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5G Core Microservices and Containers

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Software Engineering Ideal: Building Software Systems Like
Building Houses (1/2)

+ =

Industry model
Service architecture (component) + Software
architecture = Software system

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 3

Software Engineering Ideal: Building Software Systems Like
Building Houses (2/2)

5GC service
5GC software architecture?

Microservice governance

5GC microservice deployment

Container-based deployment

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 4


1. 5GC Microservice Architecture

2. 5GC Microservice Governance Framework

3. 5GC Microservice Deployment (Container-based)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 5

Microservice Concept

What is a microservice?

 Microservice is a software system architecture in which a complicated application is composed of multiple,

independent, micro services.
 These microservices communicate with each other through APIs that are irrelevant to languages.
 These microservices are small in size, loosely coupled, and focus on only a small task.
 Decomposed modular services facilitate system construction.
 Microservices are autonomous and complete, controlling all components, including UI, middleware,
access, and transactions.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 6

Monolithic and Microservice Architectures
Monolithic architecture Microservice architecture

• Resource efficiency is maximized

Appropriate design for a

UI through microservice-based

specific environment can
UI instantiation and scaling.

maximize efficiency. If the
• Excessive splitting increases the
Catalog environment changes, huge
basic overhead and cross-service
Service resource waste may occur.
Business Logic communication overhead.

Recommendation Customer
Data Access Layer Account Service
Service Service • Independent maintenance of

Development and maintenance microservices by a full-function

become complicated with the team improves development and
increment of software volume. O&M efficiency.
Appropriate design can • Presenting too many details to
simplify end users' operations. users increases the management
and maintenance costs.
Microservice definition
Microservice architecture characteristics Microservice architecture core

Too weak to support agile Excellent. Good decoupling

• Service autonomy, self-containing, • Function independence • Independent lifecycle
and self-management powered by further • Independent resource release. significantly improves agility.
• Independent service development decoupling of software logic. scaling
states, and separated platform and • Independent optional

language selection components Medium. Excessive splitting
• Independent service running states Excellent increases latency and deteriorates
and independent upgrades performance.
• Contractual interfaces between

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 7

5GC Microservice: UNC Microservice

UAM: Unify Access Management
AM SM USM: Unify Session Management

APP Service Splitting principles:

(Domain microservice, ADDR NRF NSSF Business perspective:
exclusive to NFs)
g. 1. Service value: Separate frequently changed service values, such as

rai n in policy and private customization capabilities, to shorten the TTM.

Policy Technical perspective:
s t o 2. Separation of distributed basic capabilities: Simplify the
Link Service
d e for association between services and microservices (service mesh) to
sl i reduce complexity of full-mesh connections caused by the
h is
(Link microservice, NETM GTPC
splitting, which is the key to resolve the problem of microservices
shared by NFs)
t u s in a large quantity.
n o
Do 3. Domain-driven: Split the system by domain object (data and
nly. GXIM
SBIM SBIM processing are independent) to determine the microservice context
u se
UPIM (HTTP) (HTTP) boundary, which is the core of microservice splitting.

t e rnal 4. Resource differentiation: Services that have different resource

fo r in requirements are split, improving resource efficiency.

eis 5. Scaling granularity: Services with different scaling granularities

(System microservice,his
slid UDR LI IPSEC CSDB CSLB FAC are split, improving resource efficiency.

shared globally)
T 6. Distinguish between process and atomic services: Protocol
function changes are separated. In the future, only a single atomic
Platform basic service set, such as SDR, CSR, etc. or process service needs to be replaced, eliminating E2E coupling
in the 3GPP process.

GO Large-granularity GO/C hybrid

Legend: microservice C microservice
microservices microservice

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 8

5GC Microservice: UNC Microservice


UAM: Unify Access Management
USM: Unify Session Management

AM SM NRF NSSF Splitting principles:

Business perspective:
APP Service 1. Service value: Separate frequently changed service values,
(Domain microservice, USN Policy CM Policy
ng . such as policy and private customization capabilities, to
in i shorten the TTM.
tr a
exclusive to NFs)

Technical perspective

2. Separation of distributed basic capabilities: Simplify the
u s association between services and microservices (service mesh)

df or c to reduce complexity of full-mesh connections caused by the

Link Service
s e splitting, which is the key to resolve the problem of
(Link microservice, SBIM
e i su SBIM
SBIM SBIM microservices in a large quantity.
id (HTTP) (HTTP) 3. Domain-driven: Split the system by domain object (data and
s sl
shared by NFs)

T h i processing are independent) to determine the microservice

context boundary, which is the core of microservice splitting.
4. Resource differentiation: Services that have different resource
requirements are split, improving resource efficiency.
5. Scaling granularity: Services with different scaling
granularities are split, improving resource efficiency.
6. Distinguish between process and atomic services: Protocol
Framework CSDB CSLB function changes are separated. In the future, only a single
(System atomic or process service needs to be replaced, eliminating
microservice, E2E coupling in the 3GPP process.
shared globally)
Basic platform service set

