Jaxb 1

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Java Architecture for XML Binding

What is JAXB?
• JAXB is Java Architecture for XML Binding
• SAX and DOM are generic XML parsers
– They will parse any well-structured XML
• JAXB creates a parser that is specific to your DTD
– A JAXB parser will parse only valid XML (as defined
by your DTD)
• DOM and JAXB both produce a tree in memory
– DOM produces a generic tree; everything is a Node
– JAXB produces a tree of Objects with names and
attributes as described by your DTD
Advantages and disadvantages
• Advantages:
– JAXB requires a DTD
• Using JAXB ensures the validity of your XML
– A JAXB parser is actually faster than a generic SAX parser
– A tree created by JAXB is smaller than a DOM tree
– It’s much easier to use a JAXB tree for application-specific code
– You can modify the tree and save it as XML
• Disadvantages:
– JAXB requires a DTD
• Hence, you cannot use JAXB to process generic XML (for example, if
you are writing an XML editor or other tool)
– You must do additional work up front to tell JAXB what kind of tree
you want it to construct
• But this more than pays for itself by simplifying your application
– JAXB is new: Version 1.0 is due Q4 (fourth quarter) 2002
How JAXB works
• JAXB takes as input two files: your DTD and a binding
schema (which you also write)
– A binding schema is an XML document written in a “binding
language” defined by JAXB (with extension .xjs)
– A binding schema is used to customize the JAXB output
– Your binding schema can be very simple or quite complex
• JAXB produces as output Java source code which you
compile and add to your program
– Your program will uses the specific classes generated by JAXB
– Your program can then read and write XML files
• JAXB also provides an API for working directly with XML

• Some examples in this lecture are taken from the JAXB User’s guide,
A first example
• The DTD: <!ELEMENT book (title, author, chapter+) >
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT chapter (#PCDATA) >

• The schema: <xml-java-binding-schema>

<element name="book" type="class" root="true" />
</xml-java-binding-schema> Note 1: In these slides 
we only show the class 
• The results: public Book(); // constructor outline, but JAXB 
public String getTitle();
creates a complete 
public void setTitle(String x);
public String getAuthor(); class for you
public void setAuthor(String x); Note 2: JAXB constructs 
public List getChapter(); names based on yours, 
public void deleteChapter(); with good capitalization 
public void emptyChapter(); style 
Adding complexity
• Adding a choice can reduce the usefulness of the
– <!ELEMENT book (title, author, (prologue | preface),
<!ELEMENT prologue (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT preface (#PCDATA) >
– With the same binding schema, this gives:
• public Book();
public List getContent();
public void deleteContent();
public void emptyContent();
• An improved binding schema can give better
Improving the binding schema
• <xml-java-binding-schema>
<element name="book" type="class" root="true”>
<element-ref name="title" />
<element-ref name="author” />
<choice property="prologue-or-preface" />

• Result is same as the original, plus methods for the choice:

