Process of Making Research

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Process of Making

The research problem

 A problem is a situation resulting from the interaction or juxtaposition of

two or more factors (e.g., givens, constraints, conditions, desires, etc.) which
yields (1) a perplexing or enigmatic state, (2) an undesirable consequence,
or (3) a conflict which renders the choice from among alternative courses of
action moot.

 A problem solution is an action which clarifies the perplexing or enigmatic

state, which alleviates or eliminates an undesirable consequence, or which
resolves the conflict or delineates the course of action to be taken.
The research title

 The thesis title is the topic on which you have prepared your thesis. In
simple words, it can be said that the title of the thesis summarizes the
main concept of your study. A title should be crisp, small and relevant to
the topic.
Why thesis title is important?

 While writing a thesis, the first thing that catches reader attention is the title
of thesis. Therefore, it is an essential part. A PhD thesis title is its identity.
Your thesis will be known by the topic you choose to write. Hence, if the title
is lengthy, the study will lose its gravity. The title should be crisp and short.
 It also helps in avoiding grammatical mistakes
How to make thesis title?
 The title of thesis is an important part. You need to be very creative when it
comes to thesis title.
 Title is not just an introduction, but it is reflection of your study. Here are
some points that can help you with writing a good thesis title for your study:
 • The title of your thesis should be small and crisp.
 • It should be very catchy and easy to remember.
 • The title should be relevant to the subject of your study.
 • It should give an idea about your thought that you are supporting in your
Characteristics of a Good Research
 According to rhetoric scholars Hairston and Keene, making a good title
for a paper involves ensuring that the title of the research accomplishes
four goals as mentioned below:
 • It should predict the content of the research paper.
 • It should be interesting to the reader.
 • It should reflect the tone of the writing.
 • It should contain important keywords that will make it easier to be
located during a keyword
 search.
Guidelines to thesis title
 1. The title should be clear and distinctively stated.
 2. Subject matter of the study, the place of the study, the population involved,
the period when the data were gathered should be included.
 3. The variables being examined should always be written as part of the title.
Choose terms that will summarize the variables if there were many variable
being studied.
 4. Title should be short. It should not exceed twenty words.
 5. Title should not contain acronyms
Guidelines to thesis title cont.
 6. Some forms of title phrasing such as “Study of…..”, An analysis….”,
“A Preliminary Study of……..” are to be avoided.
 7. Title should not contain formulas, symbols or subscripts or other non-
alphabetic symbols instead word substitute should be used.
 8. In case the title contains more than one line, it should be written like
an inverted pyramid, all words in capital letter
How to write thesis title?

 Effectiveness
of Parent Engagement Program to
Reduce Truancy and Juvenile Delinquency :
A Systematic Review
Factors to be considered whether the research problem is researchable or not:

 1. The problem is existing to the locality or country but no known solution to

the problem
 2. The solution can be answered by measuring statistical strategies and
 3. There are possible solutions but they are not yet tested
 4. The occurrence of phenomena requires scientific investigation to arrive at
precise solution
 5. serious problems of people where it demands research
Criteria of a good research problem

 1. Interesting – Research problem should attract the attention of the reader. Students
doing the research should also be interested to their topic to develop enthusiasm and
eagerness to finish their study.

 2. Innovative – Though replicability in conducting research is allowed, It is advisable that

a research problem is something novel, original and unique to attract the attention of
people and contribute to the economic development of the country.
 3. Cost effective – A good research problem should be cost effective and economical in
solving the needs of the community. It should also augment socio economic and health
conditions of the people and many others
Criteria of a good research problem etc.

 4. Relevant to the needs and problems of the people – Researchers must keep in mind that they
conduct research not for personal aggrandizement but to solve the needs and problems of the

 5. Relevant to government thrust – The researcher must respond to the government thrust. For
instance government thrust is on waste management, the investigator must conduct a study to
fight against waste.

 6. measurable and time bound – a good research problem is measurable by using research
instrument, apparatus or equipment as well as statistical tools to arrived scientific and measurable
What are the sources of research problems?

