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Session 11: Building a case

Prepared By Miss. Sheikha AL-Dosarry

Learning Outcomes:
Understand the role of argument in business communication.
Identify features/elements of a business argument.
Use language effectively to make a case in a business context.
Write a reflection.

What is an argument?
 In everyday situations: an argument is an angry discussion between
people who hold contrasting views.
 In business and academic contexts: stating one or more points of view, the
claim or claims, and supporting them with explanations, examples and
The aim of an argument is to persuade other people to accept, or at least
seriously consider, your view and to ultimately influence their ideas,
decisions and behavior so we need it in building a case.

The aim of an argument in workplace
 Employees and business partners need it in fulfilling their
specific roles and responsibilities; Such as in proposing a
product design or course of action, highlight problems or
suggest solutions, and support their suggestions by drawing on
their specific knowledge, expertise or insights from research.

The aim of an argument in academic context
 Academic writers put forward and support their arguments in
order to compare them with those presented by their colleagues
to contribute new knowledge to their fields.
Students are also expected to demonstrate this skill because
they are expected to contribute to the academic community and
because the ability to build an argument is also crucial in the

Components of an argument text

 Argument contains both a claim and a supporting explanation or evidence.

To convince the reader with the claim , you need a support for it:

1. Explanation:
Explain why you are making a claim. This could be done using business
concepts, theories and frameworks such as Maslow’s theory of psychological
needs and external business environment.

2. Evidence:
Use evidence or data from research and other sources in the business world.
Evidence can include facts, figures and reports.
Components of an argument text

Practice identifying the components of an argument
Activity 11.3
Read the text below, which has sentences numbered 1, 2, etc. Type the numbers of the
sentences in the boxes below to show which are claims or support in the text.
Text 3:[1] Heather was satisfied before Renata took over as supervisor. [2] This can be
explained by using Maslow’s theory (1943) based on psychological needs. [3] She had
good working conditions with a regular income; she seemed to have had job security; a
good relationship with all levels of staff within the branch, socializing with them at
Christmas meals and a small party for Jenny’s retirement. [4] She had regular hours and
had been reasonably flexible in adapting her hours or doing overtime to help the other
staff as and when needed.

Components of the argument

Claim 1
Support 2-4
The language of argument
In developing an argument you can use : linking words,
reporting verbs and hedging and boosting language.
The language of argument
Hedging and boosting words in argument:
• An argument can be made strongly, or more weak depending
on the explanation and evidence you have .
The key language resources used for this
include hedging and boosting.
Hedging is used to show uncertainty, modesty and respect for
others’ views
Boosting is used to show confidence in your claims and results .
• Modal verbs, certain other verbs, adverbs and adjectives are
primary language resources..
(a)Who their customers are and what they expect is a big factor.
(b)Future employees may be influenced by stories and lore.
(Hedging )
Activity 11.10
Read the sentences below, specifically looking for hedging (weak or tentative) and boosting (strong) words
used by the writers. Highlight the words that boost or hedge claims
a. There was absolutely no recognition for high-achieving individuals or stores with high sales.
b. There was an enormous increase in absenteeism and staff leaving the business.
c. They appear to believe that employees are driven by money only.
d. Renata seems to predominately be a theory X manager as she feels the need to keep a
constant eye on the staff and questions anything that seems to be wrong.
e. She had regular hours and had been reasonably flexible in adapting her hours.
f. Our British sourcing credentials are an important part of our customer proposition.
g. Perhaps more importantly, the CMKAP is a clear statement of intent in terms of how local
people and businesses want to see our City Centre develop in the coming years.
h. We must acknowledge and learn from our past mistakes. Our future prosperity is not
guaranteed – we must actively work together to achieve it.
i. Therefore, a holistic economic approach that takes into account human and environmental
needs may help change the situation (World Tourism Organization, 2011).
j. Here the influence of their founder seems the most important.
Activity 11.10
a. There was absolutely no recognition for high-achieving individuals or stores with high sales.
b. There was an enormous increase in absenteeism and staff leaving the business.
c. They appear to believe that employees are driven by money only.
d. Renata seems to predominately be a theory X manager as she feels the need to keep a constant eye on the staff
and questions anything that seems to be wrong.
e. She had regular hours and had been reasonably flexible in adapting her hours.
f. Our British sourcing credentials are an important part of our customer proposition.
g. Perhaps more importantly, the CMKAP is a clear statement of intent in terms of how local people and businesses
want to see our city centre develop in the coming years.
h. We must acknowledge and learn from our past mistakes. Our future prosperity is not guaranteed – we must
actively work together to achieve it.
i. Therefore, a holistic economic approach that takes into account human and environmental needs may help
change the situation (World Tourism Organization, 2011).
j. Here the influence of their founder seems the most important.

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