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English 8

“Covid threatens but men

innovate to adapt and
Feed the Soul
Friendship makes the world a
better place.
Observe how the information presented.
Big Questions:
Big Questions:
1. In the given paragraph, which of its
sentences expresses the main point or idea?
2. How does the writer describe or explain the
main idea in the paragraph?
3. Are all sentences connected and relevant to
each other? Explain your observation.
4. What makes the given paragraph effective
and easy to be understood?
Read and
What is a
What is a paragraph?

Paragraph is a collection of
connected sentences. It is a building
block of essay development.
In fact, a useful way to think about
a paragraph is as a “mini-essay” or an
essay within an essay, with its own topic
sentence, supporting details and the
end or conclusion.
What are the
parts of
There are usually three basic
(1)a topic sentence
(2) Supporting sentences, and
(3) Concluding sentence.
The topic sentence states the main, or
controlling, idea.

The sentences that explain this main point are
called supporting details. These details may be
facts, reasons, or examples that provide further
information about the topic sentence.
The sentence that wraps or summarizes the
Parents can help their children be successful in
school by encouraging them. There are many simple
ways on how parents can encourage their children.
They can remind them to do their homework. Parents
can also encourage them by buying them books and
tapes to help them learn. Lastly, parents can encourage
them by rewarding them. Always remember that the
success of students lies on the parents’ support and
active involvement in their child’s learning.
Topic Sentence:
Parents can help their children be successful in
school by encouraging them.

Supporting Details:
1. Parents can encourage their children by reminding
them to do their homework.
2. Parents can encourage their children by buying them
books and tapes to help them learn.
3. Parents can encourage their children by rewarding

Concluding Sentence:
Always remember that the success of students lies on the
parents’ support and active involvement in their child’s
My parents are my heroes.
They love me unconditionally no matter how hard headed I am.

Like superheroes, they do everything to provide me everything I need.

They work day and night like super humans in order for us to have food to eat.

Truly, my parents play an important part in my life for without them, I am

My parents are my heroes. They love
me unconditionally no matter how hard
headed I am. Like superheroes, they do
everything to provide me everything I
need. They work day and night like super
humans in order for us to have food to
eat. Truly, my parents play an important
part in my life for without them, I am
Friendship makes the world
a better place.
What do we need to
remember when writing a
Writing Effective Paragraphs

In general, in order for a paragraph to be effective, it

must have three characteristics:
 Unity- which means all sentences in the paragraph
explain, develop and support the central idea.
 Development- effective paragraphs are not only unified,
but are fully developed as well, which means that they
don’t leave any significant question in the reader’s mind.
 Coherence- which means paragraphs are arranged
according to a definite plan, and as a result, all the
sentences “stick together” and lead readers smoothly from
the topic sentence to the concluding one.
Write it out!
Create a paragraph outline about any
pf the following:

- Family
- Adventure
- Travel Destination
- Friendship
- Sports
Additional Activity:

Once you’re ready with your

paragraph, you may now create a
meaningful and encouraging video of
it that can be posted and shared to
your love ones and friends.
What I Have
Google Quiz Link:

Read and study about the

Types of Texts.

The link will be forwarded to our

group chat after the class and for
those who do not have the gadgets
at home, photocopies of the
material will be distributed.
“Covid threatens but men
innovates to adapt and
Have you ever found yourself
wanting to speak out your
opinions but chose to be quiet
because you are not confident
of yourself or are afraid of
The statements below are all taken from the
expository text entitled, “Asian Culture Facts
and History - Interesting Information about
Asia,” taken from
Analyze each of them and identify whether
they state facts or opinions.
1. Asian culture is colorful and immensely
2. The Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival
or Chinese New Year with great excitement.
3. There are certain fascinating practices
which are observed only in Asian cultures.
4. All over Asia, many different cultures,
countless interesting customs and various
colors of life can be observed.
5. Asia is a place where tourists can enjoy
different cuisines, observe a number of
religious practices, join in the celebrations of
several popular Asian festivals and experience
what no other part of the world does.
Are video games a good way to keep fit?
Nowadays, many teenagers have got video consoles at home and they often
like playing active video games. These are good for you for a number of reasons.
First of all, I think that active video games are a good way to keep fit. There
are a lot of different types of exercise you can do such as basketball, water-skiing
and dance and, what’s more, you can play them in the comfort of your own home.
In my opinion, these games are fun and interactive because you can play them with
friends and, if you play online, you don’t need to be in same place as your friend to
First of all, I think that active video games are a good way to keep fit. There
are a lot of different types of exercise you can do such as basketball, water-skiing
and dance and, what’s more, you can play them in the comfort of your own home.
In my opinion, these games are fun and interactive because you can play them with
friends and, if you play online, you don’t need to be in same place as your friend to
Assignment 1:
1. Define the following:
a. Fact
b. Opinion
2-3. Write two (2) sentences that are considered as
4-5. Write two (2) sentences that are considered as

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