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Name: Fatimah Mahdi Balharith

ID: 443300455
Translation of NEGATION

Negation in language : is using negative words such as (no, never, nor, neither and
don’t) to change the meaning of a word or sentence to show it's untrue or not

.The translation of these words is not always easy as most people think

We will discuss some of the problems that occur when translating negation
Problem 1: NOT has one- Solution: NOT has more-
: equivalent
: than one equivalent such as
.)‫ (ال‬،)‫(لن‬،)‫(ما‬،)‫(ليس‬
Most of people when see NOT
directly translated into but it’s
.not always right

: Some examples
.The game will not be held today -1 ‫ لن ُتقام المباراة اليوم‬-١.
.Sara would not have lied -2 ‫ ما كانت سارة لتكذب‬-٢.
.He is not asleep -3 ‫ هو ليس نائًم ا‬-٣.
Problem 2: Difference between- Solution: Don’t, Doesn’t-
.Don’t, Doesn’t and Didn’t =)‫)ال‬in the present()
Some people may think that they =)‫لم‬Didn’t (in the past))
.should be translated equally

: Some examples
.My mother doesn't eat cheese -1 ‫ ُأمي ال تأُك ل الجبْن‬-١.
.Most children don't like vegetables -2 ‫ ُم عظم األطَفال ال يِح بون الخضار‬-٢.
.She didn't study hard -3 ‫ لم َتْد ُرس ِبجد‬-٣.
Problem 3: Never as one word- Solution: Never is either-
)‫(أبًد ا‬ present )‫(ال…أبًد ا‬
We cannot translated into it only past )‫(لم…أبًد ا‬
future+present )‫(لن…أبًد ا‬

: Some examples
.Never go play -1 ‫ ال تذهب للعب أبًد ا‬-١.
.I never understood -2 )‫ لم افهم أبًد ا(قط‬-٢.
.I will never fail -3 ‫ لن أفشل أبًد ا‬-٣.
Problem 4: The confusion of- Solution: Neither…nor -
translate into :)‫(ال…وال‬
.Neither…nor with Either…or

: Some examples
.I neither speak Chinese nor understand it -1 ‫ أنا ال أتكلم الصينية وال أفهمها‬-١.
.He neither likes beef nor pork -2 ‫ ال يحب لحم البقر وال لحم الخنزير‬-٢.
.Neither sweet nor sour -3 ‫ ال حلوة وال حامضة‬-٣.
Problem 5: No as- )‫ (ال‬only Solution: No-
)‫ (ليس) (ممنوع‬+)‫(ال‬
As usual people take No to

mean)‫ (ال‬only

: Some examples

.No Parking -1 ‫ ممنوع الوقوف‬-١.

.He has no time to play -2 ‫ ليس لديه وقت ِللعب‬-٢.
.I receive no mails -3 ‫ ال أتلقى أي رساِئل‬-٣.

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