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Study between contact,

location based task

reminder android
Table content:

01Brief Background Problem definition

03 04 objectives
06 contrains 07
05 User requirements
O1/ Brief Background
In spite of learning extremely busy lives people
these day's still use a paper and pen to remine
themselves of the tasks that are to be done on
their mobile to remind them of the tasks at a
particular Time. In time like there location based
tasks reminder system can be very helpful.
02/ Problem definition
One of the most common problems that occur with any GPS
is correct tracking. The most up-to-date navigation services -
think Google Maps- has the ability to pinpoint your location
with minimum fault of 3-10 meters. This positioning works
best in ideal conditions, meaning you are located in a city,
preferably a major one, are outdoors compared to indoors
and have a strong cellular connection with whichever device
you are using. Yet even with ideal conditions met, there are
some points during the day that you will experience points
with poor tracking. Unfortunately, this is something you do
not have the ability to change.
Unfortunately, this is something you do not have the
ability to change. So, what causes a sudden change in
accuracy when the tracking application was working
correctly 30 minutes ago? In short, it is often about
GPS signals. These signals have to travel huge
distance through the atmosphere from multiple
satellites to reach your mobile phone (in most cases
they do it via special devices) and the quality of such
signal plays major role. The problem is that your
device needs to receive strong signals from at least 3-
4 satellites and ideally 7-8, at a time to provide the
most accurate location data.
04/ objective
The reminders used these days will only remind the
user based on time. The main purpose of this
application is to allow users to create reminders
based on the location, not only time, and to notify
users with those reminders automatically when are
close to the location specified. It is beneficial if the
notifying alarm triggers when the user is actually
present near or at that specific location.
The purpose of research into the relationship
between GPS, contacts, and reminders is to
develop new and innovative ways to use these
technologies to improve people's lives. Some of
the potential benefits of this research include:
• Time based task reminder system
• Location based task reminder system
However, there are limitations to consider. One
limitation is privacy concerns, as the application
requires access to the user's location data.
Users may be hesitant to share their location
information due to potential misuse or
unauthorized access. Another limitation is the
accuracy of GPS technology, which can be
affected by factors such as signal interference
or limited satellite coverage in certain areas.
It's important to note that the scope and
limitations of the GPS Reminder and Contact
application may vary depending on the specific
features and implementation of the app.

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