History of Football - Class Presentation

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The History of Football

From feudalism to capitalism

Graham Sinclair
Bridging the gap
- from feudalism to capitalism.

Discuss these questions with a partner:

What can you see in this picture?

What are the main differences between medieval and
contemporary sports?
How many different versions of football can you name?
The Feudal Pyramid
The Capitalist Model
The Mesoamerican Ballgame
Mayan Ballgame
Tsu Chu
Han dynasty 206 BCE - 220 CE
Military training.

Tang dinasty 618 - 907 CE

Nets introduced. Soldiers, nobles,
intellectuals. Women’s teams.

Song dynasty 960-1279 CE

Widespread. Single goal.
Introduced to Japan from
China in the Asuka period
around 660 CE.

Objective keep ball (mari)
in air.

Played in Shinto temples

and at royal court.
The Roman Empire

It was played throughout the Roman Empire including Britain (43CE)

It developed from earlier Greek games such as Episkyros.
Objective may have been retaining possession rather than scoring.
Military training for fitness and strategy.
Folk Football
Folk Football

Some characteristics Some characteristics

Calcio Fiorentino
Calcio Fiorentino
The Football Association
The Football Association

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