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 9

5G Core Microservice Structure
GO/C microservices Large-granularity microservice

m er
t for main
Controller Active/standby f orc control Active/standby
Controller Executor for main control sli de OM for main
NLS for main control
e t hi s control
o t us
. Don
on ly ng.
l u se traini
r na
Executor r i nt e NLS
is f
sl i de N-way mode NLS N-way mode
T hi s
Executor Service execution logic NLS Service execution logic

Executor NLS

Note: The newly-developed 5GC microservices are all GO microservices. C Note: Large-granularity microservices directly reuse CE NLS, but container-
microservices are reconstructed from CE NLS. based reconstruction is performed during deployment.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 10

5GC Microservice Structure

5GC microservices Solution Description

1. Controller and Executor nodes are involved in the
microservice architecture.
Controller Active/Standby 2. Controller nodes perform main control on microservices.
Controller Executor for main control
n g.
3. Executor nodes process service logics of microservices.
r t ra i n
4. Controller nodes work in active/standby mode, and

m e Executor nodes work in N-way mode.

us to
f orc
s e d
is u
l i de
s s N-way mode
Executor Thi Service execution logic


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 11


1. 5GC Microservice Architecture

2. 5GC Microservice Governance Framework

3. 5GC Microservice Deployment (Container-based)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 12

Microservice Governance Framework


Microservice governance
App Micro-Service  Microservice registration and
Upd Conf CSDB discovery


 Inter-microservice
MCS1 MCS3 MCSa MCSc xxx xxx
MCS2 ... MCSb ... xxx ...
VNFM Log Perf LB/IP  Load balancing of
 Microservice reliability
 Microservice O&M
CaaS (FusionStage)  Middleware and support
components of microservices

VIM Cloud OS (FusionSphere OpenStack)

OM) Hardware (E9000, RH2288)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 13

UNC System Architecture: Microservice Registration and
Discovery Mechanism
Service registration
Microservice A  Microservice A (pod 1, 2, ...) accesses and
registers with the Service Center.
POD A1 POD A2 …  Microservice A subscribes to
microservices B-n, and Service Center
returns the access list of microservices B-
Microservice A n to microservice A.
registration/deregistration Microservices can access each other using IP
address+port number. Dynamic service adjustment and self-
Service Center
Microservice B adaptation
Microservice B  If a new pod registers with the Service
Center, the Service Center automatically
POD B1 POD B2 … pushes the pod to associated
Service access
 Microservice A can directly access
microservice B using the IP address+port
Microservice n number.
Service deregistration
 If a pod deregisters from the Service
... Center, the Service Center notifies
associated microservices of the

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 14

Transparent Communication for Microservice
Objective: inter-service decoupling
 Bind a service policy (topic/key type/key instance).
 Intra-service routing policy (key maps to token and root
› Non-coupling of the peer microservice type token topology)
› No awareness of the peer service topology Service A Service B
› g p
i ni n
No awareness of the peer token topology a
Service A Service B
controller ra controller
tSDR controller
Implementation (message routing based on the ust om
h ec
receiver's policy) Executor pod Executor pod

Executor processfro
› Topic, key, and token are addressing objects for SDR c
Executor process

communication. e l e t  Service A sends the

is1 d Executor
 Key mapping policy of Executor
 Topic is the external, functional interface (or sender's (service B) 6
d the receiver (service B)
y an
topic policy. d

message type) provided by the microservice.
 Key is the label of a data object.
l u se 2 SDR agent SDR agent 5

n t e rna
 Tokens are decoupled from physical IP addresses,

fo r iand elastic
supporting fault-triggered migration 3 SDR exec SDR exec 4
scaling. Apps are unawareeofistokens for other MAC PAE SDR Payload
services. s sl
T hi The following uses the Executor message sent from service A to
[3] SDR executor routes the message.
• Locate the receiver's address based on the specified topic and
› The app's receiver delivers a receiving policy, service service B as an example:
a-d: communication policy issuing process
binding policy, and intra-service routing policy to the • Determine the mapping about receiver's key and the root token.
1-6: message forwarding process
• Forward the root token to the destination Executor instance.
SDR. [1] The Executor sends a message. • Locate the mapping between the Executor instance and the
› The app's sender specifies the topic and key when • The topic and key are specified. destination address (for example, vFabric is TB/TP)
[2] The SDR agent routes the message. [4] The SDR executor on the receiver end transparently transmits the
sending a message. The SDR routes messages based on • If the key is the root token for affinity communication and located in message.
the receiver's policies. the current process, the message is routed within the process. [5] The DS actor in Executor routes the message to the actor.
• In other cases, the message is forwarded to the SDR executor. The exec DS actor routes the message to the actor.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 15

