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Written Examination

• It is the very first thing that you should do as a rescuer when
responding to an emergency.
A. Opening the victim’s airway
B. Establishing scene safety
C. Call for help
D. Check for responsiveness
• The depth of compression for CPR in children is
A. 1 to 1 ½ inches
B. at least 2 inches
C. about 2 inches
D. 2 to 2 ½ inches
• The ratio of chest compression to ventilation in infant CPR to 2 HCP
rescuer is
A. 15 chest compressions to 2 ventilations (5cycles)
B. 30 chest compressions to 2 ventilations (5cycles)
C. 15 chest compressions to 1 ventilation (5cycles)
D. 30 chest compressions to 1 ventilation (5cycles)
E. 15 chest compressions to 2 ventilations (10 cycles)
• This is no longer recommended in the BLS AHA 2015 Guidelines in
assessing the Airway
A. Give 2 rescue breaths over 1 second each breath
B. Observing for chest rise
C. Look, listen, and feel for air
D. Performing head tilt chin lift maneuver
• The following are criteria for not attempting CPR on a victim, EXCEPT
A. Rigor mortis
B. Absence of pulse
C. Dependent lividity
D. Decapitation
• The third link in the OHCA adult chain of survival is
A. Activation of the EMS
B. Early CPR
C. Effective advanced life support
D. Rapid defibrillation
• In doing CPR, the proper site for external chest compression on an
adult victim is
A. Center of the victim’s bare chest at the xiphoid process
B. One finger’s width above the xiphoid process
C. Center of the victim’s bare chest along the
imaginary nipple line
C. Two fingers’ width above navel
• You witnessed a patient who suddenly collapsed, you survey for scene
safety, what is the next intervention to do?
A. Call for help
B. Start CPR
C. Check for pulse
D. Check for responsiveness
• The correct rate of chest compressions per minute in doing a 1
rescuer CPR on an adult is
A. 80 compressions
B. 100-120 compressions
C. 100 compressions
D. 200 compressions
• The most common initial rhythm in witnessed sudden cardiac arrest is
A. Ventricular tachycardia
B. Ventricular asystole
C. Atrial fibrillation
D. Ventricular fibrillation
• Rescuers should check for signs of circulation in less than
A. 10 seconds
B. 15 seconds
C. 8 seconds
D. 5 seconds
• An effective chest compression is one that
A. Is produced by pushing the chest down in a fast and shallow manner
B. Produces a depth of compression of at least 3 inches
C. Allows to chest to completely recoil for 3 seconds after each compression
D. Is delivered smoothly at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute
• In infant, the correct compression-ventilation ratio for a lone rescuer
A. 30 compressions to 1 ventilation(5cycles)
B. 30 compressions to 2 ventilations(5cycles)
C. 15 compressions to 1 ventilation (5cycles)
D. 15 compressions to 2 ventilation (10cycles)
E. 15 compressions to 2 ventilations (5cycles)
• For an unresponsive child victim, the lone rescuer should
A. Provide 2 minutes (5 cycles)of CPR before calling for help
B. Activate EMS first then provide CPR
C. Provide 1 cycle CPR before calling for help
D. Activate EMS then provide CPR until the AED arrives
• The second link in the Pediatric chain of survival
A. Early defibrillation
B. Early access
C. Early CPR
D. Early ACLS
• In using the AED, if the voice prompt tells you that “NO SHOCK
INDICATED (initial)”, what is the next step that you should do?
A. Check for the pulse
B. CPR for 5 cycles
C. Give rescue breath
D. Place in recover position
• Rescue breathing is given to a child victim with inadequate breathing
or no breathing but with pulse. An adequate rescue breathing using
the bag mask technique in children is
A. 1 breath is given every 5 to 6 seconds
B. Give each breath in 2 seconds
C. 1 breath is given every 3 to 5 seconds
D. A rescue breath may or may not result in visible chest rise
• The recommended sequence of CPR in the new AHA BLS Guidelines
• Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. The most effective treatment for ventricular fibrillation is CPR.
B. Ventricular tachycardia is the most common cause of sudden cardiac death.
C. By stander CPR improves survival from ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest.
D. If the victim is a child and a likely victim of asphyxial arrest, the rescuer
should use the AED immediately.
• What are the 4 universal steps required to operate the AED?
A. POWER on the AED, ATTACH pads, deliver SHOCK, ANALYZE the rhythm
B. ATTACH pads, POWER on the AED, deliver SHOCK, ANALYZE rhythm
C. ATTACH pads, POWER on the AED, ANALYZE rhythm, deliver SHOCK
D. POWER on the AED, ATTACH pads, ANALYZE rhythm, deliver SHOCK
• If a choking victim is a responsive infant, what can you do to relieve
the obstruction?
A. Perform 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrust alternately
B. Kneel behind the victim
C. Put the victim in supine position
D. Place the patient on recovery position
• If a choking victim falls unconscious while you are performing the
abdominal thrust, you should
A. Attempt to ventilate again
B. Call for help and perform single rescuer CPR
C. Make sure that the airway is open
D. Do a blind sweep of the oral cavity
• High quality CPR in adults is best described as
A. Compression depth of about 5cm
B. No excessive ventilation
C. Compression rate of at least 100-120/min
D. All of the above
• CPR should be performed continuously until
A. AED arrives
B. Advanced life support provider takes over
C. The patient starts to move
D. All of the above
• Early access is vital for cardiac or respiratory arrest. Brain damage will
very likely occur when oxygen deprivation is about
A. 4-6 minutes
B. 6-10 minutes
C. 1-2 minutes
D. 10 minutes

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