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Objectives: build up the sense of what to learn.

Have a brief introduction of the reading skills in this


6% Writing
Listening and Speaking 10%
Write about how animals use light.
Explain what features animals use to

Language and Vocabulary
64% Reading Learn and use academic vocabulary words.
1.Read and analyze the science article Living
2.Practice using a Comparison Chart.

Objectives: use the high frequency words to practice the language
Explain function.
1. Have students talk about the picture.
2. Listen to the song, ask and answer questions.
3. Explain what features an animal use to survive, and ask students
to explain by themselves with the sentence frame.

Sea Creatures and 1/3 A

2/33/3giraffe hasexplain
What you a long neck,
do they use and
to it's
Their Features asurvive?
giraffe's feature.
an animal uses It survive?
to means a body
Let's listen to the chant and
The firefly squid is tiny but bright. part. We answer.
can see so many sea
firefly squid shark find the
Its tentacles light up the sea. • The chant is about animals that
It uses blue light to catch its prey, creatures in this aquarium. What
live in the sea.
But it just looks pretty to me! are they? Language Frame
• I can explain that features mean
A hammerhead shark is twenty feet long.
shark parts”.
uses _________its mouth to
It has teeth in its mouth to tear food.stingray _________.
tear food
• When you explain, you make
It eats lots of prey, like shy stingray.
something easier to understand.
(Click to show the model answer.)

That hammerhead’s one scary dude.

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have students repeat
after you. Then, explain the word.
2. Read and have students repeat the sentence, help and
encourage students to use the word to make a new sentence.

attack verb

When animals attack
something, it means they
try to hurt it.

Some animals attack other
animals to say, “Go away!”

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have students repeat
after you. Then, explain the word.
2. Read and have students repeat the sentence, help and
encourage students to use the word to make a new sentence.

attract verb

To attract something
means to get it to come

The light from a bulb will
attract moths to it.

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have students repeat
after you. Then, explain the word.
2. Read and have students repeat the sentence, help and
encourage students to use the word to make a new sentence.

message noun

A message is information
you give by speaking or

You can send a message
for a friend to read.

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have students repeat
after you. Then, explain the word.
2. Read and have students repeat the sentence, help and
encourage students to use the word to make a new sentence.

recognize verb

To recognize means to
know who someone is or
what something is.

It’s easy to recognize
people that you know.

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have students repeat
after you. Then, explain the word.
2. Read and have students repeat the sentence, help and
encourage students to use the word to make a new sentence.

seem verb

To seem means to look or
act like.

The game seems hard, but it is
really easy to play.

Objectives: review and practice the reading strategy.
1. Have students look at the pictures and the words, then answer the
questions with the sentence frames. Click to show the model
• What can you see in the pictures? answer.
2. Click to help students recall the definition of making inferences
What do you read? and how to make inferences.

• What do you know about the

puffer fish?
• What features does the puffer
fish use to survive? Why does the
fish change in this way?
Language Frames
(Click to show the model answer.)

that the puffer fish gets big

I read ______________________ When it is in danger, the puffer fish gets big.
when it is in danger
I know that the puffer fish is
scared of the bigger animals
____________________________. Making inferences means using what you know to make a
I can make an inference
And so, _____________________ guess about what you don’t know.
that the puffer fish protects itself
____________________________ Sometimes we need to combine clues in the photographs
by looking big
____________________________. and text with what we already know to make inferences.
(Click to show how to make inferences.) 3
Objectives: pre-read the story, make predictions.
1. Have students look at the cover of the story. Ask and answer the
2. Click to show the text features, remind students to complete the
thinking map while reading the text.
Text Features
Genre Identify Details
Look article
A science for headings.
gives They tell what the parts of the article are
1. What’s the genre of
about. This one tells how
information. this text?
some living things survive. heading 2. What does the
heading tell about?
really happen. Lights That Help Mushrooms
really happen. It is
(Click to show the answer.)

Lights That Help

Preview and Predict
3. What can you see in
Mushrooms haveAspores.
have spores.
like amushrooms
seed. The mushrooms
Living Lights
spore is A spore is like a seed. The the picture?
spit their spores into the air. 4. Use the title and
spit their spores into the air. by Dr. Dennis Desjardin photo to help you make
a prediction (guess).

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.
Lights at My Feet 2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
the given questions.
I was in a forest in Brazil. Strange
lights were all around my feet.
They Text Features
looked like stars on the 1. Point to the heading.
What does it tell you?
ground. They were
These mushrooms look different
during the day than they do at night. Compare
2. How does the
mushroom look
different during the
day than it does at
These mushrooms glow
in the dark.

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.
2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
The mushrooms were bioluminescent. the given questions.

They could make light.

Point of View
I am a scientist. I study mushrooms. I 1. Who is giving the
wanted to learn more about them and information in this
science article?
other living lights. Turn the pages to
see what I learned. Make Inferences
2. What do you think
Dr. Desjardin wants to
learn about this
Here I am studying mushrooms. kind of mushroom?

Bioluminescent mushrooms

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.