Microservice Load Balancing

Basic principles of load balancing

SDR Microservice A  The system evenly allocates all tokens to each
Allocate tokens based
Controller 2 Synchronize token Controller on the capability of each Executor based on the number of Executor instances
executor instance and a
information to the 1 and a certain weight.
certain weight.
SDR through an  When a new service accesses, the SDR evenly
internal mechanism.
distributes services to the token based on the hash
budget to ensure load balance among Executor
Microservice A Microservice A Microservice A
Executor 1 Executor 2 Executor n
Basic principles of re-load-balancing
Token List Token List Token List
 During system scaling in/out, the number of
(1, 2, 3) (4, 5, 6, 7) (u, v, w,…)
Executor instances changes accordingly.
 The system adjusts token distribution to ensure that

tokens are evenly distributed to Executor instances

3 Distribute tokens evenly
to different Executors. based on the weight of each Executor.
 Token migration occurs during re-balancing.

Service flow

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 16

Configurations Decoupled from Microservices, Ensuring
Configuration Neutrality
The configuration function needs to be
EMS decomposed into the following multiple
1. NBI microservices include NetConf,
Configuration Micro service Group RestConf, and Man-Machine-language
interfaces, which are used for interworking
with different configuration tools.
NetConf interface RestConf interface MML interface 2. The Rule Check function should be
decomposed into Module store and Rule
check framework. The Rule check
Configuration module Rule Check framework is steady, and variability of
modules is shielded by the Module store in
Module store which configuration modules are stored.
Database 3. Schema transformation and Data
distribution enable data to be published to
Schema transformation different App microservices in different
configuration files.
Data distribution 4. If an app microservice is added or
updated, the new configuration module
should be uploaded to the Module store
Configuration module upload

App micro service 1 App micro service 2 App micro service 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 17

Processing-Storage Separation of Microservices
Microservice framework X group ID Session DB (CSDB)

Process A and B here User microservice A

i n g.
instance 1 r ain A B Backup DB
er t
Service governance
Service HA Mgmt.
governance B
Service Mesh Executor
st o m
Token assignment
or cu
e f
User microservice C
sl idinstance 2
Service governance
Service Mgmt.
Msg his
Service Mesh Executor
t D
Session DB instance 1
use A
Topic, Key n o t backup
D o User microservice E B A
ly. Service Mesh Executor instance 3
(token A)
Session DB instance 1
o n
Service governance
n a l
Service governance
ServiceMesh (Policy
in ter B

Center) Link microservice Session DB instance 3
is f instance 1
s lide Service Mesh Executor

Th is
Service Governance Link microservice
(MCSG) instance 2
Service Mesh Executor

Link microservice
SCF instance 3
Service Mesh Executor

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 18

Processing-Storage Separation of Microservices
Microservice framework X group ID Session DB (CSDB)

Process A and B here User microservice A

instance 1 A B Backup DB
governance B
Service HA Mgmt. Service Mesh Executor
n in
Token assignment
a i
User microservice C
t r
Service governance m er instance 2
Service governance Service Mesh Executor D Session DB instance 1
Token Mgmt. Msg
cu A
Topic, Key df or backup
u s e User microservice E B A
e is
(token A) instance 3 Session DB instance 1

s s lid Service Mesh Executor F

Th i B
Link microservice Session DB instance 3
instance 1
Service Mesh Executor

Link microservice
instance 2
Service governance Service Mesh Executor
Service governance
Link microservice
instance 3
Service Mesh Executor

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 19

Microservice Redundancy Mechanism
Platform-related microservices X group ID Session DB (CSDB)
1. Fault detection
User microservice A
Service HA Mgmt.
governance instance 1
r ai n in
er t
(HAF) Service Mesh Executor B
2. Fault notification

u sto m
3. Redistribution notification
Service governance
Service Mgmt.
User microservice
e foA
sli D
instance 2
Session DB instance 1
(DCF) Service Mesh Executor
th is A
t umicroservice
6. Session retrieval
4. Token A registration n oUser E
o B A
ly. D
instance 3 B Session DB instance 1

se on
Service Mesh Executor F
Service governance
Service governance
n a lu B
ServiceMesh (Policy
n te r Link microservice
or i
Center) Session DB instance 3

is f instance 1

lid e Service Mesh Executor

h iss
Service Governance T 5. Policy Link microservice
(MCSG) synchronization instance 2
Service Mesh Executor

Link microservice
SCF Msg instance 3
Service Mesh Executor
Topic, Key (token A)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 20

