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You Are Who

You Are
English 3
Describe yourself using the
first letter of your name.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the
lesson, the pupils will be able to:

● read words with short o sounds in CVC pattern;

● show understanding of meaning of short o words through
actions and sentence completion;
● listen to sequence at least three events using signal words;
● note details regarding character, setting and plot.
Reading Warm-ups

mo od
Is it difficult to read
words that have a short o rood
sound? How do you read
a word with short o
mod rod
Examples of words with short “o”
cob cod bog bop dot
fob mod cog cop got
job nod fog hop hot
The short o sound sometimes
appears at the beginning of a word
like on, off, octopus and October.
In many cases, the short o sound
can be found in the middle like the
words in the table.
ACTIVITY: Choose a word from the list (nod, jot,
jog, hop and mop) to complete each sentence.

1. I ___ my head to mean that I agree

with an idea.
2. Let us ___ when there are no
classes, so we will be physically fit.
3. Birds fly, fishes swim, and rabbits
ACTIVITY: Choose a word from the list (nod, jot,
jog, hop and mop) to complete each sentence

4. I was told to ___ the floor yesterday.

5. We are told to ___ down our answers.
What makes you unique?
“I am unique!”
Making Connections

Are you familiar with

Let’s watch a video
about how does a
butterfly form.
ACTIVITY: Order the events based on how a
butterfly is formed using annotation in Schoology.

Then, the egg hatches into a caterpillar with a

tube-shaped body.
Finally, the caterpillar inside the chrysalis
changes into a butterfly.
First, butterflies lay their eggs on leaves.
Important Note!!!
There are words in English that can signal
the order of appearance in a reading selection.
Some examples of these words are: first,
second, then, next, lastly and finally.
Guide Questions:

1. What was the color of the sad butterfly? What were the colors of
the other butterflies in the garden?
2. Where did the story take place?
3. What made the black butterfly want to become a yellow butterfly?
What did the butterfly see?
4. What did the butterfly do to become yellow?
5. Why did she roll on the wet yellow paint?
Guide Questions:
6. Was the butterfly happy after the color became yellow? What does
she want to do?
7. What do you think could have happened to the butterfly at the end
of the story?
8. What could have happened to her if she did not roll on the wet
yellow paint?
9. What have you learned from the experience of the butterfly?
10. How did you feel when you read the story? Why did you feel
that way?
Boddy was a grasshopper that loved to
hop and hop onto grasses and plants in
the garden. He had a friend named
Dollie, a black butterfly. Dollie was not
happy because she did not like her color.
She thought she was as black as night.
She liked the
red and green butterflies. She also
liked the yellow and white butterflies.
She wanted to be like other colorful
butterflies. Boddy reminded her to just
be happy with her color. One day, Dollie
saw a man who was painting his house
yellow. She liked the yellow color. It
looked bright and beautiful. She wanted
to become yellow just like the color of
the house, so she went near the house
and rolled on the wet yellow paint.
She wanted to make her wings
yellow. “At last, I am now
yellow,” said Dollie. She was
so happy that she wanted to
jump and fly. But she could not
move her wings.
Her wings became heavy. She
could not flap them. She was
stuck on the wall!
ACTIVITY: Complete the following to answer the
questions about the story.

1. What was the color of the sad butterfly? What were the colors of
the other butterflies in the garden?
The color of the sad butterfly is ___ while the butterflies in the
garden were ___
2. Where did the story take place?
The story happened in ___.
ACTIVITY: Complete the following to answer the
questions about the story.

3. What made the black butterfly want to become a yellow

butterfly? What did the butterfly see?
She wanted to become a yellow butterfly because ___.
4. What did the butterfly do to become yellow?
She ___ to become yellow.
5. Why did she roll on the wet yellow paint?
She rolled on the wet yellow paint because ___.
ACTIVITY: Complete the following to answer the
questions about the story.
6. Was the butterfly happy after the color became yellow? What does
she want to do?
(Yes/No) ___, and she wanted to ___.
7. What do you think could have happened to the butterfly at the end
of the story?
The butterfly ____ at the end of the story.
8. What could have happened to her if she did not roll on the wet
yellow paint?
The butterfly ____ if she did not roll on the wet yellow paint.
ACTIVITY: Complete the following to answer the
questions about the story.

9. What have you learned from the experience of the butterfly?

I learned that
10. How did you feel when you read the story? Why did you feel
that way?
I feel _______ when I read the story because
Elements of a
Setting tells where and when the story took place.
What was the setting of the story?
• WHERE: in a garden, outside a house
• WHEN: one day
Elements of a
Characters are people, animal or inanimate objects
acting in the story.
Who are the characters in the story?
• Dollie a black butterfly, Boddy a grasshopper,
other butterflies
Elements of a

Plot tells the events in the story from beginning,

middle and end.
ACTIVITY: Arrange the order of events in the
story. Encircle the signal words used.
_______ Next, she wanted to become yellow, too like
the color of the house so she went near the house.
_______ First, Dollie, the butterfly, saw a man
painting his house yellow and she liked it.
_______ Lastly, she rolled on the yellow paint but
later she could not move her wings. She was stuck on
the wall!
TRY THIS: Tell whether the following is a setting,
character, or plot in a story.

1. One rainy day in an old house

2. The little rabbit cannot find its way home.
3. An old lady
4. The frog showed the way to the forest and the
rabbit finally was going home.
5. One sunny day on the beach
Have you experienced
feeling sad about how
you look? Are you happy
with your color?
Matthew 6:25-26
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about
your life, what you will eat or drink; or about
your body, what you will wear. Is not life more
than food, and the body more than clothes? 26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or
reap or store away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more
valuable than they?
Make an audio recording
of yourself reading the
storyYou Are Who You
Are! Upload it in our Asynchronous
Schoology course < 1st Activity
quarter < Performance

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