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My Presentation on Global Warming

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's nearsurface air and oceans since the mid-20th century

Causes of global warming

Rise in the concentration of Green House gases like Carbon dioxide, Ozone, water vapors, etc due to higher pollution levels by burning of fossil fuels, rapid industrialization, deforestation, etc., are the main causes of Global Warming.

Effects of Global Warming

There are two major effects of global warming. They are..

i) Increase of temperature on the earth by about 3 to 5 C by the year 2100.

ii) Rise of sea levels by at least 25 meters (82 feet) by the year 2100.

Due to increase in temperature, the pattern and duration of Weather are changing resulting in extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, and tornadoes. This also lead to uneven crop yields, Glacial retreat, species extinctions, etc. As a further effect of global warming, diseases like malaria are returning into areas where they have

Prevention of Global Warming

Global warming is the greatest environmental challenge the world has ever faced.'' It requires a huge and collective effort to control this menace or else, the entire human population may wipe out. There are many ways to stop global warming effect. They are..

1. Raise Awareness
The world is only now becoming aware of the critical problem that is global warming. However many are still in doubt. If you can promote the idea and show others that you care about Earth, the Government would also take faster action. Taking part in global and community events such as Earth Day, etc. is an excellent way to promote this.

2. Choose Energy Efficient Appliances

Nearly half the energy in a home is used by your air conditioner or washing machine. Look for the Energy Star blue label when purchasing a new appliance.

3. Turn off Power when not needed.

In case you are not going to use your AC, TV, Fans, lights, computers, etc. even for a shorter duration, simply turn them off, instead of keeping them on stand-by mode.

4.Choose Alternative Transportation

If you wish to purchase a new car then buy a fuel efficient / battery driven or hybrid vehicle. They may be slightly costly but can not only greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions but save your money at the fuel stn. Take the bus, ride a bike or walk if you are close to your destination. Carbon emissions from single person car transport is the number one most preventable carbon emitter.

5. Replace Light Bulbs

Purchasing energy efficient light bulbs can use 60% less energy than normal light bulbs. You can save around 120 kg of carbon dioxide in a year by replacing a single light bulb.

6. Invest in Alternative Energy Sources

Adaptation to alternative energy sources like wind mills, hydro power stations, solar panels, etc can make a huge difference to the global warming.

Thank you

For giving your precious time for me.

Presentation By:
Garvit Gupta

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