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Topic & Structure of The Lesson
• Introduction
• Relational Database Model
• SQL (Structured Query Language)
• SELECT Statement
• INSERT Statement
• UPDATE Statement
• DELETE Statement
• ADO.NET Object Model
• Data Provider
• Connecting to a Database in ASP.NET
• Data Binding
• Data Source Controls

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Learning Outcomes

• At the end of this topic, You should be able to

• To understand the relational database model.
• To be able to write database queries using SQL (Structured Query Language).
• To learn various database interfaces.
• To understand ADO.NET’s object model.

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Key Terms You Must Be Able To Use

If you have mastered this topic, you should be able to use the following
terms correctly in your assignments and exams:


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• A database is an organized collection of data.

• A database management system (DBMS) provides mechanisms for storing,

organizing, retrieving, and modifying data for many users.

• Today's most popular database management systems are relational database

management systems (RDBMS).

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• SQL is the international standard language used almost universally with

relational database systems to perform queries and manipulate data.

• Programs connect to, and interact with, relational databases via an interface
software that facilitates communications between a database management
system and a program.

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C# programs
communicate with
databases and
manipulate their data
through ADO.NET.

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The ADO.NET Object Model

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Relational Databases

• A relational database stores data in tables. Tables are composed of rows and columns in
which values are stored.
• A primary key provides a unique value that cannot be duplicated in other rows of the
same table. The primary key uniquely identifies each row.
• Each row of a table represents a record.

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Relational Databases

• Each column of a table represents a different attribute.

• The primary key can be composed of more than one column.

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Relational Databases

number name department salary location

23603 Jones 413 1100 Kuala Lumpur
24568 Kelvin 413 2000 Jakarta
Row 34589 Larson 642 1800 Jakarta
35761 Marry 611 1400 Singapore
47132 Newton 413 9000 Singapore
78321 Stephens 611 8500 Bangkok

Primary key Column

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Relational Databases

– Microsoft SQL Server
– Microsoft Access
– PostgreSQL
– Oracle
– Sybase
– FrontBase
– Etc.

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SQL provides a rich set of language constructs that enable programmers to define complex
queries to retrieve data from a database.

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SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL keyword Description

SELECT Selects (retrieves) columns from one or more tables.
FROM Specifies tables from which to get columns or delete
rows. Required in every SELECT and DELETE
WHERE Specifies criteria that determine the rows to be
INNER JOIN Joins rows from multiple tables to produce a single
set of rows.
GROUP BY Specifies criteria for grouping rows.
ORDER BY Specifies criteria for ordering rows.
INSERT Inserts data into a specified table.
UPDATE Updates data in a specified table.
DELETE Deletes data from a specified table.
CREATE Creates a new table.
DROP Deletes an existing table.
COUNT Returns the number of records that satisfy given
search criteria.
Fig. 22.12 SQL keywords.

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Basic SELECT Query

• SELECT * FROM Members

• SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Members

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WHERE Clause

• The optional WHERE clause in a query specifies the selection criteria for the query. The
basic form of a query with selection criteria is

SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ... FROM TableName WHERE Criteria

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WHERE Clause

• The WHERE clause can contain operators <, >, <=, >=, =, <> and LIKE. Operator
LIKE is used for string pattern matching with wildcard characters % and -S.

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WHERE Clause

• LIKE - Pattern matching

– (%)
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Members WHERE LastName LIKE ‘D%’

– ( _ ) Pattern matching
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Members WHERE LastName LIKE ‘_I%’

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• The result of a query can be sorted in ascending or descending order using the optional
ORDER BY clause.

• The simplest form of an ORDER BY clause is

SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ... FROM TableName ORDER BY Column


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SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ... FROM TableName ORDER BY Column


• where ASC specifies ascending order, DESC specifies descending order and column
specifies the column on which the sort is based. The default sorting order is ascending,
so ASC is optional.

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• SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Members ORDER BY LastName

• SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Memberss ORDER BY LastName DESC

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• Multiple columns can be used for ordering purposes with an ORDER BY clause of the

ORDER BY Column1 SortingOrder, Column2 SortingOrder, ...

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• The WHERE and ORDER BY clauses can be combined in one query. If used, ORDER
BY must be the last clause in the query.

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Merging Data from Multiple Tables: INNER JOIN

• An INNER JOIN merges rows from two tables by testing for matching values in a
column that is common to the tables. The basic form for the INNER JOIN operator is:

SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ... FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON

Table1.ColumnName = Table2.ColumnName

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Merging Data from Multiple Tables: INNER JOIN

• The ON clause specifies the columns from each table that are compared to determine
which rows are joined.

• If a SQL statement uses columns with the same name from multiple tables, the column
names must be fully qualified by prefixing them with their table names and a dot (.).

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INSERT Statement

• An INSERT statement inserts a new row into a table. The basic form of this statement is

INSERT INTO TableName ( ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ..., ColumnNameN )

VALUES ( Value1, Value2, ..., ValueN )

• SQL uses single quotes (') as the delimiter for strings. To specify a string containing a
single quote in SQL, the single quote must be escaped with another single quote.

