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Name: Gurishadev Kaur A/P Devinder Singh
Adjective Pronoun
◦ There are two type of possessives:
>Adjective My Mine


Your Yours
◦ We use them to refer to possessions and to indicate ownership of something.

◦ Possesive Adjectives: My, Your, His/Her/Its, Our, Their

His/Her/Its His/Hers/Its
◦ Possesive Pronoun: Mine, Yours, His/Hers/Its, Ours, Theirs

◦ Example: Our Ours

◦ Adjective: That is my violin.
Pronoun: That violin is mine.
Their Theirs
Questions for Possessive!
◦ Feel free to ask me any questions!
This are some questions of the possessive topic(very easy)
Change the possessive pronoun or adjective to a correct sentence.

◦ You stole mine homework!-

◦ That shoe is her – That shoe is hers
◦ This is theirs house – This is their house
◦ That book is your – That book is yours
◦ That puppy is our – That puppy is ours

◦ That is all for possessives…. Let’s go to the next topic!

Similes and Metaphors!
◦ We use similes and metaphors to
◦ >Make it interesting
◦ >Brings descriptions to life

◦ Similes and Metaphors are basically:

◦ >techniques used in descriptive writing
◦ >creating mental pictures
◦ >Makes writing engaging
◦ Simile:
◦ >comparing two different things by saying one thing is LIKE the other
◦ >similes uses the word “like” or “as”

◦ Example:
◦ He was as fast as a sports car
◦ His hair was spiky like the top of the pineapple

◦ Questions for Similes:

◦ Tell a simile which has cold – as cold as a freezer
◦ Tell a simile which has busy – as busy as a bee
◦ Tell a simile which has hard – as hard as a rock

◦ Any questions to ask about similes?......If not then coming up…. Metaphors!
Metaphor! Questions Answers

◦ Metaphor is basically:
◦ >comparing two different things by saying one thing IS the other
Is “The heart is
gold” a metaphor?
◦ Example: Yes
◦ >Time is Money
◦ >Your brain is a Computer
Is “he is quick as a
cat” a metaphor?
◦ Metaphors can also be used by IMPLYING one thing is another No

◦ Example:
◦ It is raining cat and dogs Is “The boy runs like
the wind” a
◦ There’s a elephant in the room metaphor? No

That is all for Similes and Metaphors… Anything questions on Metaphor? Let’s
go to the last topic!
Imperatives! We say….. We don’t say…..

◦ Imperatives are verbs which can create imperative sentences.

◦ (sentences that gives a command or an order)
◦ Imperatives sound like the speaker is bossing some around

Help your parents and You help your parents

elders at home. and elders at home.
◦ Example:
◦ Sit quietly in the classroom
◦ Don’t forget your books

◦ To be more polite, you can use please: Don’t run in the rooms! Don’t to running in the
◦ Lower down the volume, please

◦ Don’t use the verb “to” or “ing” and don’t say “you”!
Questions for Imperatives!
Questions Answers

Please doesn’t be late Please don’t be late.

You to playing the game quietly,please Play the game quietly,please

Don’t chewing the food out loudly Don’t chew the food out loudly

You don’t going out today Don’t go out today

You finishing up your homework, please Finish up your homework, please

Please to helping me do the house work Please help me do the housework

Any questions about Imperatives?...... Let’s go to the last slide!

Well that is all from me… I
hope you enjoyed my slides
and questions. Thank you
so much for cooperating.
Happy learning! Bye!

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