Microservice redundancy mechanism
Platform-related microservices X group ID Session DB (CSDB)
1. Fault detection
User microservice A
Service governance
Service governance
Service HA Mgmt. instance 1
Service Mesh Executor B
2. Fault notification
3. Redistribution notification
i n g.
n A
tr a i
Service governance User microservice C
Service governance
Token Mgmt. instance 2
m er Session DB instance 1
Service Mesh Executor
u s to D
or c
6. Session retrieval

ed f User microservice E A
e i s instance 3 B Session DB instance 1

Service Mesh Executor F
Th Link microservice
Session DB instance 3
4. Token A registration
instance 1
Service Mesh Executor
Service governance
Service governance
Link microservice
instance 2
5. Policy synchronization Service Mesh Executor

Link microservice
Msg instance 3
Service Mesh Executor
Topic, Key (token A)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 21

Microservice Orchestration Mechanism

1 Use algorithms to create slice templates. Then,

manually select a slice template. 2 View NFs in the template.
Latency: 5 ms Sub. Mgmt. UP Mgmt.
Slice UE Mgmt. PDN Mgmt.
Bandwidth: 15 Mbit/s NSSF UDM PCF
template Policy execution Policy execution
IoT feature Access Charging
IoT slice template
FMC feature

4 Complete the design and restore the new 3 Adjust microservices in the NF. Customized microservices:
template to the directory.
1) Replace normal access
with FMC access.


SMF SMF 2) Delete policy execution in SMF.

IoT slice for tenant A PCF (deleted) 3) Delete the whole PCF.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 22


1. 5GC Microservice Architecture

2. 5GC Microservice Governance Framework

3. 5GC Microservice Deployment (Container-based)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 23

Relationship Between Microservices and Containers

In essence, they are not directly related.

- The concept of microservice was proposed in the 1970s.
- Container technology was proposed in 2013, much later than microservices.

Microservice is a design mode of application software architecture, which advocates the principles of single responsibility,
service autonomy, lightweight communication, and clear interfaces. Based on these principles, containers can facilitate
microservice development, maintenance, and on-demand scaling.
(1) If containers are used as the infrastructure, microservices can be rapidly deployed and iterated according to the concept
of microservice.
(2) In this cloud computing era, "container as the infrastructure" attracts more attention than "VM as the infrastructure.“
(3) As the default container platform standard, Kubernetes (K8s) integrates the configuration center and registration center,
so there is no need to develop a new configuration center or registration center for the microservice architecture.

This is how microservices and containers are closely related. In most cases, they are mentioned in the same breath.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 24

Container: Lightweight OS Virtualization
VM Vs. Container Docker: container engine
Apps Apps
Build Ship Run
Bins/Libs Base image (bins/libs)

Guest OS (kernel) Homogeneous OS with

container engine
Namespaces and control groups
• Image layering technology supports rapid software
Host OS with hypervisor development and deployment.
• The centralized repository facilitates software
COTS hardware COTS hardware sharing and release.

Container is an OS kernel-based lightweight virtualization

The unified container engine and images make software
technology. Containers provide higher resource utilization and faster
deployment and sharing simple and efficient.
startup speed than VMs, but lower security isolation.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 25

Overall Comparison Between Containers and VMs
Item Container VM
Design concept Application-oriented lightweight technology Resource-oriented system-level isolation

Implementation OS-level virtualization technology, providing an application running Device-level virtualization technology, providing a system
technology environment running environment

Using the hardware resource (I/O) directly Virtualized hardware resources, affecting the performance

Adapting to any CPU architecture, such as x86, ARM, and PPC, due to its Relying on hardware to facilitate high-performance virtualization.
Resource dependency high performance KVM has a complete ecosystem only on x86 servers.

Resource miniaturization for improving the resource efficiency N/A

Image release MB-level layered image 10 GB-level layered image

Providing bearers for microservices, implementing Build-Ship-Run N/A

Microservice ecosystem
Rich microservice ecosystem: third-party middleware, distributed
framework, tool system, and Docker Hub N/A

Development mode Supporting DevOps CI/CD N/A

Deployment in the millisecond level Deployment in about 5 minutes

Slightly better compute, network, and I/O virtualization N/A

Security Shared kernel space. Security isolation needs to be improved. Complete system isolation

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 26

Docker Is the Mainstream in the Container Ecosystem
Docker 2013.3 Rocket 2014.12 Garden 2013.10 LXD 2014.11

Community Commits : 15340/493(total/month ) Commits : 1280/91(total/month ) Commits : 9322/1(total/month ) Commits : 1079/(total/month )

popularity Contributors : 922 Contributors : 59 Contributors : 48 Contributors : 21

Companies Docker and independent contributors , such as Contribution to the community : CoreOS and Contribution to the community : Contribution to the community :
IBM 、 Huawei 、 Red Hat 、 Google 、 and Endocode Vmware employees and Facebook Canonical
Microsoft(contributing a little) ranking the second(less than 5%)

