Education System

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Eduction System

Types of Education Systems

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Types of Education Systems

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Traditional classroom education is the in- Online education, also known as e-learning, is a Homeschooling is an alternative education
person, mode of learning that occurs over the internet, method where parents
teacher-led approach to learning in a enabling students to access educational content teach their children at home, offering
physical classroom. and engage with instructors and peers through flexibility and customization in curriculum and
digital platforms. teaching.
In a traditional classroom, students often
follow a set schedule, use printed textbooks,
It can be conducted independently or with
and engage in direct interaction with their It is flexible in schedule and location, catering to external resources and
teacher and peers for learning. a diverse audience through multimedia is subject to legal regulations that vary by
resources like videos, location.
forums, and digital assessments.
Education Funding Budget GOVERNMENT FUNDING

Education funding budget

involves managing financial • Government funding is often the largest source of revenue for public
resources in the education system, education, with allocations coming from federal, state, and local levels.
determining where the money
comes from, and how it's spent to support
schools, teachers, and students.

• Private investments in education come from individuals,

corporations, and foundations.


• Tuition fees are payments made by students or their families for

EDUCATION FUNDING education services.
Educational challenges
Access to Education Quality of Education

Access to education remains a The quality of education can vary

significant challenge, especially 1 widely between schools and 1
in underprivileged or remote regions, impacting students'
Discrimination: Some
areas. learning outcomes.
marginalized groups, such as
Outdated Curriculum: Some
girls or ethnic minorities, may
schools still use outdated
face discrimination, limiting their
2 2 teaching materials and methods
access to education.
that don't meet modern
educational standards.
Socio-economic factors: Low- Inadequate Resources: A lack
income families may struggle of resources, such as textbooks,
to afford education, including 3 science equipment, and 3
tuition fees and necessary technology, can hinder
materials. effective learning.
Teacher Quality: The competence
Geographical limitations: In rural and dedication of teachers
or remote regions, schools are 4 significantly affect the quality
often far away, making access of education.
A Role of Teacher
• Teachers shape students' knowledge, values, and skills, serving as
mentors and guides.

• Teachers face diverse learning styles, classroom management, and

individual student needs. Their responsibilities go beyond knowledge
transfer to fostering values and critical thinking.
• the educational system is a cornerstone of societal
progress, influencing our personal and collective futures.
• It presents diverse challenges, including ensuring access to
quality education for all and adapting to the changing
needs of the modern world.

• As we navigate these challenges, remember that teachers,
as key influencers, play a pivotal role, and innovations are
driving the system forward.
• Let us collectively work towards creating an inclusive,
adaptable, and effective educational system that empowers
individuals and nations to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Thank You!!

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