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What is a Pillar? Is simply a fundamental precept. Now precept is a
command or principle intended especially as a general rule of action. Let me
paint a little background picture before I deliver what I have for us tonight .2
Corinthians 13 vs. 8 You can’t do anything about the trust but for the truth.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is in two folds.
1. The person of Jesus Christ
2. The principles of Jesus Christ.
The person of Jesus Christ talks about the worship, lifting up of hands,
presence the experience which is the reactions that takes place when the
presence is around. Which is what most of us in Africa today are concerned
with neglecting the principles which are what the Europeans,
Americans ,Chinese and other developed countries have that makes the
huge difference your seeing today. Most of them don’t bother about his
person. The truth is if we need to be successful in life, family, ministry, fulfill
purpose and make maximum impact we need both the person and the
These principles which are the pillars that must be in place for success to be
in view are as follows.
 LUKE 14VS28
 For which of you wishing to build a house does not first sit down and calculate
the cost.....
 Psalm 11vs 3
 If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do…..
 Vision is the compass of your destiny. It gives specific direction to your destiny. Is
the step by step to mega breakthrough in life? Note this the poorest man on
earth is a man without a dream and the most frustrated person is one who has
dream but can’t see it come to pass. Our Ambassador says this always if you can
see it you can seize it. There must be clear vision. What you want to do in life
must be clearly stated Gen 12 vs. 5 Abraham had a vision to go Canaan as his
destination even though he had some level of success in Haran he didn’t settle
there. A man without a vision is a football field without a goal post. Everybody at
the airport are not all travelling some are passengers, some are workers others are
taxi drivers etc only those that board the airline are on a journey to a destination
year in year out others remain on ground join the travelers.
 EXODUS 31 VS 1-5
Beazley is filled in wisdom, ability, understanding,
intelligence, in knowledge and all kinds of
Nobody breakthrough without a skill. What is your
content, what can you do and do it very well.
We have seven skills in this business and we are
expected to master the skills such that in a scale of 1 to
10 we will be doing like 8/10 if not 10.
Daniel understood from the books……..
We need the right information for the next level.
Knowledge is power, sometimes you need to pay to get
information, you need to stress or sacrifice to get
information. Jesus in this example went into the
temple and picked up the book that contains his
information about him.

MATHEW 4 VS 18, 19
As Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee He noticed two
brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew said to them follow
I will make you fishers of men!
Jesus in this example reached out Peter and Andrew
they believed and followed him that way he got his
first twelve. Jesus is the first mastermind in network
marketing professional .The moment you have a right
team in your business you have the right success.
 MICAH 7 VS 8
Rejoice not against me,O my enemies! When I fall,I
shall arise ……..
You need a fighting spirit to succeed .Note that great
men falls and rise again. Before you rise in life you
must be rejected, ridiculed. Every great man you see
today has failed at one point or the other before
becoming or attaining greatness in life. Some of us are
easily distracted or discouraged. We need to fight hard
the violent takes it by force. Mathew 11vs12.
 ECC 3 VS 1
To every there is a season and a time for every matter
or purpose under heaven
All you need in life is time. If you miss a window you
miss a season. People are moving in case you’re
sleeping others are on the move. Join the moving train.
Esau brought a sacrifice when it was not needed the
window is closed but Jacob new the timing and he
took advantage, it’s better to strike the iron when is
hot. Hebrew 11says faith is now.
We need to periodically examine our activities to make
sure we are on track hence the KPI (KEY
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR) that was introduced to
us by our leaders.
The man you follow determines what follows you.
Choose a mentor or a role model today.
Habakkuk 2 vs 2

Planning is step by step approach towards achieving your

vision which is your set goal. Without planning vision is
unrealistic and waste of time.ECC9 vs 10. What ever your
hands findeth to do ,do it with passion as if your entire life
depends on it .If you are only interested in your destiny
/dreams it won’t come to pass but if you are willing to put
all your energy and fight for it you will have your
dream .No body can stop you only you can stop you.
 Now in this business or organization we already have the following
 >Vision
 >Structure
 >System
 >Support
 >It develops and builds you
 >Instant and sizeable income
 >leveraged income
 >Great products
 >Network with forward thinking minds
 >Ability to touch lives
 >Leadership

