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Business Logistics

Business Logistics
Business logistics is used to organize the production and marketing of goods. Through this, companies
can have a set of methods that allow them to successfully carry out their mission. In this note, you will
know everything about its functions

other things business logistics does

Information management multichannel Flexibility in the face of complexity

The main activities.
The most outstanding activities of business logistics could be said to be:

Customer service: Transportation

Warehouse management order processing

Types of business logistics

Distribution production
Supply logistics logistics reverse logistics

can have a decisive includes the It involves the

management of it is precisely the
influence on the management and
physical flows known process to which we
operation and success control of logistics
as International have been referring,
or failure of a company internally, at the
Physical Distribution but just in reverse.
supply level within
and National Physical Its objective is to
the company itself
Distribution. ensure the return of
the merchandise

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