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Morning Du’aa ​

(to be recited, in unison, in form time and assemblies).​

‫ َلُه اْلُم ْلُك َو َلُه اْلَح ْم ُد َو ُه َو َع َلى ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء‬، ‫َأْص َبْح َن ا َو َأْص َبَح اْلُم ْلُك ِهَّلِل َو اْلَح ْم ُد ِهَّلِل اَل ِإَلَه ِإاَّل ُهَّللا َو ْح َد ُه اَل َش ِر يَك َلُه‬
‫ َر ِّب َأُع وُذ ِبَك ِمَن‬.‫ َر ِّب َأْس َأُلَك َخ ْيَر َم ا ِفي َهِذِا الَي وم َو َخ ْيَر َم ا َبْع َد ُه َو َأُع وُذ ِبَك ِمْن َش ِّر َهِذِا الَي وم َو َش ِّر َم ا َبْع َد ُه‬. ‫َق ِديٌر‬
‫ َر ِّب َأُع وُذ ِبَك ِمْن َع َذ اٍب ِفي الَّن اِر َو َع َذ اٍب ِفي اْلَق ْب ر‬. ‫اْلَك َس ِل َو ُس وِء اْلِك َب ِر‬. ​

We have reached the morning and at this very time unto Allah belongs
all sovereignty, and all praise is for Allah. None has the right to be
worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and
praise and He is over all things omnipotent. My Lord, I ask you for the good of this
day and the good of what follows it and I take refuge in you from the evil of this
day and the evil of what follows it. My Lord, I take refuge in you from laziness
and senility. My Lord, I take refuge in you from torment in the Fire and punishment
in the grave.

Using context clues to determine

LO: To be able to use context clues to match words

to their correct definitions.
Starter Activity: Apostrophes



New Words
• Sometimes when someone is talking or you are reading you
will come across words that you are unsure of.

• You may never have heard the word or seen it written

down before.

• When you don’t know a word, there are clues

you can use to help figure it out.
What is meant by context clue?

• These clues help you to put the word into

context (fit into the story).

• Context involves the information regarding a

specific topic or situation.
How do we identify clues?

Some clues to help you to build the context and

figure out the new words are:

• gestures of the speaker

• tone of voice of the speaker

• pictures
• familiar words in the sentence (our focus today)
Familiar Words
When you come across a word you don’t know, think about
the other words in the sentence that you do know – they
will give you lots of clues!

Mother bear was so weary she could hardly

keep her eyes open.

Thinking about why someone might have difficulty

keeping their eyes open gives a hint about what ‘weary’
means – do you know?
Look It Up!
• Of course, you can use your dictionary to
find the meaning of a word.

• Have a go at using the

context clues first and then
check to see if you were
Main Activity
Activity 1: finding meaning using context clues
Activity 2: What does the highlighted word mean?

Read each sentence on the following

slide carefully. Use the context clues
to help you determine the meaning,
or a synonym, for the highlighted
1. My schoolbooks are too heavy. I need a
new satchel to carry them.

2. It’s snowing outside! I hope I get to use my

new toboggan on Elmer’s Hill tomorrow

3. I thought it was hilarious when the clown got a pie in the

face .
4. Noora did horribly on her spelling test. Her mum was not
very happy.

5. Ahmed and Abdullah were terrified in the haunted

Suggested Answers

Islamic link:

Analyse the
picture and
discuss with the
class what you
inferred by
looking it.
Plenary Activity
1. C
2. F
3. J
4. D
5. A
6. I
7. B
8. E
9. G

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