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• strange (adj) : unusual or surprising, especially in a way that
/streɪndʒ/ is difficult to understand / not familiar
• chopstick (n) : either of a pair of thin sticks that are used for
/ˈtʃɑːpstɪk/ eating with, especially in East Asian countries
• borrow (v) : to take and use something that belongs to sb
/ˈbɔːrəʊ/ else, and return it to them at a later time
• burn (v) /bɜːrn/ : to produce flames and heat
• screen (n) : the flat surface at the front of a television,
/skriːn/ computer on which you see pictures or
• fetch (v) /fetʃ/ : to go to where somebody/something is and
bring them/it back
• wild (n) /waɪld/ : a natural environment that is not controlled
by people
• leave (v) /liːv/ : to go away from a person or a place
• journey (n) : an act of travelling from one place to
/ˈdʒɜːrni/ another, especially when they are far apart
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

What’s your
Where are What kind of
What are favourite animal
these animals are
they doing? in this picture?
animals? they?
A. The sentences here are wrong. Read and correct them.

1. An animal that’s wearing a hat is cutting a cake into pieces.

It’s cutting a pizza.
2. There are no animals with wings in this picture.
There are two animals with wings.
3. The umbrella are different colours.
They’re the same colour.
4. Five glasses are on the table.
Three glasses are on the table.
5. The table where the panda is sitting is round.
It’s square.
A. Listen and draw lines.

1. Harry and the kangaroo

2. Eva and the shorter giraffe
3. Jill and the spider
4. Richard and the octopus
5. Anna and the swan
A. What do these animals usually eat? The animals in the picture
are eating sausages,
burgers, pizza and pasta and
one of them is drinking …?
Mango juice

Do these animals really

eat and drink these What do ... eat?
In Reading and Writing Part 4, you
should read the whole text before
you choose the correct grammatical
words. This will give you a better idea
of content and grammatical structure
(for example, the main tenses used).
B. Read the text.
Choose the right
also words and write
them on the lines.



Grammar - too and also
1. ‘also’ goes after the verb, ‘too’ goes after the main verb
• Sharks eat fish. Sharks too eat plants. -> Sharks eat plants too.
• Bats eat insects. Bats eat fruit too.
2. We put ‘also’ before the main verb.
• Sharks eat fish. Sharks also eat plants.
• Bats eat insects. Bats also eat fruit.
C. Listen and order the pictures 1-6.

5 1

4 6

2 3 7
D. Write funny food sentences for all your friends!

Use as many words beginning with 's' as possible to complete 2 sentences.

E. Ask and answer questions.
Let's talk about your favourite
food. What's your favourite food?

Who cooks most of the food in

your home?

Tell me about the food you ate for

dinner yesterday.

What do you eat at home?

See you next time

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