Shubham Kumar (Land of Gods HP)

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• Popularly known as the Devbhumi ­– “Land of the Gods”,

Himachal Pradesh is a beautiful hill state in northern India
nestled in western Himalayas. The state is landlocked with
the Tibetan plateau to the east, Jammu and Kashmir to
the north, and the Punjab to the west. However the state
stands apart from its neighbours in terms of its sheer
topographic diversity and breathtaking pristine natural
beauty. From vast tracts of high-altitude Trans-Himalayan
desert to dense green deodar forests, from apple orchards
to cultivated terraces, from snow capped high Himalayan
mountain ranges to snow fed lakes and gushing rivers.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep
sense of gratitude to all those people without whom
this project could have never been completed. First and
foremost I would like to thank my Parents for their
inexhaustible source of inspiration.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Ajay Dhiman
(MD) SR Institute Chauntra for his constant guidance
and providing a very nice platform to learn.
I would also like to thank Santosh Kumari Madam (our
Trainer) for his constant encouragement and moral
support, without which I could have never been able to
give in my best.

About Himachal Pradesh
 Renowned as Deva Bhumi (the land of gods)
 Beautiful landscapes having fresh
gushing rivers, snow capped mountains, flowers
and fruits laden trees, glaring and colorful
diversity of culture, arts, living style of people etc
make Himachal Pradesh, a tourist's paradise.
 Himachal Pradesh was accredited as a
Union Territory in in 1950 and after the state of
Himachal Pradesh act in 1971, it was emerged as the
18th state of India. 19th century the British
exercised their influence and annexed the areas of
Shimla Himachal is situated in the heart of western
himalayas after the Gurkha War of 1815-16.
 After Indian Independence, a
Union Territory of Hill states
was created. It primarily
consituted of hill states around
 Himachal Pradesh became a
full fledged state of the
Republic of India on January
25, 1971.
 The literacy rate of the state is
63% now and is improving
every decade.
 Himachal is literally a power
house when it comes to hydro-
 Most of the people in Himachal
depend on agriculture for livelihood
 The folk songs of Himachal Pradesh are
full of charm. They are usually based on
a religious or a romantic theme
 Most of the children study at
government run public schools. There
are many private schools at Shimla and
other parts of Himachal
 In general people of Himachal Pradesh
are honest, truthful, gentle, and good
 Most of the people in Himachal
are Hindus. There is a sizable number
of Buddhists who live in
Himachal. Hinduism practiced in the
areas of Himachal that are closer to the
northern plains is very similar to
the Hinduism practiced in the plains.
 Forest in Himachal cover an area of about 21,
about 38.3 of the total area of the state. The state
government is aiming to provide green cover to 50% of
the total area.
 Agriculture contributes over 45%
to the net state domestic product
 The main cereals grown are
wheat, maize, rice and barley
 production such as seed-
potato, ginger, vegetables,
vegetable seeds, mushrooms,
chicory seeds, hops, olives and fig
 Fruit cultivation is another
field which has proved to
be an economic boon to the
 Himachal has earned the name of
the 'Apple State of India'.
 Himachal Pradesh is often
called the fruit bowl of the country.
Apples, Pomegrenade, Peaches,
Cheery and Lichi are few of the
major fruit produces of the statehe
Wildlife in Himachal
Oak, Deodar, Blue Pine, Fir, Adlers and
Birch variety Spruce are the main of trees
spread in the mountains. Forests of
Himachal are home to several wild
animals too. last estimated, there are over
1500 bird and 350 animal species in the
state. This includes the leopards, the
rare snow Leopards, Ghoral, Musk
Deer and Monal. The state boasts of
largest number of wildlife sanctuaries in
Northern India. It has 11 major national
parks and sanctuaries.
Fairs and Festivals
 Each district has its own sequence
of annual fairs which are connected with
the historical and sociological
background of that area
 Festivals: Pori Festival, Fulaich, Lohadi,
Dussera, Holi, Chaitti, Chaitraul, Basora
or Bishu, Minjar, Rakhadumni
(Rakhi), Gugnaumi, Losar,
Sairi, Diwali, Dyali, Khogal,Sajo,
Gotsi or Gochi,Karwa
Chauth, Khepa, Magha
Naun, Faguli
 Fairs:Sovi Jataras, Fair of Pata,
Fairs of Haryali, Nahauli, Fair of Mela
Jagra, Minjar, Kahika,Vrajeshwari,
Fair of Sikhs,Jwalamukhi,
Renuka ,Cattle Fair, Lavi, Chintpuri,
Minghal, Sivaratri.
 Lavi Mela:

 Cattle/Seri Fair:
 Renuka Fair:

 Summer Festivals, Shimla

 Porie Festival:

 Minjar:
Some Beautiful pics of
Himachal Pradesh

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