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- By Parth Prajapati
- Student ID – AIBL230136
- Date – 08/03/2023
• The business is known as "Worlducation" and has a vision to see a world without illiteracy.

• This business creates and sell their owned tablets that helped schools with learning software.

• This product is majorly shipped and most of their customer acquisitions are from business to
business(B2B), however they are wanting to get into business to customer(B2C).

• The companies prime locations and operating departments are based

1. in Sydney CBD that is the headquarter,
2. in Bulgaria they have development and
3. in Hong Kong they have their manufacturing.
• The student is assuming the role of "Senior financial analyst".

• Responsibilities relevant to the situation outlined in the case study includes:

1. managing cash flow
2. preparing a budget
3. Raising with the sales team to understand the sales pipeline and potential scenarios
4. Raising with the operations and manufacturing teams to understand capacity and supply chain
• The senior financial analyst will investigate Worlducation’s cashflow pressure on behalf of the
finance manager to present to the CFO.

• "Worlducation Financial Information" spreadsheet in the Assessor resources folder provides an

example of the analysis and presentation of financial information.
• Stakeholders in this example include the:
• 1. Financers (provide debt)
• 2. Customers and suppliers (payment terms)
• 3. Board of directors (guide decision-making and represent shareholders)
• 4. CFO (reports to the board, ultimately responsible for cashflow)
• 5. Sales team (generates revenue, customer relationships)
• 6. Operations team and manufacturing team (set capacity and incur costs to meet sales
• Objectives for pursing solutions are to:
• 1. Maintain Worlducation's liquidity
• 2. Meeting budget

• Advantages of solving the issue include:

• 1. Future growth is viable and sustainable
• 2. Positive supplier and customer relationships
• 3. Meeting bank covenants and maintaining trusted relationships with financiers

• Risks when addressing the issue:

• 1. Lose customers
• 2. Damaged supplier relationships
• 3. Internal HR issues
• Legislation:

• 1. Corporations Act 2001

• 2. Employee and labor legislation, such as the Fair Work Act, in all jurisdictions (Australia, Bulgaria and Hong
Kong) where employees are employed.
• 3. Operational Health and Safety requirements specifically in the Hong Kong manufacturing facility.

• Organizational policies and procedures will include those provided in the case study pack (e.g. Payment of
• Resources required to develop solutions to the cashflow issue at Worlducation may include:
• 1. Internal staff members (CFO, Operations management, Sales management)
• 2. Online meeting facilities
• 3. Budget model
• 4. Sales pipeline document

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