a smoker and get the same undesired outcomes like
asthma, heart disease etc.

 Diet assessment

 Health Assessment – ESSA Form

 Mental Assessment (case study)

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