Chapter 1

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Maintenance and Installation of Machinery

Course Content
• Introduction
• Fundamental Theories of Damages
• Typical Damages of Machine Parts
• Determination of the State of Damage
• Elements of Maintenance Technology
• Decision Making
• Basic Probability Concepts
• Reliability, Maintainability and Availability
• Maintenance Planning
• Organization of Maintenance Planning
• Spares Provisioning
• Network Analysis for Planning and Control of Maintenance Work
Reconditioning Processes 1
• The overall and overarching goal of any company’s
establishment is long time survival and the ability to
produce useful outputs and provide satisfactory service
to its customers. But due to the following the
functionality of equipment’s is affected
 Equipment parts wear and corrosion
 Atmospheric conditions that destroy equipment parts
and materials
 Aging affects materials and their behavior
 Improper handling affects equipment and materials

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If proper actions not taken against those mention
above causes of failures, there would be breakdown
in the service providing, and materials deteriorate
unduly resulting in loss or total stoppage of service
it provides.
• For the engineering viewpoint, the management
of the means of production has two elements to it.
First, it must be maintained, and second, from time to
time it may also need to be modified.

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To achieve the primary objective of satisfying a demand,
it is very important that equipment’s are giving the right
quantity and quality services at the right time and right
For these requirements to be met, equipment need to be
maintained in the most efficient and economic manner
The machines and equipment must operate efficiently and
effectively at the required level of service it provides
There must be very few or no stoppages on service lines
which require effective planning, scheduling and good
administration of maintenance activities.
Maintenance requirements have an impact on service
scheduling and other functions performed to satisfying
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Time lost due to maintenance may interfere with
schedules from the organization.
Therefore, maintenance requirements should be
considered in choosing machines or equipment for
replacement or increasing the capacity of installed
machines and equipment.
The maintenance department in any organization is
saddled with the responsibility of the maintenance of
facilities, equipment, and machines.

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Maintenance is any activity that is carried out on
any facility either to restore to or to retain the
facility in a good and acceptable working
Maintenance involves all technical and other
procedures performed in order to retain the
satisfactory working condition of a machine or
part or restoring it to an acceptable working
condition so that the set tasks can be performed at
the scheduled time and under given conditions.

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Maintenance is often not given the priority it deserves in
the overall operating strategy of a facility. Maintenance
programs are managed and funded by people, and human
nature seems to abide by the old tenet, “If it isn’t broke,
don’t fix it.”
Many managers view money spent on maintenance as
money thrown down a black hole. In spite of any life-
cycle “proofs” to the contrary, managers look for ways to
cut maintenance budgets first when any other need arises
Compared to other departments, maintenance
departments have no real “product” and - as such -
produce no real income.

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• It has been stated below that the maintenance functions stem at
supporting role to keep equipment
i. To operate effectively
ii. To maintain quality standard at all times
iii. To maintain the quantitative and cost standards of output.
• The objectives of plant maintenance have been enumerated to
include the following;
 To achieve minimum breakdown and to keep the plant in good
working condition at the lowest possible cost
 To keep the machines and other facilities in operational level,
and used act optimum (profit making) capacity.
 To ensure the availability of the machines; buildings and services
required by other section, buildings and services required by
other section of the factory for efficient performance.
 The most important responsibility of plant engineering is that of
maintaining the plant facilities and equipment.
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One of the factors that can ensure availability of installed facilities for
efficient use is an effective and efficient maintenance engineering
system. Gone were the days when maintenance was not given
adequate attention. For any company with mechanized and automated
systems, more attention is now given to maintenance function.
Therefore, the need for maintenance increases with technological
advancement in production/service providing facilities.
Other factors which seem to emphasize the need for effective
maintenance system are:
 Strong competition
 Tight production/service schedules
 Increased machine utilization
 Increased production/service level
Inadequate or lack of effective and efficient maintenance system
especially in a manufacturing enterprise/service providing sector gives
to several undesirable consequences. 9
These consequences include:
 Excessive machine/equipment breakdown
 Frequent emergency maintenance work
 Shortened life-span of the facility
 Poor use of maintenance staff
 Loss in production output/service provide
 Inability to meet delivery dates
 Excessive overtime
 Loss of lives
The function of maintenance engineering can be divided into primary and secondary
The primary functions of maintenance are:
(i)Maintenance of existing machines and equipment Maintenance of existing
(iii) Inspection and lubrication of machine and equipment
(iv) Generation and distribution of utilities e.g. clean and dry air, hot water etc.
(v) Installation of new machines and equipment
(vi) Modifications of existing machines, equipment and buildings
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The secondary functions include the following:
(i) Sanitation
(ii) Disposal of used items
(iii) Storekeeping
(iv) Fire protection
(v) Janitorial service

