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• Nurses are groomed in various aspects

including etiquette, makeover and
communication skills.
• ABC of grooming
• Grooming is a very important aspect of
personality development
• "A refers to appearance,
• B for behaviour (etiquette)
• C for communication.
• Grooming
• Is the process of making yourself neat and
attractive (hygienic activity)
• Caring for physical appearance
The things which you do to make yourself
and your appearance tidy and pleasant
• This refers to the outward phenotype or look of
human beings.
• ‘’what someone looks like’’
• Clothes and manners do not make a person; but,
when he is made, they greatly improve his
• Whether this is real or imaginary the most important
fact is that your appearance influences the opinions
of everyone around you.
• Your professionalism, intelligence and the trust
people form in you is mainly due to your appearance

• Grooming involves all the aspects of your

• Overall Cleanliness
• Hair
• Nails
• Teeth
• Uniform
• Make-up
• Cleanliness
• Skin: Daily baths offer protection and prevents infection.
• What do you think about Bleaching?
• Perfumes and deodorants?
• Hair should be washed frequently.
• Don’t look too glamorous: colourful hair bands and pins
should not be used
• A nurse/ midwife’s hair should not fall below the collar of
the uniform
• Male nurses
• Learn about haircuts, choosing the right aftershave
lotion, body spray and shoe polishing
• Dirty hands are a source of cross infection.
• Always wash hands with soap, under running
water after each procedure.
• Hand lotions can be used to keep hands smooth
and healthy
• Nails must be kept short and clean
• Nail polish and extensions are not allowed since
they harbour infections and can scratch patients
• Wedding and engagement rings are allowed but
no fancy rings
• Eye shadows, face powder, lipsticks etc should
be used in moderation and should match the
skin colour as closely as possible
• No artificial fingernails or nail enhancements,
including but not limited to overlays, wraps, tips
or attached decorations, are permitted
fingernails must be clean and short (i.e., not
longer than ½ inch beyond fingertips).
• Adhesive decorations such as rhinestones and
fluorescent colors are not permitted

• Hair must be neat and clean. Hairstyles

that obstruct eye contact and/or extreme
colours or styles are not acceptable.
• For example, long-spiked or Mohawk
haircuts are not acceptable.
• Facial hair must be neatly trimmed and
beards may not be longer than two inches
below the jaw line unless covered.
• Tattoos must be covered.
• The uniform should be:
• Below the knee {2 inches below the knee}
• Aired after work and washed frequently
• Loose ends should be stitched, replace buttons and zips(
Do not use pins)
• Nurses should not be seen in their uniforms in bars
• Nurse should not endorse medication or adverts (radio,
TV etc)
• Aprons and caps should be neat and well ironed
(laboratory coat)
• NB: Do not wear caps and aprons along the street or in
public places
• Dangling earrings are not allowed with the uniform
• Watch with a seconds hand (nurses watch)
• Pen
• Name tag
• Feet: Nurses are mostly on their feet and are
expected to wear rubber soled (noiseless ) moderately
low shoes with broad base for comfort and efficiency
• Posture and Gait: Posture is important whether
walking, sitting or lying. Elements of good standing
posture include chin up, shoulders even, chest high
and abdomen tucked in. Nurse should walk
• Drug abuse: Alcohol must not be taken whiles on duty or before work.
Nurse must be cautious in the use of drugs especially narcotics.
• Rest and Sleep: The nurse must have at least 8 hours sleep or siesta
if possible. Diversional activities such as games, movies etc are also
• General Health: The nurse must be healthy to look cheerful and
• Nurses must have medical exams at least once a year. A regular and
well balanced diet is vital
• "Nurses are the foundation of any hospital. The quality of treatment
relies on the skill of nursing staff. Patients first connect to nurses,
then a doctor. That's why it's important for a nurse to have a pleasant
personality and good communication skills accompanied by
dedication and a caring nature.

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