PR Ése Ntation Small Talk Anglais

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Welcome to Japan!

Welcome to Japan, where it is home of many lively cultures, such as anime!

Before I start, Let me start with the traditional Japanese greeting; for now
i have to say the cringiest thing

The typical form of respect, the bow!

For now,here's a low quality representation I grabbed from Google of
different types of bows! This is why I like Japan in the first place,
respect amongst others is the country's tradition. The deeper the bow
is, the more respect you show.
But first, a question for you
What do you guys know or like about Japan?
(please answer it i need to improvise)

(filler image don't take it seriously, it's

really empty in here)
I have to answer that question for
myself oh noes
• Personally, what I like in Japan for example is the
culture, the scenery, the video games I will show below;

Shinto Shrines The ever popular Kabukichō

Mount Fuji
(Torii gates)
yay more culture and more stuff to
talk about Let us talk about anime, yaaay. I
don't like anime, so I have one
I also like the more question to ask; What kind of
history of anime do you guys watch? I'll just
Japan, as a put this here;
matter of fact;
the Edo period
is my favorite.
Full of honor,
swordsmanry and
mostly, blood.

There's also Oni masks; Oni

means Demon in Japanese.
Pretty edgy but extremely
oh god finally this is over but i
still have to talk japanese
say that thing that means thanks for listening and tell them goodbye (kiite kurete arigatou to sayonara)

and to be fair don't ask why i put persona 5 here and not anywhere else, i gotta put some self insert

(also teach(er), i didn't put capitals on the I's intentionally don't flame me for it)

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