Container App Container App Container App Container Syetem Container


Technical √Powerful and comprehensive functions with √Appc Spec standard, componentization,and √Similar to Docker,without the image √Similar to Docker,without the image
characteristics image packaging, container runtime, and image runtime repository repository
repository integrated √Deamon restart not affecting containers √Deamon restart not affecting √Deamon restart not affecting
√Deamon restart causing container restart √Not requiring the root permission containers containers
√Requiring the root permission √Distributed image repository √Requiring the root permission √Not requiring the root permission
√Centralized image repository Docker hub √Centralized image repostiory √No image repostiory

Popularity Prosperous : There are 35,000Docker projects on The CoreOS component is used to build a Currently,the container is ued only Canonical’s Openstack version is
Github. container platform. with the CF and will be promted by integrated.
Vmware in the future.
Community Led by Docker Led by CoreOS Operated by the Cloud Foundry Led by Canonical
exposure Foundation

Development The current container implementation standards Multiple large companies support Rocket, and its Containers of Garden are not Containers of LCD may grow only in
analysis have become the foundation of the Docker container technology many develop. independently developed and depend the segmented OpenStack market.
Foundation. on Cloud Foundry.

Docker Google/Redhat VMware Ubuntu

1.Container formats and specifications are important.Multiple container formats and specifications coexist in the industry.Docker formats and specifications are the mainstream.
2.The OCI Foundation is founded,establishing the standards and community pattern for container exposure.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 27

K8s Is the Mainstream in the Container Cluster Scheduling and
Application Orchestration Ecosystem

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 28

What Is K8s? (Concept - Structure - Process)
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and
management of containerized applications.

Cloud connector
 Troubleshooting  Multi-cloud synergy

 Auto scaling cloud

 Rolling upgrade Cloud-controller-
 Batch execution Core concepts:
 Operation
Pod, a container set that includes stateless and stateful pods. It is the
minimum deployment and scheduling unit.
 Deployment and
Service, pod access proxy abstraction
Resource lifecycle startup

kubelet kubelet kubelet
 Service
etcd Kube-proxy Kube-proxy Kube-proxy discovery

 Load

Kubernetes Minions
Tips: The K8s ecosystem integrates
 Resource scheduling Plug-in mechanism  Network, storage, and acceleration resources (compute, storage, and
network) and is used in the service
(CNI/CNM/CSI) integration solutions running framework.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 29

Huawei Container Cluster Scheduling and Application Orchestration
Solution – FusionStage (PaaS)
Application scheduling and resource management framework: Sets up K8s-based, enhanced, automatic lifecycle management, including application modeling, orchestration deployment,
resource scheduling, auto scaling, monitoring and self-healing.
Microservice running and governance framework: Provides a series of distributed/microservice governance capabilities, such as automatic registration, discovery, governance, isolation, and
invoking analysis, to shield the complexity of the distributed system.
Application development pipeline framework: Streamlines the CI/CD full-process automation from writing code submission to automatic compilation and packaging, continuous integration,
and automatic deployment.
Cloud middleware services: Refer to middleware services required for application cloudification and integrate traditional non-cloud middleware capabilities through service integration
management and control.
Management plane Data plane

PaaS cloud management system Legacy apps Virtual apps Cloud-based apps
orchestration/d ERP e-Bank... CRM e-Commerce... Web Email…
eployment Service
Monitoring & integration/
self-healing mgmt. Cloud middleware services
scheduling & Microservice running and
resource mgmt.
framework App resource governance framework
Auto scaling scheduling
Cross-cloud Service route Service discovery ELB Distributed cache service

Code version Service governance External middleware

mgmt. Service registration Distributed message service
(isolation and fallbreak) integration
Continuous development
pipeline IDE
integration Service monitoring (call Service definition
Compiling and chain) management

Some microservice components are open source.
The development pipeline is open source, which is
The FST 2.0 microservice framework provides POC
included in Huawei products and free for customers.
capabilities, and has been commercially used since 2018
Qualified suppliers provide customized services. Q1.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 30

How to Introduce Containers to NFV Networks
Container-based VNF Container-based VNF Container-based VNF
Existing Existing
Container platform Container platform Container platform

VM Bare metal VM Pure bare metal

IaaS IaaS

VM-based container NFVI Extended Bare-Metal Container Pure Bare-Metal Container

Infrastructure shared with existing
VNFs Yes Yes No
No. The container platform is integrated
Container platform decoupled from Yes. The NFVI shields hardware. with the NFVI, and the NFVI is coupled No. The container platform manages
hardware infrastructure with hardware. hardware infrastructure.
Yes. The NFVI provides multi-vendor
integration capabilities, and different No. Container platforms are still under quick development. Multi-vendor integration
Multi-vendor integration vendors can use their own container is difficult before container platforms are standardized.
VMs are used to isolate containers. This
Security isolation of containers from enables security isolation between tenants Physical machines are used to isolate containers, implementing isolation between
multiple vendors more flexibly. tenants. This method is not as flexible as container isolation using VMs.
Performance Similar to VM performance Similar to physical machines
Container OS faults are within VMs, so
Reliability other VMs are not affected. Container OS faults are within bare-metal devices.
VMs can be used to implement advanced
Flexible resource management functions, such as live migration of Advanced functions, such as live migration of containers, are unavailable.