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 Maintenance management may be described as the function of
providing policy guidance for maintenance activities, in addition to
exercising technical and management control of maintenance
 With increasing industrialization and complexity of equipment, the
importance of maintenance increase as downtime and costs related to
downtime become increasingly prohibitive.
 To understand maintenance and its various characteristics features, it is
imperative to know what an equipment life-cycle comprises and the
factors at the various stages as they relate to maintenance.
 An equipment is considered as passing through a number of stages, the
first being design and the last one replacement.
 The level of maintenance activity required and maintenance
management involved at the equipment operation stage is affected by
factors at other stages through which the equipment passes.
 These stages are briefly discussed below indicating how maintenance is
affected by the actions undertaken at the respective stages.
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Design stage
The most important features of maintenance, particularly reliability and
maintainability should be considered properly in relation to performance of
equipment, capital and running costs right at the design stage. Good
maintainability and reliability characteristics are incorporated in the system at this
Installation stage
Maintainability is an important factor to be considered during installation, for it is
here that maintenance problems become clear.
Commissioning stage
This is a stage of technical performance testing and also a stage of where primary
design faults are located and designed out. During commissioning, maintenance
effectiveness can be analyzed and changes can be effected in the system.
Operational stage
Operational stage is a stage of continued learning where maintenance plays an
important role. In this stage, mal-operation should be avoided and maintenance
activities are optimized so as to exploit the system reliability and maintainability
stage 14
A maintenance department is expected to perform a wide range of
functions including:
• Planning and repairing equipment/facilities to acceptable standards
• Performing preventive maintenance; more specifically, developing and
implementing a regularly scheduled work program for the purpose of
maintaining satisfactory equipment/facility operation as well as
preventing major problems
• Preparing realistic budgets that detail maintenance personnel and
material needs
• Managing inventory to ensure that parts/materials necessary to conduct
maintenance tasks are readily available
• Keeping records on equipment,etc.

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Improving a maintenance management program is a continuous
process that requires progressive attitudes and active involvement.
 A nine-step approach for managing a maintenance program
effectively is presented below
• Identify existing deficiencies. This can be accomplished through
interviews with maintenance personnel and by examining in-house
performance indicators.
• Set maintenance goals. These goals take into consideration existing
deficiencies and identify targets for improvement.
• Establish priorities. List maintenance projects in order of savings or
• Establish performance measurement parameters. Develop a
quantifiable measurement for each set goal, for example, number of
jobs completed per week and percentage of cost on repair.

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• Establish short- and long-range plans. The short-range plan focuses on
high-priority goals, usually within a one-year period. The long-range
plan is more strategic in nature and identifies important goals to be
reached within three to five years.
• Document both long- and short-range plans and forward copies to all
concerned individuals.
• Implement plan.
• Report status. Preparing a brief report periodically, say semi-annually,
and forward it to all involved individuals. The report contains for each
objective identified in the short-range plan information on actual or
potential slippage of the schedule and associated causes.
• Examine progress annually. Review progress at the end of each year
with respect to stated goals. Develop a new short-range plan for the
following year by considering the goals identified in the long-range plan
and adjustments made to the previous year’s planned schedule,
resources, costs, and so on
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There are many elements of effective maintenance management whose
effectiveness is the key to the overall success of the maintenance
activity. Many of these elements are described below
 It is essential for continuity of operations and a clear understanding
of the maintenance management program, regardless of the size of a
maintenance organization.
 Usually, maintenance organizations have manuals containing items
such as policies, programs, objectives, responsibilities, and
authorities for all levels of supervision, reporting requirements,
useful methods and techniques, and performance measurement
 Lacking such documentation, i.e., a policy manual, a policy
document must be developed containing all essential policy
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• Past experience indicates that, on average, material costs account for approximately
30 to 40% of total direct maintenance costs.
• Efficient utilization of personnel depends largely on effectiveness in material
• Material problems can lead to false starts, excess travel time, delays, unmet due
dates, etc.
• Steps such as job planning, coordinating with purchasing, coordinating with stores,
coordination of issuance of materials, and reviewing the completed job can help
reduce material related problems.
 A work order authorizes and directs an individual or a group to perform a given task.
 A well-defined work order system should cover all the maintenance jobs requested
and accomplished, whether repetitive or one-time jobs.
 The work order system is useful for management in controlling costs and evaluating
job performance.
 Equipment records play a critical role in effectiveness and efficiency of the maintenance
 Usually, equipment records are grouped under four classifications: maintenance work
12/06/2023 maintenance cost, inventory, and files.
Maintenance Objective, Planning and Control
• The proper maintenance objective is the minimization of the sum of
plant unavailability and resource costs through the proper planning
and control of maintenance work.
 Unavailability cost = loss of in-service material and production loss
while in repair undergoing preventive maintenance
 Resource cost = corrective maintenance labor, preventive maintenance
labor, maintenance equipment spare usage and holding costs
• An established maintenance organization and planning needs to set-up
a control system to ensure that, the plan and organization are
continually updated.
• This control system performs three main interrelated functions: work
control, plant condition control and maintenance cost control.
• These three functions are interrelated in that they are targeted at
minimizing maintenance cost.

