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Latin America

during the
second half of
the 20th century
Group 1: Bianca Romero, Karime Villalba, Mateo
Osejo, Santiago Ramirez and Keyra Gonzabay
The Sandinista
case: history of a
regional discontent
By the beginning of the 20th century, nationalist sentiments emerged
in the countries of Central and South America.America. The U.S.
supported his fall and favored the election of a favorable candidate
who would commit to pay the Nicaraguan debt in exchange for a
military occupation of the exchange for occupying the
country militarily and thus securingthe country and thus secure its
interests.It was in this context that Augusto Sandino appeared,a man
who belonged to the most popular strata of societyand who fought
arduously with his guerrillas for several years until he succeeded
inguerrillas for several years until he succeeded in getting the U.S.
troops to leave Nicaragua.U.S. troops to leave Nicaragua.In 1933,
Franklin D. Roosevelt became president of the United States..
The pacification of
Nicaragua and the
The pacification of the country was left in the hands of the National Guard of
Anastasio "Tacho" Anastasio "Tacho".
the National Guard of Anastasio "Tacho" Somoza.
On February 21, 1934, while negotiating the end of hostilities with President
Juan Bautista Sacasa, Sandino was assassinated by Somoza's guard.
President Juan Bautista Sacasa, Sandino was assassinated by Somoza's guard.
The Sandinista National Liberation Front (Frente Sandinista de Liberación
(FSLN), which put an end to the Somoza regime in 1979, adopted the name in
honor of
1979, adopted that name in honor of Sandino.
proposals, the
good neighbor
In response to this situation, Franklin D. Roosevelt, during his administration,
attempted to bring the U.S. into a more equitable relationship with Latin
American countries.
with Latin American countries. To this end, he implemented the "good neighbor
implemented the "good neighbor policy", which sought cordial approaches and
and negotiations for mutual security.
The good neighbor policy began in 1933 and continued until 1948. Its greatest
expression was the creation of the Organization of American States (OAS).
So, for some time, the U.S. ceased to intervene directly in Latin American
affairs, but, as we know, after World War II and during the Cold War, U.S.
predominance in Latin American affairs was not as strong as it had been during
the Cold War.
Cold War, U.S. dominance was maintained.
• Imagine you are from the united states government and you
reject the good neighbor policy because the policy involves
latin america.
• With which countries would you make this policy?
• What do you think human beings prefer: to be freed from
need or do they need freedom more?

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