• where TableName is the table in which to insert the row. The TableName is
followed by a comma separated list of column names in parentheses. The list of column
names is followed by the SQL keyword VALUES and a comma-separated list of values
in parentheses.
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UPDATE Statement

• An UPDATE statement modifies data in a table. The basic form of an UPDATE statement is

UPDATE TableName SET ColumnName1 = Value1, ColumnName2 = Value2, ...,

ColumnNameN = ValueN WHERE Criteria

where TableName is the table in which to update data. The TableName is followed by
keyword SET and a comma-separated list of column name/value pairs in the format
ColumnName = Value.

• The optional WHERE clause criteria determines which rows to update. If the WHERE
clause is omitted, the UPDATE applies to all rows of the table.

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DELETE Statement

• A DELETE statement removes rows from a table. The simplest form for a DELETE
statement is

DELETE FROM TableName WHERE Criteria

where TableName is the table from which to delete a row (or rows). The optional
WHERE criteria determines which rows to delete. If the WHERE clause is omitted, the
DELETE applies to all rows of the table.

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ADO.NET Object Model

• The ADO.NET object model provides an API Created for the .NET framework for
accessing database systems programmatically.

• Namespace System.Data is the root namespace for the ADO.NET API.

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ADO.NET Object Model

• The other important namespaces for ADO.NET, System.Data.OleDb and

System.Data.SqlClient, contain classes that enable programs to connect with
and modify data sources (i.e., locations that contain data, such as a database or
an XML file).

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ADO.NET Object Model

• An object of class SqlConnection of namespace System.Data.SqlClient represents a

connection to a data source specifically a SQL Server database.

• An object of class OleDBConnection of namespace System.Data.OleDB represents a

connection to a data source specifically an Access database.

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ADO.NET Object Model

• An object of class SqlCommand of namespace System.Data.SqlClient represents an

arbitrary SQL command to be executed against a SQL Server database.

• An object of class OleDBCommand of namespace System.Data.OleDB represents an

arbitrary SQL command to be executed against an Access database.

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ADO.NET Object Model

• A GridView ASP.NET data control displays data on a Web Form in a tabular format.

• A GridView's colors can be set using the Auto Format... link in the GridView Tasks
smart tag menu.

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A database used by an ASP.NET Web site should be located in the project's App_Data

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A .NET Framework data

provider is used for connecting
to a database, executing
commands, and retrieving

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Core Objects of Data Providers

Object Description

Connection Establishes a connection to a specific data source. The base class for all
Connection objects is the DbConnection class.

Command Executes a command against a data source. Exposes Parameters and can
execute within the scope of a Transaction from a Connection. The base
class for all Command objects is the DbCommand class.

DataReader Reads a forward-only, read-only stream of data from a data source. The
base class for all DataReader objects is the DbDataReader class.

DataAdapter Populates a DataSet and resolves updates with the data source. The base
class for all DataAdapter objects is the DbDataAdapter class.

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Connecting to a Database in ASP.NET

• OleDbDataReader or SqlDataReader object

– Reads data from a database

• OleDbConnection or SqlConnection object

– Represents connection to database

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Connecting to a Database in ASP.NET

• OleDbCommand or SqlCommand object

– Two parameters
• queryString
– Contains SQL to execute
• Database connection

• ExecuteReader

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Connecting to a Database in ASP.NET

• Set of data and includes the tables that

DataSet contain and order it

OleDbDataAdapter • Retrieve information from database and

or place resulting information in DataSet

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Data Binding

• The technique through which GUI controls are tied to data sources is known as data

• An AccessDataSource control allows a Web application to interact with an Access


• A SqlDataSource control allows a Web application to interact with a SQL Server


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SqlDataSource property ConnectionString indicates the
connection through which the SqlDataSource control interacts
with the database.

An ASP.NET expression, delimited by <%$ and %>, can be

used to access a connection string stored in an application's
web.config configuration file.
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Data source controls enable rich

capabilities for retrieving and
modifying data, including querying,
sorting, paging, filtering, updating,
deleting, and inserting. ASP.NET
includes the following data source

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Data-bound Controls

Data source control Description

ObjectDataSource Enables you to work with a business
object or other class and create Web
applications that rely on middle-tier
objects to manage data.
SqlDataSource Enables you to work with ADO.NET managed
data providers, which provide access to
Microsoft SQL Server, OLE DB, ODBC, or
Oracle databases.
AccessDataSource Enables you to work with a Microsoft Access
XmlDataSource Enables you to work with an XML file, which is
especially useful for hierarchical ASP.NET server
controls such as the TreeView or Menu control.
SiteMapDataSource Used with ASP.NET site navigation.

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Data-bound Controls

Data bound Description


GridView Displays data in a table and includes support for editing,

updating, sorting, and paging data without requiring code.

Menu Renders data in a hierarchical dynamic menu that can include


Repeater Renders data in a list. Each item is rendered using an item

template that you define.

TreeView Renders data in a hierarchical tree of expandable nodes.

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Quick Review Question

• Write SQL statements to perform join between tables.

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Summary of Main Teaching Points

• Insert
• Update
• Delete
• Select

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Question and answer session

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What we will cover next

• Web Site Design Method

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