Stress and Disease Revised Ch. 3

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Stress and Disease

Chapter 3
Review Stress Response
Life- stressor
Perceive as a threat
ALARM—Hippocampus (leads to an emotion)
SEAT OF EMOTIONS- Limbic System (…physical response)
SUPERVISOR- Hypothalamus (endocrine and autonomic)
Endocrine—Hormones (cortisol and vasopressin)
Autonomic- Sympathetic =ON, Parasympathetic =OFF
Hot Reactors
People who react to stress with an all-out physiological

This type of person tends to:

Become angry easily
Be anxious or depressed
Urinate frequently
Nausea and vomiting
Experience gastrointestinal problems
Psychosomatic Disease
Not “all in the mind” involves both mind
and the body.
Psychosomatic disease may be:
At least 75%, if not more, of doctor visits
are believed to have a stress component
Psychogenic-A physical disease caused by emotional
stress without a microorganism involved.
The mind changes the body’s physiology so that body part
breaks down.
 Ulcers
 Asthma

Somatogenic-A disease that results from the mind

increasing the body’s susceptibility to:
Disease causing organisms (germs)
Natural degenerative processes
 Cancer
 Arthritis
Stress and Immunology
Stress can decrease your white blood cell count
which will lead to poor health.
Immunological system includes the following white
blood cell groups which identify and destroy foreign
 T cells
 B cells
Stress and Serum Cholesterol
Significantly increases during stress.
Accumulates on the walls of your blood vessels
blocking the flow of oxygenated blood to the
heart and brain.
Studies show that one’s perception of a stressful
situation can increase serum cholesterol levels.
Final Exams
Tax Accountants (April 15th)
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Excessive pressure of blood against the walls of arteries
Ruptured arteries to the heart can result in a Myocardial
Infarction (Heart Attack)
Ruptured arteries to the brain can cause a cerebral
hemorrhage (Stroke)
41% of Americans age 20-74 are Hypertensive
16% of Americans age 20-24 are Hypertensive
Most don’t know it because it occurs without S/S.
Hypertension: High blood pressure

20% of America has hypertension

Systolic-force against the arterial walls when
the heart contracts and blood is pumped out.
Diastolic-force against the arterial walls
when the heart is relaxed.
Normal: 120/80
High: 140/90
Hypertension: Causes
10% Known 90% Speculation-
essential hypertension
High sodium intake Smoking
Kidney disease Sedentariness
Cushing's syndrome Obesity
Oral contraceptives Stress
Narrow heart/blood Personality traits
Hypertension: Personality Traits
Upset by criticism
Upset by imperfection
Pent up anger, bitterness
Low self-confidence
Migraine Headaches
Constriction and dilation of the
carotid arteries on one side of the head.

Prodrome- “preattack” or constriction

phase of a migraine headache.
Coronary Heart Disease
Heart attacks kill more Americans than any other single
cause of death. (Myocardial Infarction)
Major risk factors associated with CHD:
High serum cholesterol
Stress and a Type A behavior linked to CHD
Time urgent

Heart Disease
Other Risks
High fat intake
Personality traits:
anger / hostile / resentful / bitter
the more stressful the job, the more
prevalent is heart disease
Day of the week
Monday vs. Friday
Prevention of CHD
Reduce Fat Intake
Move Daily
Stop Smoking
Life style (Stress Management)
“Heart Transplant”
Forgive others
Forgive yourself
“Mend fences” in relationships
Life may begin at forty, but
heart disease can begin at four.
Stress Flow Chart….
1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .
7. .
8. .
If four jumbo jets crashed
every day of the year in
America, how anxious would
you be to get on a plane?
That’s how many people die of
cancer every day in America…it’s
the second leading cause of death,
behind heart disease. (1500
Definition: Unbridled multiplication of cells
that leads to tumors, organ damage, and
eventual death.
Metastisis: 4-part cycle of malignant tumor
The marvel of your immune system is its ability to
distinguish between what’s ‘you’ and belongs from
what’s ‘new’ and doesn’t belong.
Any ‘new’ substance that triggers your immune
Cancer Fighters
Interpheron, Interlucken2, Lymphotoxin,
Chronic stress may disable the
immune system in some people with
some types of tumors

(Not stating stress causes cancer!)

Seven Danger Signs of Cancer
Sores that don’t heal
Lump or thickening
Unusual bleeding / discharge
Persistent cough / hoarseness
Persistent indigestion
Change in wart or mole
Change in normal bowel / bladder habits
Characteristics of people prone to cancer

Inability to forgive
Use of self-pity
Difficulty developing / maintaining personal
Poor self-image
Bernie Seigal

cancer surgeon
“Importance of Perception”
Reducing Cancer Risk
• Stop smoking (30% of cancers)
Dietary Intake (35% of Stress Management
cancers)  Maintain healthy coping
 Lower fat intake to 20% techniques
 Increase fiber, whole  Limit unnecessary
grains stressors
 Increase fruits, vegetables  Strengthen relationships
 Moderate alcohol  Exercise
consumption  Down time
 Avoid salt and nitrate
cured foods
 Avoid smoked foods
Reduced or Fat Free Alternatives
Fruit Tuna
Vegetables Pretzels
Skim milk Low fat cottage cheese
Nonfat sour cream Low fat yogurt
Fat free cream cheese Graham crackers
Fat free mayonnaise Baked fish
Water based soup Chicken (skinless and
Rice baked)
Low fat bisquick
Tomato based sauces
Low fat muffin mix
Cereal/oatmeal/cream of
wheat Bread
Top Five Nutritious Fruits
Vitamin C, carotenoids, good fiber, low in calories
Vitamin C, carotenoids, lots of potassium and fiber
Vitamin C, folate, lots of fiber
Vitamin C, cholesterol lowering, pectin
Beta-carotene, potassium and fiber
Top Five Vegetables
Beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate, iron potassium,
Sweet Potatoes
Potassium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber
Collard greens
Beta-carotene, cancer prevention power, vitamin C, folate,
calcium, fiber
Beta-carotene and fiber
Sweet Red Pepper
Vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber

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