Use VM-based containers because bare-metal containers do not support multi-vendor integration before they are
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 31
Impact of the VM + Container on the NFV Model

Network functions virtualization orchestrator

Orchestrates NSs and VNF software

The CaaS layer is added to packages.

(Manages NS  Manages NS life cycles.
the original NFV model and lifecycle)  Globally manages, authenticates, and
interfaces are added between authorizes NFVI resource requests.
 Manages policies on NS instances.
the CaaS layer and VNFM.
• Orchestrates, deploys, and
Virtualized network function manager (VNFM):
schedules containers.  Manages life cycles of VNF instances.

• Provides CT enhancement Virtualized Network Function

 Provides overall coordination between the NFVI and

capabilities for containers, such VNF (e.g. CloudIMS/CloudEPC) VNFM EMS.

 Functions as a VNF container resource management
as hugepage memory, shared (Manages VNF portal.
memory, DPDK, CPU pinning, lifecycle)  Manages life cycles of container-based VNFs, including
and isolation. instantiation, uninstallation, auto scaling, and transparent
CaaS transmission of upgrade requests.
• Supports container network  Monitors container alarms and KPIs.
capabilities, SR-IOV+DPDK,
and multiple network planes.
• Supports the IP SAN storage Cloud OS VIM Virtualized infrastructure manager
capability of VM-based NFVI (Hypervisor+Management Module) (VIM):
containers.  Controls and manages compute, storage,
virtualized and network resources.
Hardware resources)  Collects and reports infrastructure
(Server/Storage/Network) performance counters and events.

Management and

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 32

Basic Concepts Introduced by 5GC Deployment
App 1 App 2 App 3
App 1 App 2 App 3 VM Microservice
Bins/Libs Bins/Libs Bins/Libs

Bins/Libs Bins/Libs Bins/Libs

Pod Pod VM
Guest OS Guest OS Guest OS
Docker Engine Container 1 Container 1
Pod for controller
Hypervisor Operating System
Container 2 Container 2
Host Operating System Infrastructure VM
Container 3 Container 3
Pod for executor

Virtual Machines

VM: Container: Relationships between VMs, containers, Relationships between microservices,

1. Each VM has an independent 1. Containers act as lightweight VMs. and pods: pods, and VMs:
guest OS, ensuring security They share the OS kernel. 1. Pod is a resource management concept 1. Microservice is a concept of logical
isolation. Containers are less isolated than defined in K8s and is not a running functions.
2. Hardware resources are VMs. entity. 2. The logical functions of microservices
virtualized, affecting the 2. No performance penalty for bare 2. Containers with a group of functions need to be carried by the VM or pod
performance. metal containers. form a pod, and are deployed by pod. entities.
3. Second-level instantiation, and 3. A pod is deployed on a VM.
agile deployment. 4. Containers within a pod cannot be
4. Multiple containers can run in a deployed on different VMs.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 33

LCM Information Model for VNFs Running on VM-based Containers

Service model The items highlighted in yellow are the main objects managed by
the container-based VNF LCM.

NS Software model
Resource model
N:1 1:1 VNFM

1:1 1:N N:1
VNFC (Micro)Service Pod VM Host


EMS Container

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 34

VM Specifications and Mapping with Microservices
VM Flavor Core vCPUs Memory (GB) Storage (GB) Anti-affinity Rule VM Label Key Pod
OMU=VM Mainly used by services, such as
4 8 32 470 Strong
4 8 32 470 Strong CSP services
4 8 26 Strong LINK,SM…
(hostPath) HAFEXEC=MAVM,…
4 8 26 64 Strong NETM,UPIM,…
4 8 26 64 Strong HAFETCD,VHA
4 8 26 64 Strong SBIM,NRF,NSSF,GTP
4 8 26 Strong USN,AM
(hostPath) HAFEXEC=MAVM,…
4 8 26 64 Strong CM,POLICY
PBU_M 4 8 34 50 Strong CSDB
PBU_I 4 8 24 50 Strong CSLB,IP

Constraints: • Heterogeneous resource models are not supported for the same service or pod. For
• Each VDU is divided into one or more groups, and each group has a main label. example, an AM pod cannot use 4-core and 2-core resources at the same time.
• VMs become universal. Different VMs have different pod types and instance • If CSE-ETCD is deployed on IPUs, at least three IPUs are required.
quantity. • If hostPath is used, the number of instances must be the same as that of Label-VDU
• VNF instances cannot share pooled VDU resources. instances. The use of hostPath pods must be under restrict control.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 35

Template Package Structure - VNFD + TOSCA
TemplatePackage Lecel1-Directory Lece2-Directory Lecel3-Directory Lecel4-Directory Lecel5-Directory File Description

Contains SHA values of each zip file in

the same directory.

