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The GMRC teacher as

an agent of nation
building and
Presented by : Allana L. Alcantara

Life is a journey to experience to learn and to enjoy.

Lesson 1 caring
and sharing for the
Lesson the student must be able to:
• understand that others do not always
understand what we say in the same way
what we mean;

•demonstrate awareness of once ability in

good communication through
compassionate living and

•internalize the value of caring for humans

A. Be compassionate
and do no harm
As a mother loves her one and only
love child shall you love the whole

- The Buddha
Compassion refers to the quality
which encompasses non-violence
kindness empathy and equanimity
in the highest and purest form
Basic form of compassion
Non Violence - is an integral active quality
in compassionate living.
• it means to abstain from all violent acts
and motives. In a conflict to be non-violent
does not mean that you submit yourself to
unjust causes. Compassion
Life is a journey to experience
to learn and to enjoy.
Principles of
1. Hatred cannot be conquered by 4. If someone lives a life of non-
hatred hatred can be only violence he need not perform
conquered by compassion - Lord other religious acts because non-
Buddha violent living itself is the highest
form of being religious -
2. If somebody slaps you on the Thirukkural, The Tamil
left cheek turn your right cheek instructional book of poetry
also. - Jesus Christ
5. There is no such powerful weapon
3. I respond to those who do well to than compassion ,
me by goodness. I also respond to
those who do evil to me by goodness -
This the state of mind that
motivates a person to
help and serve those who
Kindness transcends the
ego that speaks reward
profit and benefits in
You can be kind in all
your responses to other
people by the way you
think talk and behave

• empathy is an effective response
of concern and tenderness to the
joys and suffering in others.

• with empathy you share the others

person's feelings and experience it
as if you have Entered into that
person's inner world

• equanimity means
maintaining a
detached sense of The most effective
calmness in mind way of fostering
and temper in face compassion in
of a stressful and children is to provide
provocative opportunities to
situation in life. experience it through
•it also includes
being large-hearted
and forgiving Equanimity
Lesson 1B.
Care for the planet
The Earth does
not belong to us ;
we belong to
Earth - red Indian
chiefs Seattle
Children need to understand the
consequences of damages we do to the
earth because they are the future citizens.

Educating to care for the planet

Overfishing air
Air pollution poses a significant Overfishing occurs when fish are
threat to the environment and caught at a rate that exceeds their
human health. It's crucial to
ability to reproduce, leading to a
address it by promoting cleaner
technologies, sustainable decline in fish populations.This
practices, and global efforts to can disrupt marine ecosystems,
reduce emissions. Individual affect biodiversity, and impact the
actions like using public transport, livelihoods of communities
conserving energy, and supporting dependent on fisheries.
eco-friendly policies contribute to
caring for the planet.
“We sometimes fall into the
view that we are fighting with
our unconscious, our id, or our
animal self. But really we are the
whole thing. We are the rider,
and we are the horse. Both have
their strengths and special

Life is a journey to experience to learn and to enjoy.

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