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History of International Relations

Dissolution of Soviet union

Name: Nazira Batool


 Soviet Union consist of confederation 15 republics with Russia as

leading one.
 25 December 1991 all 15 Republic left the union.
 25 December for the last time Soviet union flag flew over Kremlin
Moscow for the last time
History of USSR

Today Russia was USSR when it was federation of 15 states.

Before becoming federation it was already known as Russia.
Russian Revolution 1917 which ended Russian empire.
Russian civil war in 1922 which resulted formation of Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR).
List of Soviet Republics

USSR was consisted of following states.

1. Armenia. 2. Azerbaijan 3.Belarus
4.Estonia. 5.Gerogia. 6.Kazakhstan
7. Kyrgyzstan. 8. Latvia 9.Lithuania
10. Moldova 11. Russia. 12. Tajikistan
13. Turkmenistan 14.Ukraine. 15. Uzbekistan
with USSR

• Autocratic and Authoritarian System

• Lack of democracy
• Lack of Freedom of speech
• One party system (communist party)
• Dominance of Russia
• High expenditure on defence and low on
technology and infrastructure
Events that lead towards disintegration of USSR

• Crisis in Socialist bloc

• The fall of Berlin wall
• Economic and political Reforms in USSR
• Opposition against Coup.
• Power shifts from Soviet centre to Republics
• USSR’s defeat in Afghanistan and the end of cold war
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