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Inflation: Types and

Impact on the Economy

Inflation is a crucial economic indicator that can have far-reaching effects on
individuals, businesses, and governments. Let's explore its types and the impact
it has on the economy.

By Jatin Singhal
Types of Inflation
1 Demand-Pull 2 Cost-Push Inflation 3 Built-In Inflation
Caused by rising Occurs when workers
Occurs when demand for production costs, such as demand higher wages to
goods and services exceeds wages or raw materials, compensate for expected
supply, leading to leading to higher prices. future price increases.
increased prices.
Causes of Inflation
1 Monetary Factors

Excessive money supply or rapid increase in the money circulating within an economy can
drive up prices.

2 Cost Factors

Rising production costs, such as labor, energy, or raw materials, can lead to inflationary

3 Psychological Factors

Consumer expectations and confidence in the economy can impact spending habits and
influence inflation.
Effects of Inflation on the Economy
Reduced Purchasing Uncertainty and Redistribution of
Power 💸 Planning Wealth 🔀
Challenges 📈
Inflation erodes the value of Inflation can redistribute wealth
money, reducing the purchasing High inflation makes it difficult as prices rise, impacting income
power of individuals and for businesses and individuals to distribution and creating winners
lowering their standard of living. plan for the future due to and losers.
unpredictable prices.
Government Policies to Control Inflation
Monetary Policy 🏦

Central banks can use interest rates, reserve requirements, and open market operations to manage

Fiscal Policy

Government taxation and spending decisions can be utilized to influence the level of aggregate
demand and restrain inflation.

Supply-Side Measures

Policies aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs, and promoting competition can help combat
Measuring Inflation

Consumer Price Index (CPI) GDP Deflator Producer Price Index (PPI)

A measure of the average change A broad measure of inflation, Measures changes in the average
in prices over time for a basket of comparing the current value of prices received by domestic
goods and services. goods and services produced to a producers for their output.
base year.
Inflation, whether moderate or severe, can significantly impact economies
around the world. Understanding its types, causes, and effects is crucial in
formulating effective policies to manage and control inflation.

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