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Work Control
This is a function of the maintenance organization and its object is to
match manpower, spares and equipment to the maintenance workload.
This function includes
- Location of plant failure
- Determination of the necessary corrective action
- The setting of priorities
- Coordination and control of resources
Plant condition control
This function is required in order to achieve optimum performance in the
long term. The function of plant condition control is to:
- Identify the most important problems
- Diagnose causes
- Prescribe solutions

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In achieving this function the alternative actions available are:
- Modification of preventive maintenance policy
- Equipment re-design (especially in the early period of equipment life)
- Changes in production policy
• Maintenance cost control
Its main objective is to minimize the sum of costs related to maintenance
activities. The function of maintenance cost control is:
- To identify high cost areas of the plant
- To monitor the trend of maintenance effectiveness
- To provide information for maintenance decision making
- To facilitate maintenance budgeting

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Types Of Maintenance
 Breakdown maintenance
It means that people waits until equipment fails and repair it. Such a thing
could be used when the equipment failure does not significantly affect the
operation or production or generate any significant loss other than repair cost.
 Preventive maintenance
It is a daily maintenance ( cleaning, inspection, oiling and re-tightening ),
design to retain the healthy condition of equipment and prevent failure
through the prevention of deterioration, periodic inspection or equipment
condition diagnosis, to measure deterioration. It is further divided into
periodic maintenance and predictive maintenance. Just like human life is
extended by preventive medicine, the equipment service life can be
prolonged by doing preventive maintenance.
 Corrective maintenance
It improves equipment and its components so that preventive maintenance
can be carried out reliably. Equipment with design weakness must be
redesigned to improve reliability or improving maintainability
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Depending on the nature of the maintenance workload related to time,
maintenance is broadly classified into two. The figure below shows
the broad categories of maintenance.

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A preventive maintenance program should include periodic inspection,
preplanned maintenance activities, non-destructive testing, and maintenance
to correct deficiencies found through testing or inspection. The elements of
preventive maintenance are:
• Care: - Regular care of normally operating subsystems and components
requires such activities like cleaning, lubrication, etc.
• Servicing: - servicing of subsystems and components includes care along
with other activities such as filling in oil and fuel, readjustment, re-setting,
adjusting, and checking without instrument
• Inspection: - Inspection of subsystems and components comprises
servicing together with checking, testing, measuring, examining.
The activities carried out during inspection are
i) Checking of function (comparison with required data), and
ii) Gauging (use of measuring instruments).
• Repair: - Repair activities include replacement of damaged and destroyed
parts or those nearing wear-out and reconditioning of components. Repair
action normally requires disassembling and assembling of components.
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• Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance is defined as that which is carried out
when equipment fails or falls below acceptable condition while in
• Basically, corrective maintenance is an emergency
maintenance which is carried out after breakdown, thus it is a
shutdown activity.
• Corrective maintenance is an off-schedule maintenance
required by system in-service failure or malfunction.
• Adhoc fiil in jobs : System operation is restored as soon as
possible by replacing, repairing or adjusting the component
which interrupted service

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Assignment I
Briefly discuss your hosting company during
internship practical maintenance management system
looks like with what you learn in this chapter

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The end

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