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Colonial and dependent

• 1. The world at the beginning of the
20th century
• 2. Colonial Empire of Great Britain
• 3. Colonial conquests of France
• 4. Germany and its colonies
• 5. Colonies of minor countries
• 6. US colonial policy
1. The world at the beginning of
the 20th century
World countries

industrial multistructural agricultural

colonies semi colonies

1. The world at the beginning of
the 20th century
• Colonialism - is the process of creating
colonial powers, dividing the world into
colonies and spheres of influence between
leading powers
2. Colonial Empire of Great Britain

• India (1849)
• Burma (1890s)
• Egypt (1882)
• Sudan (1898)
• South Africa (1889)
• Boer Republics – Orange and Transvaal

SAU (1910)
2. Colonial Empire of Great Britain

• Methods:
• 1) purchase of land (Rhodes)
• 2) Creation of trading companies (“South
African Preferred Company”)
• 3) wars (1878-1881 with Afghanistan, 1885-
1898 with Sudan, 1899-1902 with the Boer
3. Colonial conquests of France

Colonies of France:
1. Central Vietnam (1881)
2. Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia)
3. Sahara
4. Western and Equatorial Africa
5. Madagascar (1894)
6. Morocco (1911)
3. Colonial conquests of France
A protectorate - is a colonial regime in which
the metropolis controls only the foreign
and defensive policies of the colony, and
local authorities themselves conduct
internal policies.
4. Germany and its colonies
After the Franco-Prussian War and the creation of
the German Empire, Germany began to create
- 1885 – the German East Africa Company was
created and then the colony of East Africa
– end of 1880-early 1890 – part of South-West Africa,
Togo and Cameroon, the island of New Guinea
and neighboring islands
-1898 – Wilhelm II visited the Ottoman Empire and
Germany decided to build a railway to the East
5. Colonies of minor countries

Belgium – Congo
Holland – Indonesia
Italy – Libya
6. US colonial policy
1898 – Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific
Ocean (bay – Pearl Harbor)
1898 – Philippines, islands of Guam in
the Pacific Ocean and Puerto Rico in
the Caribbean Sea, Cuba –
dependent state.
• fill out the table “Colonialism:
consequences for the colonies and

For metropolises For colonies

positive negative positive negative

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