 Is left for us to decide to go to work. Is a decision that nobody except you most take for you. In our IPO we say when you
succeed in this business is you who succeeded when you fail is you who failed not the organization .You can choose choose
to do and to achieve increase in your income ,rank and knowledge(personal development) this month. You can start by
setting a goal each day that will span to weeks and then month. For example our packages have the following direct
commission as follows
 1.Access pack-5k
 2.Entry verse-20k
 3.Neo verse -30k
 4.Techno verse -50k
 5.Digi verse -100k
 6.Mega verse -150k
 Choose your level of income growth this month based on the above
 .>0-100k
 >100k-200k
 >200k-400k
 .
In our business C21fg we have ranks like kinsmen ,emerging leader, leader and wealth creators for Labuena vida.Amazon
Ambassor,2comma club, Club 500 for Amazons. Then for our partners (Aim global) we have silver excutive prime (10
positional points),gold excutive prime( 100 positional points),global Ambassador (1000 positional points) this is
achievable when your regular with your monthly PMA you can be doing single which 14,000 or double which is 28,000
or triple which is 42,000.
 >Growth is necessary for every business.
 >To unlock multiple ways of earning
 >Drastically increase your income
 >To encourage your teammates to grow.
 >To build your health
 >For recognition at events.
 We have recommended books in this organization ensure you read them master the skills and keep improving on them
 >First year in network marketing
 >21st century network marketing
 >Prospecting rules
 >Go pro
 >Compound effect.
 Now that we have known these things happy are we if we do them John 13 vs 17.May that be our experience with God on
our side we are resolutely unstoppable.


My names are Nnoli Chidinma

A wife
A Mother of four
Industrial relations and Human
resource expert
A Professional Baker
A Philanthropist.
An Influencer
A Consultant with C21FG
An Amazon
 Growing up in a family of six just like every other child with no special privileges, no rich uncle and all
that. All I had was a burning desire, dream, a mindset that is open to opportunities and willingness to
succeed in life become the best version of myself. My Parents where civil servants but they had enough to
carter for us. They were determined to give us the best education they can afford because it used to be in
the past, go to school get certificate, get a job and your made in life, not anymore the economy and the
system has changed okay. What I didn’t about my background is that along the line my Dad had stroke
and suffered that illness for long, all their entire savings gone and still he died, afterwards life became
miserable to us, those dreams dashed, we began to struggle for survival.

 But because of my willingness and burning desire to succeed I moved to Lagos in search of GREENER
PASTURE I stayed with my relations got myself a factory job with that, I was able to save money enough
to continue my education and finished as a graduate, became fully employed as a PLANT MANAGER,
yet my take home as salary after working for 6days a week,4weeks a month and 12months a year wasn’t
still enough to take care of my bills or support my younger ones even my mummy who have been
laboring to see us succeed. I was told don’t worry, once you get married your challenges are over, HOW?
Financial responsibilities will be shifted to the man.
 Fast forward to my marriage that thought that statement was true enough to bring my dreams to the
limelight and guarantee me the success I desired but it didn’t happen rather responsibilities
 God bless my Pastor’s wife who recommended me to this great organization and I was invited to come
see this amazing opportunity. During the presentation I saw the bigger picture of the kind of success I
desired in life and what it will take me to get there, so I made sure I was among the people that were
selected for mastermind slot. Moving on in this business, I am not the same person I used to be, a lot has
changed for me before now I used to be very shy person, reserved ,introvert to the core and not
outspoken but through mentorship in this organization I have been shaped to become
bold,courageous,no stage fright. Am super excited about the person am becoming in the process.

Amt: NGN26,000.00
Acc: 004******287
Desc: 099MPRL232511JXM/PP_AMG/Bonus
PP_AMG/Bonus from Aim
Global Nigeria/ALLIA
Avail Bal:NGN27,699.03

Amt: NGN69, 100.00
Acc: 004******287
Desc: 099MPRL232512JXM/PP_AMG/Bonus
PP_AMG/Bonus from Aim
Global Nigeria/ALLIA
Avail Bal:NGN73,672.01

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