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The construction of a

Leed certified multistoried

multipurpose shopping complex at
Ananda Bazar

Proposed Site 1:

• Total Perimeter:
266.31 m
• Total Area: 3391.7

Proposed Site 1:

Proposed Site 1:

Proposed Site 2:

• Total Perimeter:
149.1 m
• Total Area: 1355.89

Proposed Site 2:

Proposed Site 2:

Objectives Develop a L E E D certif ied shopping
complex to minimize envir onm ental
01 impact.

E stablish a bustling commer cial center

that meets the m any demands of the

Promote sustainable practices in

03 constr uction and oper ation and

minimized car bon footpr int.

E ncourages entrepr eneur ship, economic

gr owth, and employment oppor tunities.

• The Locals have been

informed before that
the place would be
demolished and
establish Fire service or
RAB office.
• Total Shops at
Anandabazar: 500
• Total Shops at our
proposed site:

• On average each shop
rent: 30000 TK
• Ownership:
• Staff number: 5-7
• Staff income:
12000-15000 TK
• Income per month:
70000-80000 TK
LEED Certification Levels
Depending on the level of efficiency the building demonstrates there are
multiple levels of certification that can be earned.
LEED Certified Building in

According to Dhaka Tribune, “The attainment of 200 USGBC certified LEED green factories stands as
a testament to Bangladesh's resolve in fostering a more sustainable and prosperous future.”

Pla tin u m Silv e r Go ld

73 10 11 3
Gre e n Sp a c e & Wa te r
Me te rin g
Vegetation and indoor and outdoor
Water reduction

En e rg y Effic ie n t
Renewable energy with low
According to, emitting materials
U.S. Green Building
Council (USGBC)
Ra in wa te r Ma n a g e me nt
Car washing, water demand
Other facilities
According to USGBC code,

• Open Space (Provide outdoor space greater than or equal to 30% of the total site
area (including building footprint)
• H e a t I s l a n d R e d u c t i o n ( H i g h - R e f l e c t a n c e R o o f , Ve g e t a t e d R o o f )
• Light Pollution Reduction
• Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
• Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies (Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies,
I n t e r i o r C r o s s - C o n t a m i n a t i o n P r e v e n t i o n , F i l t r a t i o n o f O u t d o o r A i r, F i l t r a t i o n o f
R e c i r c u l a t e d A i r, I n c r e a s e d Ve n t i l a t i o n 1 5 P e r c e n t O p e r a b l e Wi n d o w s , E n g i n e e r e d
N a t u r a l Ve n t i l a t i o n , C a r b o n D i o x i d e M o n i t o r i n g , A d d i t i o n a l S o u r c e C o n t r o l a n d
• Thermal Comfort
• Interior Lighting and Daylight (Glare Control , Color Rendering , Lighting
Control , Surface Reflectivity)
• A c o u s t i c P e r f o r m a n c e : H VA C B a c k g r o u n d N o i s e , S o u n d Tr a n s m i s s i o n
• Bicycle networking
Demolition &
Waste Management
Features of the Building:

Indoor Games and Arcades Gymnasium Shopping and Food court

Shopping Complex Roof Garden or Vegetation

Si te Assessment:
•Identify environmental constraints and
opportunities and soil investigation

St akeholder Engagement:
•Collaboration and engagement with
government, engineers, architect, local
De si gn and Planning:
•Detailed design and construction
Moni t ori ng and Evaluation:
•Observation of monthly financial
reports, occupancy reports. construction
progress reports and risk assessment.

Resett l ement Action Plan

•land acquisition and resettlement
impacts and design our project following
the legal and policy framework
1. Ministry of Road Transportation and Bridges . (2019, October). Resettlement Action Plan. Government of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

2. U.S Green Building Council. (2019). Reference Guide For BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION.

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