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1. Supercomputer
the biggest and fastest computers
(in terms of speed of processing
Characteristics of Supercomputer
• Supercomputers are the computers that are the fastest and they are also very
• It can calculate up to ten trillion individual calculations per second, this is
also the reason which makes it even faster.
• It is used in the stock market or big organizations for managing the online
currency world such as Bitcoin etc.
• It is used in scientific research areas for analyzing data obtained from
exploring the solar system, satellites, etc.
2. Mainframe Computer
are designed in such a way that
they can support hundreds or
thousands of users at the same
Characteristics of Mainframe Computer
• It is also an expensive or costly computer.
• It has high storage capacity and great performance.
• It can process a huge amount of data (like data involved in the banking
sector) very quickly.
• It runs smoothly for a long time and has a long life.
3. Minicomputer
is a medium size multiprocessing
computer. In this type of computer,
there are two or more processors,
and it supports 4 to 200 users at
one time.
Characteristics of Minicomputer
• Its weight is low.
• Because of its low weight, it is easy to carry anywhere.
• less expensive than a mainframe computer.
• It is fast.
4. Workstation Computer
is designed for technical or scientific
applications. It consists of a fast
microprocessor, with a large amount
of RAM and a high-speed graphic
adapter. It is a single-user computer.
It is generally used to perform a specific
task with great accuracy.
Characteristics of Minicomputer
• It is expensive or high in cost.
• They are exclusively made for complex work purposes.
• It provides large storage capacity, better graphics, and a more powerful CPU
when compared to a PC.
• It is also used to handle animation, data analysis, CAD, audio and video
creation, and editing.
5. Personal Computer (PC)
is also known as a microcomputer.
It is basically a general-purpose
computer designed for individual use.
Characteristics of Personal Computer
• In this limited number of software can be used.
• It is the smallest in size.
• It is designed for personal use.
• It is easy to use.
6. Server Computer
are computers that are combined
data and programs. Electronic data
and applications are stored and
shared in the server computer.
The working of a server computer
is that it does not solve a bigger problem
like a supercomputer but it solves many smaller similar ones.
7. Analog Computer
are particularly designed to process
analog data. Continuous data that
changes continuously and cannot
have discrete values are called
analog data.
8. Digital Computer
are designed in such a way that
they can easily perform calculations
and logical operations at high speed.
It takes raw data as input and processes
it with programs stored in its memory
to produce the final output.
9. Hybrid Computer
is a combination of both analog
and digital computers. Hybrid
computers are fast like analog
computers and have memory
and accuracy like digital computers.
10. Tablets and Smartphones
are the types of computers that are
pocket friendly and easy to carry is
these are handy.
Computer Hardware
Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer.

Types of Computer Hardware

• Input devices
• Output devices
• Storage devices
• Internal component
Computer Software
Software is a collection of instructions, procedures, and documentation that
performs different tasks on a computer system.
Types of Computer Software

• System software
• Application software
Difference Between Hardware and Software
Parameters Hardware Software
Hardware is a physical part of Software is a set of
Basic Definition the computer that causes the instructions that tells a
processing of data. computer exactly what to do.
It is developed and
Development It is manufactured.
Hardware cannot perform any The software can not be
task without software. executed without hardware.
Created by utilizing a
Electronic and other materials
Process of creating computer language to write
are used to create hardware.
Difference Between Hardware and Software
Parameters Hardware Software

Hardware is tangible as hardware Software is intangible as we can

Tangible is a physical electronic device, that see and also use the software but
can be touched. can’t touch them.

The software does not wear out

Hardware typically wears out over
Durability with time. However, it may
contain flaws and glitches.

It has four main categories:

1. Input Devices It is mainly divided into
2. Output Devices 1. System software
3. Storage Devices 2. Application software.
4. Internal Components.

Hardware is not affected by Software is affected by

Virus effect
computer viruses. computer viruses.
Difference Between Hardware and Software
Parameters Hardware Software

It cannot be transferred from

one place to another It can be transferred via a
electrically through the network means.
The program accepts human-
Only machine-level language is readable input, interprets it in
Machine-Level language known to be understood by machine-level language, and
hardware. sends it to hardware for
additional processing.

If the hardware is damaged, it If the software is damaged, its

is replaced with a new one. backup copy can be reinstalled.
Difference Between Hardware and Software

Parameters Hardware Software

Dust, overheating, humidity, Overloading, systematic error,

major-minor version error, and
and other factors are
Failures other factors are commonly
commonly responsible for responsible for software
hardware failures. failures.
Ex: Keyboard, Mouse, Ex: MS Word, Excel,
Examples Monitor, Printer, CPU, PowerPoint, Photoshop, My
Hard disk, RAM, ROM, etc. SQL, etc.
An Operating System acts as a communication bridge (interface) between the user
and computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide a
platform on which a user can execute programs conveniently and efficiently.
An operating system is a piece of software that manages the allocation of Computer
Hardware. The coordination of the hardware must be appropriate to ensure the
correct working of the computer system and to prevent user programs from
interfering with the proper working of the system.
The main goal of the Operating System is to make the computer environment more
convenient to use and the Secondary goal is to use the resources most efficiently.
What is an Operating System?
An operating system is a program on which application programs are executed
and acts as a communication bridge (interface) between the user and the
computer hardware. The main task an operating system carries out is the
allocation of resources and services, such as the allocation of memory, devices,
processors, and information. The operating system also includes programs to
manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a scheduler, a
memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system.
Process Management
is the set of activities involve in creating, scheduling and terminating processes.

Memory Management
is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary
memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during

File Management
refers to the set of processes and techniques involved in creating, organizing,
accessing, manipulating and controlling files stored on storage devices
Device Management
is responsible in managing device communication through their respective drivers.

uses password protection to protect user data and similar other techniques. it also
prevents unauthorized access to programs and user data.

Job Accounting
Keeps track of time and resources used by various tasks and users, this
information can be used to track resource usage for a particular user or group of users.
Secondary Storage Management
Secondary storage management is an important aspect of operating systems. Disks
are the mainly used secondary storage devices. They provide the bulk of secondary
storage in operating systems today. The main activity that is performed in secondary
storage management is disk scheduling.

The OS provides network connectivity and manages communication between computers on
a network.

Coordination between other Software and Users

Operating systems also coordinate and assign interpreters, compilers, assemblers, and other
software to the various users of the computer systems.

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