Vercfg.xml.cms Signature file of Vercfg.xml


VNFD-Types-Definitions.yaml Inherit original capabilities.

VNF_$VERSION definitions TOSCA-Normative-Types-
Definitions.yaml Define VNFD object types. Inherit original capabilities.

blueprints *.yaml, eg VNFD-Template_Large_E9K.yaml
Define VMs.

Inherit original capabilities.

plans *.yaml, eg Large_E9K.yaml
Define input parameters.

Inherit original capabilities.

scripts user-defined
Define script files

Inherit original capabilities.

files user-defined
Define injected files.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 36

Template Package Structure - VNFD + TOSCA
TemplatePackage Lecel1-Directory Lece2-Directory Lecel3-Directory Lecel4-Directory Lecel5-Directory File Description
AM AM.yaml
AM_Service AM service
…… ……

SM_Service SM SM.yaml SM service

…… ……

LINK_OM.yaml Public service

Common_Service LINK
…… ……
MME.yaml 2/3/4G service
MME-SGSN_Service MME_OM.yaml
…… ……
CSLB_OM.yaml Middleware service
service_templates CSLB_IP.yaml $VERSION.tar.gz
Middle_Service IP_CTRL.yaml
……. ……
OMLB OMLB.yaml OM service
…… …….
SCFM.yaml Product piatform service
Service_Fabric SCFA.yaml
…… ……
Blueprint.yaml Main template entry

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 37

Structure of a TOSCA Package
1. Image program of a container
# Define the number of app-example instances. 2. Deployment relationship between containers and VMs
instances: 2 3. Resource occupation configurations
# Define the network plane required by the app-example instances.
- name: "" # Mount /opt/host on the node
value: '[{"name": "base1","interface": "eth1"},{"name": "fab1","interface": "eth2"}]' to the /opt/container directory in the container.
resourceSelector: volumes:
# Define the deployment locations and affinity attributes of the app_example instances. The app- - name: example-dir
example instances will be deployed on VMs with the vm: omu label. mountPath: /opt/container
labels: # Define a volume.
- key: "vm" app-example-dir:
value: "omu" properties:
# Only one app-example instance can be deployed on each VM. name: example-dir
affinities: hostPath: /opt/host
antiself: true node_templates:
app-component: container-network-base:
properties: properties:
package: name: "base"
# Container image name # Define the type of the logical network.
image: swr ip:port/unc/app_component:1.0 type: "underlay_ipvlan"
# Define resources, including CPU, memory, and hugepage memory. providerNetworks: ["phy-network-Base"]
resource_spec: # Define the VLAN ID of the logical network plane.
requests: vlanID: 100
cpu: 12 # Define the network segment of the logical network plane.
memory: 74G ipam:
limits: subnet: ""
cpu: 12 gateway: ""
memory: 74G rangeStart: ""
hugepage rangeEnd: ""
- type: "1G"
number: 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 38

Container Images
VNFD template Specifies the information, such as the type, quantity, and network, about the VMs to be deployed.
TOSCA template Specifies the information, such as the namespace, network, and image address, about the containers to be deployed.

Guest OS image package Euler OS image package for VMs.

image Image package of a group of container processes. The service software package for a VNF is split into several pod image
Pod image package packages, and these packages can be upgraded and maintained independently.
The pod image packages for a VNF may be combined as a software package for commercial release.

UNC product image package UNC template

Pod 1 software image Pod 2 software image From the internal technology
package package AOS template perspective, the software and
templates between pods are



FusionStage installation package

independent of each other and


can be delivered independently in

the development phase.
Pod 1 Pod 2
TOSCA TOSCA In the early phase of 5G version,
template template the A/B test and ongoing version
Docker basic image Docker basic image delivery processes are not ready,
and pod images are combined
into a product image package. All
the images use the same template.
The software package quantity
and operation mode are the same
Guest OS image package VNFD template as those for CloudEdge.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 39

Package Management Procedure

Upload the VNFD template

1. When the VNFM northbound interface or portal receives the compression package()

uploaded template, the user can select the CaaS to which the Parse the VNFD()
template is to be synchronized. The CSM can connect to
multiple CaaSs. Store the VM template()
Upload the container
2. The CSM parses the VNFD and saves the VM template. template (API Call)

3. The CSM invokes the CaaS interface to upload the template.

Query the container template list()
4. The CSM invokes the CaaS interface to query the template list
and display the list to the user.
5. The CSM invokes the CaaS interface to create an application Create an application namespace()

