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“I left the cookie on the table, but now it’s gone.

What happened to it?”

“I don’t know. One of the children ____it.”
A. may have eaten
B. would eat
C. had to eat
D. should have eaten
His glasses are on the table, so he
…………… here.
a. can
b. might
c. must
d. will
Tommy had his brother ____ his shoes for him.
a. tie
b. to tie
c. tied
d. tying
What would their family life be like if they
didn’t have the television__________?
A. to fix
B. fixed
C. fixing
D. fix
I got Barbara ________ her car for the weekend.
A. to let me to borrow
B. let me to borrow
C. to let me borrow
D. let me to borrow
A: Did you remember to invite Anna’s
boyfriend to the engagement party?
B: Oh, no, I didn’t. You ________
A. shouldn’t remind me
B. should have reminded me
C. would have reminded me
D. might have reminded me
A: I didn’t enjoy staying at that hotel last
weekend. There was a big party downtairs,
and I couldn’t sleep at all.
B: Really? I________to the manager.
A. needed to complain
B. would have complained
C. must have complained
D. had got to complain
A: Mark was supposed to be here at eight
o’clock. He is an hour late!
B: He ________stuck in a traffic jam.
A.could get
B. might have gotten
C. should have gotten
D. would have gotten
I’ll ________John repair your bicycle soon.
a. ask
b. have
c. tell
d. hire
He _______that he had met his teacher the day
a. told
b. say
c. said
d. says
The policeman said, “ Show me your driving
The policeman told me _________________.
a. show him driving license
b. to show him driving license
c. show him my driving license
d. to show him my driving license
He said to us,” Please say nothing about this”
He asked us ____________________ about it.
a. to please not say nothing
b. not say anything
c. to say nothing
d. to say something
If I could speak spanish, I _______next year
studying in Mexico.
a. will spend
b. would have spend
c. had spent
d. would spend
Had you told me that this was going to happen, I
a. would have never believed
b. don’t believe
c. hadn’t believed
d. can’t believe
“ Did you study hard for the exam?”, she said.
She asked him_________________ for the
a. whether he studied
b. if he have studied
c. whether he has studied
d. if he had studied
I didn’t get home until well after midnight last
night. Otherwise, I ………….your call.
a. returned
b. had returned
c. would returned
d. would have returned
Let’s have a rest” said Tom. “Yes, let’s” said
a. Tom said that they had a rest and Ann said she
b. Tom suggested having a rest and Ann agreed.
c. Tom suggested they having a rest and Ann
said she would.
d. Tom asked Ann to have a rest and she would.
If you ………to my advice in the first place, you
wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
a. listen
b. will listen
c. had listened
d. listened
………..interested in that subject, I would try to
learn more about it.
a. If I am
b. Should I
c. I was
d. Were I
Rewrite the underlined sentences. Use must have,
could have, may have, or couldn’t have.

1. I didn’t hear the phone. I’m sure I was in the

backyard when you called.
I must have been in the backyard when you
2. I’m sure we didn’t see that movie yet. It only
came out last week.
We couldn’t have seen that movie yet.
3. Jack bought a new motorcycle last week.
Maybe he got a raise.
He ……………………………………………
He may / could have gotten a raise.
4. Pam didn’t finish the test yesterday. She
certainly didn’t get a good grade.
She ………………………………………
She couldn’t have gotten a good grade.
Rewrite the following sentences

1. Calvin passed the test, so he went to the

If ……………………………
If Calvin hadn’t passed the test, he wouldn’t
have gone to the college.
2. Because Nicole opened a restaurant, she had to
buy lots of appliances.
If ………………………………………….
If Nicole hadnot opened a restaurant she wouldn’t
have had to buy lots of appliances.
3. My brother didn’t take care of his gadgets, so
he lost them.
If …………………………………………………
If my brother had taken care of his gadgets, he
wouldn’t have lost them.

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