06 01 2023 - CSE3009 Mod 1 AMQP

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Internet of Things
Professor Grade-1
Department of IoT
School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE)
Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore
Mail: kalaavathi.b@vit.ac.in
Mobile: 94425 40803
Cabin: SJT615B
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
• is an open standard for passing
business messages between
applications or organizations.
• It connects systems, feeds business
processes with the information they
need and reliably transmits onward the
instructions that achieve their goals.

• Idea was defined by Mr. John O'Hara of JPMorgan Chase in 2003.
• Part of OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards) standards ( from 2012 )
• Converged onto ISO standards (ISO 19464)
• Used by JPMorgan Chase Bank, Bank of America and Deutsche Börse
on the Financial Services. Microsoft, Red Hat, Software AG and US
Department of Homeland Security on the Technology

What AMQP gives

• Works on top of TCP/IP.

• Provides asynchronous directed messaging, request/reply,
publish/subscribe, store and forward.
• Supports Peer-to-Peer messaging across any network.
• Can negotiate with alternate transport protocols (e.g. SCTP,
• Quality of service: at most once, at least once, exactly once.
• Security: authentication and/or encryption based on SASL and/or
• Advanced publish-and-subscribe.
• Transactional messaging functionality.
• Server & Client libraries available for Windows, Linux, Android with
C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Maven, Go
• is a binary, application layer protocol, designed to support a wide
variety of messaging applications and communication patterns.
• provides flow controlled, message-oriented communication with
message-delivery guarantees such as
• at-most-once (where each message is delivered once or never),
• at-least-once (where each message is certain to be delivered, but may
do so multiple times) and
• exactly-once (where the message will always certainly arrive and do so
only once),
• and authentication and/or encryption based on SASL and/or TLS.
• assumes an underlying reliable transport layer protocol such
as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
• AMQP specification is defined :
i. a type system,
ii. a symmetric, asynchronous protocol for the
transfer of messages from one process to
iii. a standard, extensible message format and
iv. a set of standardised but extensible 'messaging

• Business Case
• main reasons an enterprise will chose AMQP
over proprietary alternatives are:
 Connect applications on different
platforms; choose the right platform for the
 Connect to business partners using a full
featured open standard; remove technical
barriers to trade
 Position for innovations built upon the
foundation of AMQP
AMQP (contd.,)
• Message oriented protocol
• based on a queue server, Queues are message storage facilities
• considered a compact protocol (binary protocol), meaning that
everything sent over AMQP is binary data
• defines a wire format stream of bytes to be transmitted
• Client called the producer sends a message to an exchange
• Exchanges then distribute message copies to queues depending on
rules defined by the exchange type and routing key provided in the
• message is finally consumed by a subscriber

AMQP Architecture
Benefits of AMQP

• Supports real time feed of constantly updating information

• Enables the encrypted assured transaction.

• Provides options to deliver the messages when the

destination comes online

• Equipped with sending of enormous message while still

receiving status updates over the same network connection.

• Works on different operating systems and languages


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