6. When the VNFM northbound or portal receives the uploaded
image, the user can select the CaaS to which the image is to be Upload the container image
synchronized. The CSM can connect to multiple CaaSs. compression package
(containing VNFs)() Create a namespace (optional)
7. The CSM invokes the CaaS interface to create an image
namespace and an image repository.
8. The CSM cyclically uploads all images in the image package to Create an image repository (optional)

the CaaS.
9. When the VNFM northbound or portal receives the uploaded
Upload the image()
image, the user can select the VIM to which the image is to be
synchronized. The CSM can connect to multiple VIMs.
10. The CSM invokes the VIM interface to synchronize the VM Query the image()

image to the VIM.

Upload the VM image()

Synchronize the VM image to the VIM()

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 40

VNF Instantiation Procedure

1. A user receives an NS instantiation request on

the NFVO portal.
2. After creating a network, the NFVO sends a
VNF creation request to the VNFM.
3. [Direct mode] The VNFM invokes the NFVO
interface to authorize VM resources.
Manage VMs()
4. The VNFM invokes the VIM interface to create
a VM and start the VM.
5. The VNFM invokes the CaaS interface to
manage the created VM and perform a series of
container creation actions, including CreateStack
and StartStack.
6. The NFVO invokes the VNFM interface to
query the VNF instantiation progress.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 41

VNF Termination Procedure

1. A user initiates a request for terminating an NS

on the NFVO portal.
2. The NFVO invokes the VNFM to terminate the
3. The VNFM invokes the CaaS interface to delete
the stack.
4. The VNFM periodically invokes the CaaS
interface to check whether the stack has been
5. The VNFM invokes the CaaS interface to delete
the VM node.
6. The VNFM invokes the VIM interface to delete
the VM.
7. The NFVO invokes the VNFM interface to view
the VNF termination progress.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 42

Auto Scale-out Procedure

Principles: Rapid container scale-out is an important

value point of containers. If more containers need to

VM scale-out
be added, ensure that required VM resources are
[VM scale-out]
Method 1: Reserve VM resources during VNF
Method 2: Manually perform VM scale-out on the
MANO in advance. For details, see the figure of VM
Method 3: The load is automatically detected based on a
policy. If the VM load exceeds the threshold, VM scale-
out is performed in advance. For details, see the figure
of VM scale-out.

Container scale-
[Container scale-out]
Method 1: A user performs container scale-out on the
VNFM. For details, see the figure of container scale-

Method 2: The container load is automatically detected
based on a policy. If the container load exceeds the
threshold, the system starts to add more containers. For
details, see the figure of container scale-out.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 43

Auto Scale-in Procedure
sd-VNF Scale-in (VM)


[VM scale-in]
1. A user initiates a VM scale-in operation on the VNFM.
2. The VNFM selects a low-load VM. ScaleIn(VM)

3. The VNFM invokes the CaaS interface to set the VM to The VNFM selects a VM with low load.()

VM scale-in
be unschedulable. The VNFM sets the VM to be unschedulable.()
4. The VNFM deletes the pod on the VM. After detecting a
pod fault, the CaaS automatically migrates services and
rebuilds a pod. Delete Pods()

5. The VNFM invokes the VIM interface to delete the VM. Ack()
[Container scale-in]
Method 1: A user performs container scale-in on the VNFM. The CaaS reschedules Pods
Delete VMs() To other VM nodes.()
For details, see the figure of container scale-in.
6. A user initiates a container scale-in operation on the Ack()

7. The VNFM invokes the CaaS execution stack lifecycle
management interface to perform scale-in.
8. The VNFM invokes the CaaS query stack interface to
check whether scale-in has been complete.
Method 2: The container load is automatically detected based
on a policy. If the container load is lower than the threshold,
Container scale-
container scale-in is initiated. For details, see the figure of in
container scale-in. The procedure is the same as that described
in method 1.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 44

5GC Container Network
Component 5GC 2.0 5GC 20.0
OMU VM Container network Base: IP VLAN
Fabric: SR-IOV
Fabric: OVS
control pod VM network SR-IOV
PaaS- Supporting both IP
Agent VLAN and SR-IOV
IPAM Multiple vNICs Single vNIC
network <<PaaS_Mng>>

 Network planes
PaaS Management, OM, Base, Fabric, and External
The Linux traffic distribution policy is configured for pod ports so that

NIC 1 NIC 2 traffic received over vNICs is distributed to different pods based on the
configured policy. Therefore, only a small number of vNICs are required.
40GE 40GE 40GE 40GE
 Direct connection/SR-IOV
ILOGIC_BASE1 ILOGIC_BASE2 Each port of pod occupies one vNIC. When there are a large number of
pods, the vNICs will be insufficient.

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