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Nationalism is a complex, often
problematic concept for social scientists.
But among the existing definitions of the
term, one finds critical areas of agreement.
First the historic rise of nationalism.
Second, nationalism ideological
movement. Third, the element of
nationalism-nations symbols.
Nationalism emerged in the late eighteen century, appearing
first in Europe, then in North and South America. In the
twentieth century, nationalism spread to many Asian countries
and to the new independent nations of Africa.

In modern times, the nation-state turned into a dominant

form of societal organization. Refer both to doctrines
and political movements that maintain that a nation
(usually defined in terms of ethnicity or culture) is
entitled to a sovereign or at least autonomous political
community, rooted in a shared history.
Nationalism exemplifies an ideological
movement, promoting the authority,
unity, and sovereignty of those gathered
in a single authority.

The third element of nationalism, a

strong collective sentiment - a nations'
symbol. It highlights the ways in which
nation symbols bring nationalism alive.
Nationalism had a great impact on information sharing
practices in academic communities, but it did not
determine these practices. The scholars from all academic
fields reported that the influenced of nationalism, on their
access to data and instruments, their academic reputations
the public image of their research and building alliances
with the government agencies. In addition, scholars from
the humanities reported the high level of impact of
nationalsm on their theoretical concepts, particularly,
which are fields with low degree of mutual dependence an
dhigh degree of task uncertainty.
Nationalism at this university has created barriers for
research collaboration not only between scholars from
different national units but also between scholars from
prescribed to a nationalist perspective and those who
were prescribed to a cosmopolitan one. Thus, in spite of
a great impact of nationalism on scholars' information
sharing practices, these practices were not determined by
nationalism. Bosnian community was divided informally
into three groups: nationalist, cosmopolitan, and ‘non-
Nationalism was thus a barrier to information sharing
between scholars more often than cosmopolitanism, not
because it made actions limited to a local context; but on
the contrary, because it tried more often to act as a global
overarching context. Similarly, cosmopolitanism was
more often an enabler of scholars 'information sharing,
not because it was more global and detached from a local
context, but because it acted as a local actor more often
than nationalism. Whenever nationalism or
cosmopolitanism acted as local actors, they were able to
be attached to other actors through a number of different

Consequently, nationalism can also lead to serious

levels of resentment towards other foreign countries.
In some cases, in human history, nationalism had
also been used for the rise of radical movements,
which in turn led to horrible outcomes. Therefore, in
order to avoid those unpleasant outcomes from the
past, we should avoid excessive levels of
Immigrants May have a Hard
Since the level of tolerance towards minorities or
towards people from foreign countries tends to
decreasethrough the promotion of nationalism,
immigrants may havea quite hard time since they
may suffer from serious levelsof social exclusion.
People may suffer from a serious level of blindness
Due to the promotion of nationalism; people may
also become blind regarding their true inner beliefs
andtheir value systems.
Immigrants May have a Hard
People may become quite prejudiced. If
nationalism is taught in school from an early age
on, there is also the danger that those children will
become quite prejudiced in their opinion regarding
their value system. This may lead to a state where
those children might become quite intolerant when
they turn into grownups and this kind of intolerance
should not be the values that we want to promote as
a global society
Immigrants May have a Hard
Nationalism can also be instrumented by politicians
in order to justify starting conflicts with other
countries. The local population is often told that
other countries behave in a way that is against the
value system of their home country
and that this is reason enough to fight those
countries. Therefore, in case nationalism is used to
engage in conflicts that can lead to serious
detrimental outcomes on a global scale.
Immigrants May have a Hard
We are all one big family. You should never forget
that at the beginning of human history, there had
been no country borders and we are in fact one big
family. Thus, nationalism and patriotism are actually
quite flawed constructs which do not make too much
sense if we take a look at how humans evolved-over
time. Therefore, instead of promoting our national
values, we should rather aim to promote global
values that aim to improve the quality of life of as
many people as possible in order to serve our global
In order to avoid those unpleasant
outcomes from the past, we should avoid
excessive nationalism or only promote it
on a moderate level so that people don't get
the impression that it is ok to behave in an
inhuman manner.
Thank you!

1. In some cases in human history, nationalism had also been used for the
rise of radical movements, which in turn led to horrible outcomes.
Therefore, in order to avoid those unpleasant outcomes from the past, we
should avoid excessive levels of nationalism.

2. Nationalism is also often used to justify the exploitation of other

countries .

3. Nationalism can't be instrumented by politicians in order to

justify starting conflicts with other countries .

5. Nationalism also poses the danger the danger that some people
may take cultural values and ideologies too far .

6. Nationalism and patriotism are actually quite flawed constructs

which do not make too much sense if you take a look at how
humans evolved over time.

7. Too much nationalism won't hurt international trade .


8. Due to the promotion of nationalism people may also become

blind regarding their true inner beliefs and their value systems.

9. Nationalism can be used to lead people into flawed beliefs ,

which may turn into serious unpleasant outcomes.

10. People may become quite prejudiced . If patriotism is taught

in school from an early age on.

11. Explain in 100 words.

What do you think are the strength and weaknesses of

nationalism and its effects in law enforcement operations?

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