Lights That Help Mushrooms This mushroom grows on the

2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
the given questions.

Mushrooms have spores. A spore is sides of trees. It is from Australia. Identify Details
like a seed. The mushrooms spit their 1. What are spores?
spores into the air. The wind carries 2. What do they grow
the spores to new places where they into?
3. Why are some insects
grow into new mushrooms.
attracted to mushrooms?
Sometimes insects carry spores to
new places. Light attracts insects.
When they land on the glowing Make Inferences
mushrooms, some spores might stick 4. What would happen to
to them. When the insects leave, so the mushrooms without
do the spores! the wind or insects?

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
Lights That Invite Insects with correct phrasing.
2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
Some animals make light, too.the given questions.

A glowworm makes sticky

threads, like a spider web. It Make Inferences
hangs the threads from the tops 1. Why would a cave be
of caves. The threads make a a good place for a
glowworm’s trap?
trap. Text Features
2. What is the heading in
this page? What is the
3. What is the difference
between a heading and a

A dark cave is a good place for a

glowworm glowworm’s trap.

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.
Then the glowworm shines its light. 2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
the given questions.
Other insects fly to the light and get
stuck in the threads. Then the
glowworm eats the insects.
Make Comparisons
1. How are glowworms
and bioluminescent
mushrooms alike?

Look closer at the

glowworms’ light!

Glowworms light up
this cave. They look
like stars.

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.

Lights That Send Messages

One kind of beetle called a firefly
uses light to talk to other fireflies.
The light in its tail blinks on and

These mushrooms glow

in the dark.
Flashing lights help fireflies find other fireflies.

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.
2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
Sometimes a firefly flashes its light to warn of danger. But most the given questions.

of the time, fireflies are just trying to find each other.

A male firefly flashes a light. A female firefly flashes back to Identify Details
answer. They keep flashing until they find each other. 1. What is a firefly?
2. How do fireflies send
messages to each other?
3. Name two ways
fireflies use light.

Make Comparisons
4. How is a glowworm
like a firefly? How are
they different?
A firefly uses its light to send
These mushrooms glow
a message to other fireflies.
in the dark.

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.
Lights in the Sea 2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
the given questions.
Many living lights live in the deep sea.
An anglerfish has a rod on its head. The
end of the rod glows. It attracts small Text Features
fish. When a fish swims to the light— 1. Look at the heading.
SNAP! The anglerfish eats it. This shark looks for dark
What is this part of the
shapes in the water. article about?

Make Comparisons
This anglerfish uses its
light to catch fish 2. How are the
glowworm and the
anglerfish alike?

Ocean predators often look up to the surface.

They know a darkThese mushrooms glow
in the dark.
may be food.

Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
Lights That Hide Animals with correct phrasing.
2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
the given questions.
The anglerfish’s light attracts prey. Other ocean animals use light to
escape or hide from predators. Explain
Bioluminescent animals are hard to see in the bright water . So the 1. How does light help
predator moves on. ocean animals escape
from some predators ?
Some jellyfish are hard to see in
bright water.
Make Comparisons
2. How are the jellyfish
and the anglerfish

Make Inferences
3. Why would a
bioluminescent jellyfish
be hard to see in bright
This comb jelly makes light to water?
scare predators .
Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the science article.
1. Model how to read with correct phrasing. Then have students read
with correct phrasing.
2. Have students talk about the science article with the guidance of
Many animals are bioluminescent. the given questions.

To me, that’s exciting.

There are many questions left to answer. Trying to find the
answers will be a great adventure.

Make Inferences
1. Name three ways
some animals use light to
survive in their
Some squids are bioluminescent. environments.

These mushrooms glow

in the
Pinecone fishdark.
can also make light.

Objectives: compare different animals using light.
1. Have students talk about the pictures then complete the
comparison chart. Click to show the answers.
Comparison Chart 2. Use the comparison chart to tell about the animals in Living
Lights with the language frames.
How It Uses Light Animal
How do different animals use
light in Living Lights?
to attract prey • glowworm • Complete the comparison chart.
(Click to show the answer.)
• anglerfish • Use your comparison chart to tell about the
animals in Living Lights.

to send messages
• firefly Language Frames
(Click to show the answer.)
Some animals use light to

to hide from • jellyfish ________________________.

predators • comb jelly These animals include:
(Click to show the answer.)
Objectives: talk about what living things use light to do
with the comparison chart.
Click the pictures to show different animals in the comparison chart.
Comparison Chart Then have students talk about what different animals use light to do
with the sentence frame.
How It Uses Light Animal Write About What Living Things Use
Light to Do

to attract prey anglerfish glowworm • Animals use light in many different

ways. Think of an animal that uses light.
• What does(Click
the animal
the pictures to showuse light
different to do?

Write a sentence.
to send
messages firefly
Writing Frame

________ use(s) light to ________.

to hide from comb
predators jellyfish

Objectives: explain the online exercise.
Explain the homework to students. Remind students to shoot and
post their writing.

• Online exercise

• My Writing Journal P17-20

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