Evolution of Ict 1

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What’s In?
• Direction: Search the words that are related to
ICT. The words have been placed, horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally, frontward or backwards.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Directions: Answer the following questions honestly.
1. How many times have you check your phone this morning?
2. How many status updates have you posted in Facebook or Twitter
3. Did you use the internet for an hour after you woke up this morning?
4. Do you follow a celebrity via his/her social media account?
If you happen to be “guilty as charge” in most of this questions,
chance are, you are a digital native. And chances are, from the
moment you were born, you were surrounded by technology. You
are surrounded by ICT.
Digital Native is a person born or brought up
during the age of digital technology and
therefore familiar with computers and the
internet from an early age.
What is It?
As the famous saying goes, “ Love makes the world go round.” But you might
argue how the internet has made the world go round for decades before you start
searching for someone to fall in love with. Likewise, the internet has probably
made your world go round in the motivation activity. In this lesson we will
understand how information and communication technologies in such a period of
time has improved our lives.
What is Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)?
• The term information and communication technology (ICT) collectively refers to
the technologies, both hardware and software, that enables humans to
communicate with one another.
• It deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile
phones, internet and etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information.

Having a unified way to communicate is one of the goals of ICT. We spend less
because of ICT.
Evolution of ICT
• There are four main periods in history that
divide the era of ICT, namely, the
premechanical, mechanical,
electromechanical, and electronic periods.
The Premechanical Period
• The premechanical period can be traced back thousands of
years ago, around 3 000 BCE to 1 450 CE. During this time,
humans, started communicating with one another in rocks.
Then they started to write symbols as substitutes for pictures to
depict ideas, objects, and animals. These gave rise to our
modern-day alphabet.
In the late stage of this period, humans started using the numerical system. This
numerical system spread around the world gradually, enabling a simpler, faster,
and more organized way in counting. The most popular device created in this
period is said to have come from China.
• The abacus is a manually operated device similar to the modern calculator. This
was considered as the first device to process information.
- An abacus is a calculation tool used by sliding counters along rods or grooves, used to
perform mathematical functions. In addition to calculating the basic functions of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division, the abacus can calculate roots up to the cubic
The Mechanical Period
The mechanical age is when we first start to see connections between our current
technology and its ancestors. The mechanical age can be defined as the time between 1450
and 1840. During this time, the interest in automating and speeding up numerical
calculations grew. A lot of new technologies are developed in this era as there is a large
explosion in interest with this area.
Pascaline, also called Arithmetic Machine, the first
calculator or adding machine to be produced in any
quantity and actually used. The Pascaline was
designed and built by the French mathematician-
philosopher Blaise Pascal between 1642 and 1644.
Analytical Engine
The analytical engine is a machine, first proposed
by Charles Babbage in 1837, that is considered to be
the concept for the first general mechanical computer.
The design featured an ALU (arithmetic logic unit)
and permitted basic programmatic flow control.
The Electromechanical Period
The electromechanical period ushered in a new age in communications and information.
This period started around 1840-1940. In this period, the use of electricity for information
handling and transfer bloomed. The need and the urgency to share information with one
another in a faster yet reliable manner over long distances aroused.
• The telegraph is considered the first electrical communication device. It was the
first device to use electricity to transmit information over an electrical media.
First invented in 1837 by William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone.
Morse Code
• Morse code is a method used in telecommunication to encode text characters as
standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes, or dits
and dahs. Morse code is named after Samuel Morse, one of the inventors of the
The Electronic Period
• Started from 1940 to the present. The highlight of this period is focused on the advent of
solid state devices or electronic devices. The four main events found in this period are
the late vacuum tubes period, the transistor period, the integrated circuit period, and the
computer processors period.
Electronic Numerical Integration and Computer
• The ENIAC, or Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, was the result of a U.S.
government-funded project during World War II to build an electronic computer that
could be programmed. The project was based out of the University of Pennsylvania's
Moore School of Engineering.
• It is an electronic device with properties and functions similar to vacuum tubes,
but it is lightweight and faster. The first full transistor computer was developed
in 1957 and was faster than vacuum computers.
Integrated Circuit
• On Sept. 12, 1958, Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit. It would revolutionize the
electronics industry, helping make cell phones and computers widespread today.
What Have I Learned So Far?
1. What are the four main periods in history that divide the era of ICT?
2. manually operated device similar to the modern calculator called as?
3. Who invented the Pascaline?
4. The analytical engine is a machine, first proposed by who?
5. Considered the first electrical communication device was called?
6. This invention is named after Samuel Morse, one of the inventors of the telegraph.
7. What is the acronym if ENIAC?

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