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Basic Epidemiology



01 02 03
History of Purpose Concept of
Epidemiology Epidemiology epidemiologic triangle

04 05 06
concept History of Epidemiologic Conclusion
disease Prevention
History of Epidemiology
According to its origin, epidemiology consists of the words
Epi = on
Demos = population / people
logos = science,

So epidemiology is the study of things that happen to populations.

This definition is a very broad definition and can be applied to any
situation that occurs in the population. Generally, this definition
includes things that are closely related to the study of epidemics.

Epidemiology is a science that has been known through historical

records in ancient times and even developed together with medical
science because the two disciplines are related to each other.
Epidemiology in the implementation of disease prevention and
eradication programs requires medical sciences such as physiology,
biochemistry, pathology, microbiology and genetics...
History of Epidemiology

● Initially epidemiology was defined as the study of epidemics. This means that epidemiology only
studies infectious diseases but in later developments epidemiology also studied non-infectious
diseases, so epidemiology can be defined as the study of the spread of disease in humans in the context
● Epidemiology also includes the study of disease patterns and the search for determinants of the
disease. So it can be concluded that epidemiology is the study of the spread of disease and the
determinants that affect the disease.
Within the boundaries of epidemiology, at least 3 elements are included, namely

1. Covers all diseases 2. Population If clinical medicine is 3. Ecological approach The frequency
Epidemiology studies all oriented towards the description of and distribution of disease is studied
diseases, both infectious and individual diseases, epidemiology against the backdrop of the entire
non-infectious diseases, such focuses on the distribution of diseases human environment - physical,
as cancer, malnutrition, traffic in populations (communities) or biological and social. This is what is
accidents and work accidents, groups. meant by the ecological approach The
occurrence of disease in a person is
studied from humans and their total
Purpose Epidemiology
According to Lilienfeld in Timmreck's book (2004), there are three objectives of epidemiology
epidemiology, namely:

Explaining the etiology (study of the causes of disease) of a disease or group of diseases,
conditions, disorders, defects, disabilities, syndromes, or deaths through analysis of medical and epidemiologic data by
medical and epidemiologic data by using information management as well as information
from any appropriate field or discipline, including social/behavioral sciences.
Determine whether the epidemiologic data are consistent with the hypothesis and with the science, behavioral science,
and social/behavioral sciences.
and with the latest science, behavioral science, and biomedical science.
Provide a basis for the development of control measures and prevention procedures
for at-risk groups and populations, and for the development of necessary public health measures and activities; all of
which are
public health measures and activities; all of which will be used to evaluate the
the success of intervention measures, activities, and programs. (Timmreck, 2004: 3)
Concept of epidemiologic triangle
Epidemiology uses an ecological perspective to examine the interactions of various elements and factors in the environment
and their implications for disease.
and factors in the environment and their implications for disease. Ecology
is the relationship of organisms, one to another.
This model is useful for showing the interactions and interdependencies between the environment, the host, the agent, and
between environment, host, agent and time. The epidemiologic triangle is used
to analyze the role and interrelationship of each factor in the epidemiology of infectious diseases, namely
epidemiology, namely the influence, reactivity, and effect that each factor has on other factors.
each factor has on the other factors.
Concept of epidemiologic triangle
1 . Agents (causative factors)
Agents are the cause of disease, which can be bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi,
or molds which are the agents found to be
cause of infectious disease
Concept of the epidemiologic triangle
2. Host
A host is an organism, usually a human or animal that
where the disease is harboring. The host provides a place
and livelihood to a pathogen (disease-causing microorganism) and it may or may not be affected
by the disease.
and may or may not be affected by the disease.
3. Environment
The environment is everything that surrounds and also the conditions
conditions outside humans or animals that cause or allow
transmission of disease
concept History of disease

Natural history of disease is a description of the time course and progression of

disease in an individual. of the time course and progression of disease in an
individual, from exposure to the causal agent to the onset of the disease outcome,
such as recovery or death, without interruption. outcome of the disease, such as
recovery or death, without being interrupted by a preventive or therapeutic
intervention so that the disease occurs naturally (CDC, 2010). (CDC, 2010).
Knowledge of the natural history of disease is as important as the cause of disease for
disease prevention and control efforts. prevention and control efforts, by knowing the
behavior and characteristics behavior and characteristics of each disease, appropriate
interventions can be developed to identify and overcome the disease problem
(Gordis, 2000). (Gordis, 2000). Prevention Epidemiology Prevention efforts
Epidemiologic Prevention
The preventive measures that can be taken will correspond to the pathological
development of the disease over time
pathological progression of the disease over time, so prevention efforts are
are divided into different levels according to the course of the disease. There are
four main levels of disease prevention, namely (Bustan, 2016):

a. Primordial prevention
b. Specific protection:
c. Secondary prevention
d. Tertiary prevention
Epidemiology is an investigative method used to detect the cause or source of a disease, syndrome,
condition or risk that causes illness, injury, disability or death.
of diseases, syndromes, conditions or risks that cause illness, injury, disability or death
in a population or in a group of people. Epidemiology focuses on the type and extent of
injuries, conditions or diseases that afflict a group or population, epidemiology also
addresses the risk factors that can impact, influence, trigger, and effect the distribution of
of disease, disability, and death. As a scientific method, epidemiology is also
used to examine patterns of occurrence that influence the above factors. Epidemiology
is an investigative method used to detect the cause or source of disease,
syndromes, conditions or risks that cause illness, injury, disability or death in a population or in a group
of people.
population or in a group of people

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