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Meaning and Nature
Objective in relationto time and place
 Education is a multifaceted and fundamental process that involves the acquisition and develop
ment of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes
. It is a lifelong journey that enables individuals to learn and grow, leading to personal
enrichment, social progress, and the advancement of society.
 The term ‘Education’ has been derived from different Latin words. ‘Educare
’ means ‘to bring out’ or ‘to nourish’, ‘Educere’ means ‘to lead out’ or ‘to draw out’, ‘
Educatum’ means ‘act of teaching’ or ‘training’, ‘Educatus
’ means ‘to bring up, rear, educate’, and ‘Educatio
’ means “a breeding, a bringing up, a rearing”2.
In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accu
mulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another
 The nature of education is complex and continuous.
It is a dynamic process that develops the child according to changing situations and times 3. It
starts from the womb of the mother and continues till death. It is the process of development
from infancy to maturity.
It includes the effect of everything which influences human personality 2.
 The objectives of education vary and are influenced by time and place. Some of the key objectives include:

1. Nurturing Growth Mindset: Education helps to create a growth mindset.

It makes people understand that skills and qualities can be acquired4.
2. Improving Confidence
: Education builds confidence and gives one motivation and strength to take a stand in public and differentiate between right and wr
3. Enhancing Personal Growth
: Education helps one to take risks in life and discover their interest and identify what excites them in life4.
4. Betterment of Society: Education contributes to nation development.
If you are well-educated, you analyze different situations in life and contribute towards the betterment of society4.
 In relation to time and place, the objectives of education can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a society or community.
For example, in the 21st century, there is a greater emphasis on technology and innovation, hence education today focuses more on t
hese areas
. Similarly, in different places, the focus of education might be different based on the cultural, social, and economic needs of the
For instance, in a rural community, the focus might be more on vocational skills, while in an urban setting, it might be more on acad
emic knowledge and technological skills

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