Responsible Parenthood

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A. B. C.

The Responsible
Parenthood and
Reproductive Health
Act of 2012
What is Republic Act No. 10354?

• The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act

of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10354), informally known as
the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, is a law in the
Philippines that guarantees access to contraceptive
methods, such as fertility control, sexual education, and
maternal care
What are the guiding principles of
RA 10354?
- The state shall eradicate discriminatory practices, laws
and policies that infringe on a person’s exercise of
reproductive health rights.
- The state shall also promote openness to life; provide,
that parents bring forth to the world only those children
whom they can raise in a truly humane way.
What is the general summary of the

- It aims to promote responsible parenthood and to

provide access to information and services related to
reproductive health.
What are the special provisions of RA
10354 that produces responsible
parenthood and reproductive health?
- Prevention of unintended pregnancies and responsible
sexuality, including providing access to information and
services related to sexual and reproductive health.
- Promotion of family planning and responsible parenthood,
including providing access to information and education on
various family planning methods.
What are your evaluation
towards the law in the
preservation of the family
in the Philippines?
• Every Filipino living in our country
could gain from this law. One of the
problems today is early pregnancy.
This law might teach teens how to
manage relationships in a way that
prevents early pregnancy.
What are your evaluation
towards the law in the
preservation of the family
in the Philippines?
• To improve the advertise of the law RA
10354 “responsible parenthood and
reproductive health”. Some people know
this law but it is not that discussed and
practice at home. Also, to conduct more
seminars and lectures about the law RA
Roles of Responsible Parents

The following are some of the roles of responsible


• Provide for financial and material needs of the

• Care for children.
• Provide for their children’s education – the best
legacy of the parents to their children is education.
Roles of Responsible Parents
• Provide shelter – (a place conducive enough to
grow up and learn in, and a peaceful, safe, and
healthy environment.)
• Cultural orientation (teach children to have
respect for their elders, how to eat local food,
and to be acquainted with festivals and history
of their community).
• Provide proper nutrition and health care to
safeguard the child’s physical health.
oles of Responsible Parents
• Make sure that their children are happy.
• Teach their children how to work
• Make tough decisions for the welfare of the
Family Planning
Family Planning
• A program that enables parents to deliberately and responsibly
decide the number and spacing of their children.

• An expression of responsible parenting based on informed choices

and decisions of couples based on their social and economic

1. Prevent unwanted pregnancy
2. Informed-decision on the desired number of children
3. Child spacing
Advantage and Disadvantages of Family Planning

Benefits of family planning/contraception according to the


• Prevent pregnancy-related health risks in women

• Reduce infant mortality
• Help prevent HIV/AIDS
• Empower people and enhance education
• Reduce adolescent pregnancies
• Slow population growth
Advantage and Disadvantages of Family Planning

Benefits of Using Family Planning According to DOH

Family planning provides many benefits to mother, children, father, and

the family.

• Enables her to regain her health after delivery
• Gives enough time and opportunity to love and provide
attention to her husband and children
• Gives more time for her family and own personal advancement
• When suffering from an illness, gives enough time for treatment
and recovery
Advantage and Disadvantages of Family Planning

Benefits of Using Family Planning According to DOH

• Healthy mothers produce healthy children
• Will get all the attention, security, love, and care they deserve

• Lightens the burden and responsibility in supporting his family
• Enables him to give his children their basic needs (food, shelter,
education, and better future)
• Gives him time for his family and own personal advancement
• When suffering from an illness, gives enough time for treatment
and recovery
Advantage and Disadvantages of Family Planning
• Birth control health risks
- Some forms of birth control pose health concerns for women and
men, such as allergies to spermicides or latex. For some women, oral
contraceptives can lead to hair loss and weight gain, and the use of
diaphragms can lead to urinary tract infections.
• Possibility of pregnancy
- Family planning methods are not one hundred percent reliable. Other
than abstinence, there is no birth control method (including the natural
rhythm method) that is completely effective. Couples who are engaging
in sexual activity should always consider the possibility of an
unexpected pregnancy.
• Pregnancy after birth control
Teenage Pregnancy
• National Statistics Office

- 8 percent among 1.7 million

babies born in 2004 were born to
mothers 15-19 years old
- almost one of every 10 babies is
born to teenage mothers.
- almost 10 percent of the born
babies from young mothers are
Teenage Pregnancy

• Population Institute of the

University of the Philippines

- more than 46 percent of teenage

pregnant woman resort to induced
- 2 of every 5 teenage pregnancies
are unwanted ones.
The Natural Family Planning Method
- Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the method that uses
the body’s natural physiological changes and symptoms
to identify the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual
cycle. Such methods are also known as fertility-based
awareness methods.
Traditional / Natural Family
Planning Methods
Periodic Abstinence

