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</ The Internet: A Double

Edged Sword />


Delvina Salma Hidayah (237006103)

Farhan Ihza Dzakiyanto (237006104)
Rizal Saepul Anwar (237006107)
Ikhsan Mahardika Albar (237006116)

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</ Positive Impact
Access to Education
The internet has made learning accessible to everyone. With tools like online
courses and webinars, people from all corners of the world can get access to
quality education and professional development.

Building Connections
The internet has redefined the way we communicate. With social media and other
networking platforms, we can connect with others across the globe and build
meaningful relationships.
Convenient Shopping
Shopping has never been more convenient with online options. We can easily
find and buy products from anywhere in the world, without having to leave our
</ Positive Impact
Enhanced Communication and Connectivity
Through various online platforms, the internet allows people around the world to
connect, share ideas, and establish meaningful relationships.

Economic Growth
The internet has spurred economic growth by creating new industries and jobs.
E-commerce, online advertising, and digital marketing have all contributed to
the growth of businesses and the global economy.

Remote Work
People can now work remotely from any location thanks to the internet. This has
reduced the need for transportation and enhanced work-life balance, both of
which have positive effects on the environment.
</ Negative Impact
Fake Information
The ease of access to information on the internet also allows the
dissemination of false information, posing challenges to critical thinking and

2 The internet has given bullies a new playground, and victims are often left
feeling helpless and vulnerable

Privacy Concerns
With the rise of social media, online shopping, and digital communication,

3 personal data is collected and shared more than ever. This has led to
significant privacy concerns, as individuals' personal information can be
exploited, leading to identity theft, cyberbullying, and online harassment.

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