– public Book(); // constructor
public void emptyChapter();
public MarshallableObject getPrologueOrPreface();
public void setPrologueOrPreface(MarshallableObject x);
• marshal, v.t.: to place or arrange in order
• marshalling: the process of producing an XML
document from Java objects
• unmarshalling: the process of producing a content
tree from an XML document
• JAXB only allows you to unmarshal valid XML
• JAXB only allows you to martial valid content
trees into XML
Limitations of JAXB
• DTDs are the only schema language currently supported
– Later versions should support more schema languages
• DTDs don’t support namespaces, so neither does JAXB
– Again, this is likely to change with future releases
• JAXB does not support the following legal DTD
– Internal subsets
– Enumerated NOTATION types
A minimal binding schema
• A JAXB binding schema is itself in XML
• Start with: <xml-java-binding-schema version="1.0ea">
– The version is optional
– “ea” stands for “early access,” that is, not yet released
• Put in:
<element name="rootName" type="class" root="true" />
for each possible root element
– An XML document can have only one root
– However, the DTD does not say what that root must be
– Any top-level element defined by the DTD may be a root
– The value of name must match exactly with the name in the DTD
• End with: </xml-java-binding-schema>
Default bindings, I
• A “simple element” is one that has no attributes and only
character contents:
– <!ELEMENT elementName (#PCDATA) >
• For simple elements, JAXB assumes:
<element name="elementName" type="value"/>
– JAXB will treat this element as an instance variable of the class
for its enclosing element
– This is the default binding, that is, this is what JAXB will assume
unless you tell it otherwise
• For example, you could write this yourself, but set type="class”
– For simple elements, JAXB will generate these methods in the
class of the enclosing element:
void setElementName(String x);
String getElementName();
– We will see later how to convert the #PCDATA into some type
other than String
Default bindings, II
• If an element is not simple, JAXB will treat it as a class
• Attributes and simple subelements are treated as instance variables
• DTD: <!ELEMENT elementName (subElement1, subElement2) >
<!ATTLIST elementName attributeName CDATA #IMPLIED>
• Binding: <element name="elementName" type="class">
<attribute name="attributeName"/>
<element-ref name="subElement1" /> <!-- simple element -->
<element-ref name="subElement2" /> <!-- complex element -->
• Java: class ElementName extends MarshallableObject {
void setAttributeName1(String x);
String getAttributeName1();
String getSubElement1();
void setSubElement1(String x);
// Non-simple subElement2 is described on the next slide
Default bindings, III
• If an element contains a subelement that is defined by a class, the code
generated will be different
• <element name="elementName" type="class">
<element-ref name="subElement2" />
<!-- Note that "element-ref" means this is a reference to an
element that is defined elsewhere, not the element itself -->
– Results in:
class ElementName extends MarshallableObject {
SubElement2 getSubElement2();
void setSubElement2(SubElement2 x);
– Elsewhere, the DTD definition for subElement2 will result in:
class SubElement2 extends MarshallableObject { ... }
Default bindings, IV
• A simple sequence is just a list of contents, in order, with no
+ or * repetitions
– Example: <!ELEMENT html (head, body) >
– For an element defined with a simple sequence, setters and getters are
created for each item in the sequence
• If an element’s definition isn’t simple, or if it contains
repetitions, JAXB basically “gives up” and says “it’s got
some kind of content, but I don’t know what”
– Example: <!ELEMENT book (title, forward, chapter*)>
– Result:
public Book(); // constructor
public List getContent(); // "general content"--not too useful!
public void deleteContent();
public void emptyContent();
Customizing the binding schema
• You won’t actually see these default bindings anywhere--
they are just assumed
– If a default binding is OK with you, don’t do anything
– If you don’t like a default binding, just write your own
• Here’s the minimal binding you must write:
<element name="rootElement" type="class" root="true" />
• Start by “opening up” the root element:
<element name="rootElement" type="class" root="true" >
• Now you have somewhere to put your customizations
Primitive attributes
• By default, attributes are assumed to be Strings
– <!ATTLIST someElement someAttribute CDATA #IMPLIED>
– class SomeElement extends MarshallableObject {
void setSomeAttribute(String x);
String getSomeAttribute();
• You can define your own binding and use the convert
attribute to force the defined attribute to be a primitive,
such as an int:
– <element name="someElement " type="class" >
<attribute name="someAttribute" convert="int" />
– class SomeElement extends MarshallableObject {
void setSomeAttribute(int x);
int getSomeAttribute();
Conversions to Objects, I
• At the top level (within <xml-binding-schema>), add
a conversion declaration, such as:
– <conversion name="BigDecimal" type="java.math.BigDecimal" />
• name is used in the binding schema
• type is the actual class to be used
• Add a convert attribute where you need it:
– <element name="name" type="value" convert="BigDecimal" />
• The result should be:
– public java.math.BigDecimal getName();
public void setName(java.math.BigDecimal x);
• This works for BigDecimal because it has a
constructor that takes a String as its argument
Conversions to Objects, II
• There is a constructor for Date that takes a String
as its one argument, but this constructor is
– This is because there are many ways to write dates
– For an object like this, you need to supply parse and
print methods
• <conversion name="MyDate" type="java.util.Date"
parse="MyDate.parseDate" print="MyDate.printDate"/>
• xxx
Creating enumerations
• <!ATTLIST shirt size (small | medium | large) #IMPLIED> defines an attribute
of shirt that can take on one of a predefined set of values
• A typesafe enum is a class whose instances are a predefined set of values
• To create a typesafe enum for size:
– <enumeration name="shirtSize" members="small medium large">
– <element name="shirt" ...>
<attribute name="size" convert="shirtSize" />
• You get:
– public final class ShirtSize {
public final static ShirtSize SMALL;
public final static ShirtSize MEDIUM;
public final static ShirtSize LARGE;
public static ShirtSize parse(String x);
public String toString();
Content models
• The <content> tag describes one of two kinds of content
– A general-content property binds a single property
• You’ve seen this before:
<content property="my-content" />
• Gives: public List getMyContent();
public void deleteMyContent();
public void emptyMyContent();
– A model-based content property can contain four types of
• element-ref says that this element contains another element
• choice says that there are alternative contents
• sequence says that contents must be in a particular order
• rest can be used to specify any kind of content
Using JAXB

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