 Interviews
 Interviews sessions can be significant sources of research problems. The method
gives you an opportunity to have formal discussions and informal interactions
with individuals who can provide useful insights into research and make
findings more relevant to future research.
 Personal experiences
 You have to think critically about your personal experiences with an issue that
affects your family, your personal life, or your community. A research problem
derived from personal experience can spring from any issue and from anywhere.
What are the sources of research problems?

 Deduction from theory

 A deduction from theory refers to inferences a researcher makes from the
generalizations of life in a society that a researcher knows very well.
 A researcher takes the deduction, places them in an empirical frame, and then,
based on a theory, they come up with a research problem and a hypothesis that
suggests some findings based on given empirical results
What are the sources of research problems?

 Interdisciplinary Perspective
 If you consider interdisciplinary perspective to identify a problem for a
research study, you’ll have to look at scholarship and academic movements
from outside your main area of investigation.
 It’s an intellectually involving process, one that requires reviewing pertinent
literature to discover unique avenues of exploration an analysis.
 The benefit of using this approach to identify a research problem for your
research paper assignment is that it presents an opportunity for you to
understand complex issues with ease
What are the sources of research problems?
 Relevant Literature
To generate a research problem from relevant literature, you first have to review research related to your
area of interest.
Doing so allows you to find gaps on the topic, making it easy for you to understand just how much
understudied your area of interest is.
Data collected from relevant literature is relevant because it helps to:
• Fill existing gaps in knowledge based on a specific research
• Determine if current studies can have implications on further research on the same issue
• See if it’s possible to conduct a similar study in a different area or apply the same in a
different context
• Determine if the methods used in previous studies can be effective in solving future

 The introduction is the first chapter of your thesis paper. It narrows down a broad
subject and directs its focus to a specific point.
 Similarly, it also serves as a mind map highlighting the central theme, writing
styles, and supporting points. These aspects set the stage for the writing process.
 Moreover, a thesis introduction paragraph comes after the table of contents and
provides a broader context of the research. Remember, a strong beginning is
important to grab the reader’s attention.
What are the major elements of
 • Topic and Context – What points a reader should know to understand the
 • Focus and Scope – What aspects of the topic will be addressed? It can be
research gaps, questions, and problems.
 • Relevance and Importance – How does the research work contribute to the
existing work on the topic?
 • Questions and Objectives – What are the main objectives of the research work,
and how they can be achieved?
How long should a thesis introduction be?

 The introduction of your thesis paper makes up roughly 10% of your total
word count. Therefore, a PhD thesis paper introduction would be 8000 -
10000 words. However, a Master's thesis would be 1500 - 2000 words long.
 Although the thesis introduction length can be increased if the writer
includes images, diagrams, and descriptions.

 The Problem and Its Background

 Literature Review
 Theoretical Framework
 Conceptual Framework
 Objectives of the study
A thesis introduction chapter outline.
 • Start with an attention-grabbing hook statement.
 • Introduce the topic to the audience through a general statement.
 • Describe the problem statement and the main hypothesis.
 • State your main argument with the help of a thesis statement.
 • Mention the research questions along with the objectives.
 • Discuss the significance and the contribution of the research to the existing literature.
 • State the research limitations, if there are any.
 • Conclude your introduction paragraph by connecting all the ideas logically
How to start thesis introduction?

 1. Choose a Topic
 The first step to start a thesis introduction is by choosing an interesting topic. It should be
introduced and defined well for the readers to understand.
 You can also choose unique ideas from our compiled list of thesis topics.
 2. Brainstorm and Research the Content
 Brainstorm different ideas and information related to your topic. Research the content by going
through previous literature regarding your subject. It will help you get maximum grip on the
How to start thesis introduction?
 3. Select the Type of Paper
 Select the type of paper you are comfortable in writing. Remember, the text should
never be in the first person.
 Also, do not add irrelevant details and be precise by using accurate vocabulary and
 Strong words while writing a thesis will help you describe the research aims
 4. Know the Target Audience
 It is better to know the target audience that you are addressing. Similarly, the work
techniques, processes, and literature must be introduced according to your
 5. Organize the Ideas
 Organize and compile the main arguments, ideas, and claims in the next step. These
thoughts will be helpful to describe and present the thesis statement.
 6. Define the Subject and Relevant Themes
 Define the subject and the relevant themes before starting your thesis introduction. It would
become easier for the reader to skim and get a good idea by going through it

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