Math 10 - Week 2 - PPT

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- Arithmetic Mean
- Nth Term Of An Arithmetic Sequence.
Arithmetic Sequences

Many patterns and designs linked to

mathematics are found in nature
and the human body. Certain patterns
occur more often than others.
Logistic spirals, such as the Golden
Mean spiral, are based on the
Fibonacci number sequence.
Chambered Nautilus
The Fibonacci sequence is often called
Nature’s Numbers.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…

The Golden Spiral Inner Ear

In 1705, Edmond Halley predicted
that the comet seen in 1531, 1607,
and 1682 would be seen again in
1758. Comets are made of frozen
lumps of gas and rock and are often
referred to as icy mud balls or dirty
snowballs. Halley’s prediction was
accurate. How did he know?
Edmond Halley

Halley’s Comet sightings in 1531, 1607, 1682, 1758 are approximately

76 years apart. They make a sequence.

I can count by twos, tie my shoes,

Button buttons, and zip zippers…

2, 4, 6, 8, …
-a sequence whose consecutive terms
have a common difference.
-The constant (d) is called the Common
To find the common difference (d),
subtract any term from one that follows it.
2 5 8 11 14
Identify Arithmetic Sequences
1. Determine whether the sequence is arithmetic.

1, 2, 4, 8, . . .
+1 +2 +4

This is not an arithmetic sequence because

the difference between terms is not constant.
2. Determine whether the sequence is arithmetic.

7 12 17 22 27
+5 +5 +5 +5
Since this sequence has a common
difference it is an arithmetic sequence.
3. Writing arithmetic sequences

 74 67 60 53 ? ? ?

 Add -7 to the last term of the sequence to

find the next three terms.
The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by:
an = a1+ (n – 1) d
The last # in the
First term The position the
sequence/or the # you are term is in
looking for The common
1. Find the 14th term of
the arithmetic sequence
4, 7, 10, 13,……

an = a + (n – 1) d
a14 = 4  (14  1) 3 You are
 4  (13)3 looking for
the term!
 4  39
 43 The 14th term in this sequence
is the number 43!
2. Find the 14th term of the
arithmetic sequence with first
a = 5 and d = -6 term of 5 and the common
difference is –6.

an = a + (n – 1) d
a14 = 5  (14  1) -6
You are looking for the
= 5 + (13) * -6 term! List which variables
from the general term are
= 5 + -78 provided!

= -73
The 14th term in this sequence
is the number -73!
3. Find the 20 term of

the arithmetic sequence

whose first term is 7
and whose fifth term is
4. The 9th term of an A.S.
is 15 and the 17th term
is 27. Find the common
difference and the first
5. A conference hall has 33
rows of seats. The last row
contain 80 seats. If each row
has two fewer seats than the
row behind it, how many
seats are there in the first
6. In the arithmetic sequence
10, 16, 22, 28, 34, …,which
term is 124?

7. If a1 = 21 and a19 = 63, find the

common difference.
8. Find the value of k if
6 - 2k, 3k + 1 and 5k

form an A. S.
a. Find the arithmetic means of an
arithmetic sequence.
b. Insert a certain number of terms
between two given terms of an
arithmetic sequence.
c. Appreciate arithmetic means in
solving real life problems.
Arithmetic Means are the terms between
any two nonconsecutive terms of an
arithmetic sequence.
It is necessary to solve the common
difference of an arithmetic sequence to
insert terms between two nonconsecutive
terms of an arithmetic sequence.
9, 17, ______, _______, _______, 49

How were you able to find the missing
terms in the sequence?
Answer the following.
1. Insert two arithmetic means between 20
and 38.
2. Insert three arithmetic means between 52
and 40.
3. Insert three arithmetic means between
1/2 and 13/2.
4. Find the missing terms of the arithmetic
sequence a, __, __, __, __, a+12

1. Learning Task 1.
Page 9, G10 PIVOT Mathematics SLM

2. Learning Task 2. (A, B, C) Page 10, G10 PIVOT

Mathematics SLM

3. Reflection Journal:

1. How do you find the nth term of the arithmetic

sequence? Discuss
the mathematics concepts and the formula used.
2. What new realizations do you have about finding the
nth term of the arithmetic sequence and finding the
arithmetic means? How would you use this in making

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