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How would we can save the Earth?

Presented by……..
Types of pollution :

 Noise pollution,
 Air pollution,
 Water pollution,
 Solid wastes.
Noise pollution :
Noise health effects are both
health and behavioral in nature,
Noise pollution can cause
annoyance and aggression,
hypertension, high stress levels,
tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep
disturbances, and other harmful
Noise can have a detrimental
effect on animals.
Air pollution :
• Air pollution is the introduction
of chemicals, particulate matter,
cause harm or discomfort to
humans or other living
•A substance in the air that can
cause harm to humans and the
environment is known as an air
•Pollutants can be in the form of
solid particles, liquid droplets, or
gases. In addition, they may be
natural or man-made.
• The atmosphere is a complex
dynamic natural gaseous
system that is essential to
support life on planet Earth.
Stratospheric ozone depletion
due to air pollution has long
been recognized as a threat to
human health as well as to the
Earth's ecosystems,
• Due to global atmospheric
pollution can change the
structure and climate.
Water pollution :
•Many of the chemical substances
are toxic.
•Pathogens can produce waterborne
diseases in either human or animal
• Most water pollutants are
eventually carried by rivers into the
•The specific contaminants leading
to pollution in water include a wide
spectrum of chemicals, pathogens,
and physical or sensory changes
such as elevated temperature and
•Oxygen-depleting substances may
be natural materials, such as plant
matter as well as man-made
•In addition to intentional
littering, almost half of litter on
U.S. roadways is now a result
of accidental or unintentional
litter, debris that falls off of
improperly secured trash and
recycling collection vehicles
and pickup trucks,
•Heavy traffic and proximity to
waste disposal sites are known
to correlate with higher litter
•About 80% of marine debris
comes from land-based sources,
•Litter can harm the
environment in a number of
different ways.
•In physics, radiation is a
process in which energetic
particles or energy or
waves travel through a
medium or space,
•There are two distinct
types of radiation;
ionizing and non-ionizing,
•The energy radiates from
its source.
Greenhouse effect
•The greenhouse effect is a
process by which thermal
radiation from a planetary
surface is absorbed by
atmospheric greenhouse gases,
and is re-radiated in all
•Since part of this re-radiation
is back towards the surface,
energy is transferred to the
surface and the lower
•A runaway greenhouse effect
occurs if positive feedbacks
lead to the evaporation of all
greenhouse gases into the
Ozone layer
•The ozone layer is a layer
in Earth‘s atmosphere
which contains relatively
high concentrations of
ozone (O3) ,
•This layer absorbs 97–99%
of the Sun's high frequency
ultraviolet light, which is
damaging to life on Earth.
Acid rain
•Acid rain is a rain or any
other form of precipitation
that is unusually acidic,
meaning that it possesses
elevated levels of
hydrogen ions,
•Acid rain is caused by
emissions of sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen
oxides which react with
the water molecules in the
atmosphere to produce
Why we need to protect the earth?

•Polluting air, water, soil, destroying

crops and animals did not think that
we dying ourselves - the people. We
all need to contribute to nature
conservation and wait until the nature
of our wrongs done to correct others.
So everyone let's start from ourselves
- let us be so close to our live animals
and birds, rivers and fly the various
fish, grow trees.

Protect your future!

How do I protect the earth?
1. Less use of electronic devices,
2. Do not contaminate the air by
burning trash,
3. Apply chemicals means less,
4. Make your own non-toxic cleaning
5. Use cloth bags instead of plastic,
6. Explore the idea of purchasing
energy-efficient appliances,
7. Set up a compost bin,
8. Grow an organic garden,
9. Reduce the use of car travel,
10. Reuse clothing,
11. Clean or replace air filters on your air
conditioning unit,
12. Use recycled paper,
13. Compost your vegetable scraps,
14. Minimize pesticide use.
Thank you for attention ! 

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