Persuasive Text

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1. Identify features of persuasive texts.
2. 2Identify the uses of persuasive texts
3. Define persuasive texts
Your thesis statement should attempt to
convince your audience of your point of
view. It needs to be debatable.
1.Is a college education necessary?
Does Facebook (or other forms of soci
al media) create isolation?
Transition words link different
sentences to improve the shifting and
flow of writing
•Indeed To say nothing, Besides As
a matter of fact Much less Actually
Inn addition to
•In the first place On the other hand
What is more As well as Alternatively
Activity 1: Classify the given examples below
as to whether it is persuasive or not
A persuasive text is a form of writing that tries
______ to a reader to a point of view, opinion
or idea about an issue. It can also _____or
inform. A persuasive text is usually composed of
three parts: introduction,______ , and
conclusion. It must begin with a____ thesis
statement and must also include supporting
ideas and argument. The ____ of the persuasive
text should repeat the main purpose of the text.
Below are sentences which make up a
persuasive paragraph. Arrange the sentences
in correct order. Use numbers 1 to 5 to
identify sequence. _____ So, even though it is
great to have friends, it is much better to have
family. You might not be able to choose who
they are, but you certainly can rely on them to
be there and help you out whenever you need
_____ This may be true, but does it
mean that friends are more important
just because you choose who they are?
I don’t think so, but not everyone will
_____Another reason in favour of
friends is that people spend their free
time, their fun time, with friends.
_____ One reason is that people share so
many special memories with friends as
they grow up together.
_____ You can choose your friends but
you can’t choose your relatives
1. Which is not a feature of
persuasive text?
a. thesis statement
b. b. fictional ideas
c. c. clear organization or structure
d. d. supporting ideas and
Why is it important to teach persuasive writing?
a.It provides students with an opportunity to have
voices heard.
b.b. It teaches students to develop as active
citizens and to think independently.
c. c. Students can move beyond the four walls of
the classroom and become more thoughtful about
the larger world around them.
d.d. All of the above
.The following describes a persuasive text EXCEPT:
a.uses to support as the author expresses his/ her
b. b. convinces readers to agree with one’s opinion
about an issue
c.c. provides step-by-step guidelines that describe how
to complete a task
d.d. commonly found in argumentative essays, articles,
and scripts for commercials and political campaigns
4. How does a persuasive text
a. a question
b. summary of the claim
. c. reasons about the claim
d. clear statement or thesis about
the purpose of the text
The main purpose of a piece of
persuasive writing is
a. to entertain a reader
b. to convince a reader
c. to inform the reader
d. to describe a series of events
This type of speech’s goal is to influence,
motivate, or change the audience’s mind.
a.Informative speech
b. b. Special Occasion Speech
c. c. Persuasive speech
d. d. Impromptu speech
In developing a persuasive composition, the
writer must be mindful of the following
except ______.
a.the writing process
b.b. the target audience
c. c. the purpose of the composition
d.d. the references to guide in the discussion
of the topic
8.Which is not an example of a persuasive text?
a. a political speech
b. a political cartoon
c. a product advertisement
d. a photograph of political figure
9. How does the author share their opinion about an issue
through persuasive writing?
a.Share their personal opinion.
b.b. Support their opinion through the use of facts.
c. c. Make up fictional information to trick the reader.
d.d. Share the opinions of others that are similar to theirs.
10. You are invited to be the guest speaker in your Alma mater.
Persuade the students about the importance of education as they
continue their journey in their chosen career. What do you need to
remember as you give your introduction of yourself? a. Be
professional. Avoid language abuse or derogatory speech
. b. Be more confident in delivering your introduction. Make sure
that your audience will admire you.
c. Be honest to yourself and to your audience. Share accurate
qualifications and experiences.
d. Be specific. Focus on your educational qualification and career
tracks since you are delivering a speech for graduating students

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