• Fertility Awareness Method

• No sexual intercourse during fertile
- During the menstrual cycle, the
female hormones estrogen and
progesterone cause some observable
effects. Observation of these changes
provides a basis for periodic
abstinence methods.
Traditional / Natural Family
Planning Methods
Periodic Abstinence

a. Rhythm or Calendar Method

- The rhythm method is a form of
natural family planning to help identify
when a person is ovulating. It’s done
by tracking a person’s menstrual
cycles on a calendar to either avoid or
engage in sexual intercourse during a
person’s fertile days.
Traditional / Natural Family
Planning Methods

Periodic Abstinence

b. Basal Body Temperature

- The basal body temperature is a
woman’s lowest body temperature
at rest on a given day.
Traditional / Natural Family
Planning Methods
Periodic Abstinence

c. Cervical Mucus Method

• The cervical mucus method is based on
carefully observing the woman’s mucus patterns
during ovulation.
• A woman is ovulating when upon observation
her cervical mucus is thin and watery.
• According to this method, a woman is fertile
during the days when she observes her cervical
mucus is thin and watery, plus the day after it as
Traditional / Natural Family
Planning Methods

Periodic Abstinence

d. Lactation Amenorrhea Method

- Lactational amenorrhea is the
temporary infertility that occurs in a
woman when she is not
menstruating after giving birth and
that she is fully breastfeeding.
Hormonal Contraceptives/ Artificial Family
- Hormonal contraceptives are an effective family planning method that
manipulates the hormones that directly affect the normal menstrual cycle
so that ovulation will not occur.
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Oral Contraceptive

- It is also known as the pill. Oral

contraceptives contain synthetic
estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen suppresses ovulation
while progesterone decreases the
permeability of the cervical mucus
to limit the sperm’s access to the
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Transdermal Contraceptive Patch

- A transdermal patch is a medicated

adhesive patch that is placed on the skin
to deliver a specific dose of medication
through the skin and into the bloodstream.
In this case, a transdermal contraceptive
patch has a combination of both estrogen
and progesterone released into the
bloodstream to prevent pregnancy.
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Vaginal Ring
- The birth control ring is a flexible
circular device that goes inside the
vagina. It slowly releases hormones
through the vaginal wall into the
bloodstream. These hormones help
prevent pregnancy.
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Subdermal Implants

- Subdermal contraceptive implants

involve the delivery of a steroid
progestin from polymer capsules or
rods placed under the skin. The
hormone diffuses out slowly at a
stable rate, providing contraceptive
effectiveness for 1-5 years.
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Hormonal Injections
- It is a contraceptive injection given
once every three months. It typically
suppresses ovulation, keeping the
ovaries from releasing an egg.
Hormonal Injections also thickens
cervical mucus to keep the sperm from
reaching the egg. The contraceptive
injection (also called Depo) is an
injection of the hormone progestogen.
Hormonal Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Chemical Barriers
- Chemical barriers, such as spermicides, vaginal gels and creams, and
glycerin films are also used to cause the death of sperms before they
can enter the cervix. It lowers the pH level of the vagina, so it will not
become conducive for the sperm. However, these chemical barriers
cannot prevent sexually transmitted infections.
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
- A diaphragm is a form of birth
control where a shallow cup-shaped
silicone inserted into the vagina. The
silicone acts as a barrier to prevent
the sperm from joining the egg cell.
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Cervical Cap

- The cervical cap is another barrier

method that is made of soft rubber and
fitted on the rim of the cervix.
-It is shaped like a thimble with a thin
rim, and could stay in place for not more
than 48 hours.
Contraceptives/ Artificial
Family Methods
Female Condoms

- It is a thin pouch inserted into

the vagina before sex serving as
protective barrier to prevent
pregnancy and protection from
sexually transmitted diseases,
including HIV. Female condoms
create a barrier that prevents
bodily fluids and semen from
entering the vagina.
Surgical Methods
- One of the most effective birth control methods is the surgical method. This
meth ensures conception is inhibited permanently after the surgery.
Two kinds of surgical methods:

1. Vasectomy
- A surgical operation wherein the
tube that carries the sperm to a
man’s penis is cut. It is a permanent
male contraception method. This
procedure preserves ejaculation and
does not cause impotence or erectile
dysfunction since the vasectomy
does not involve anything in the
production of testosterone.
2. Tubal ligation
- is surgical procedure to prevent
pregnancy. It has commonly been
called “getting your tubes tied.” It is
also called a female sterilization.
Tubal refers to the fallopian tubes.
Each month, an egg is released
from an ovary and travels through
the fallopian tube to the uterus.
Alejo, Ashley Joy
Arago, Rochelyn Ann
Aquino, Julius
Bato, Jan Antonette
Melendez, Christine
Rico, Bea Kissandra
Velasco, Grezielyn
Uson, Deborah Raine

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