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Festivals and Events

Session 6
Exam Brief (TJA2019)
- Updated (V2)
Exam Briefing (TSA2023)
 2 hour exam; Open book
It is your responsibility to check the Exam Timetable
(Murdoch University - Examinations Timetable)
to confirm time, place and details

The Exam Consists of 1 Section:

 Answer TWO (2) out of FOUR (4) Questions
 Each question is worth 1/2 of the total
mark (total of 100%)

Exam Briefing
 Read the exam instructions carefully
 Answer the required questions in an essay style
format, with:
 Intro – tell me what you are going to say
 Body – say it
 Conclusion – tell me what you said.
 Each answer provided should be approximately
500 words (about 3 pages) in length
 If you wish to refer to other authors you should
note it as (Author, year). You do not need a
reference list at the
end of your essay.
3 3
Exam Briefing
 Text, lectures and recommended readings
provide information for the exam.
 Exam questions have been derived from the text
and lectures.
 You may also apply your knowledge from your
event research site and/or other event
examples of your choice
 Be able to apply your knowledge and concepts
and supported by specific event examples

4 4
Exam Briefing
 Make sure that you answer the questions
posed in the exam:
 Read the question and answer to the context of the
question asked
 One technique is to write the question as part of the
introduction to your answer.
 Another is to draw a mind map and note how you would
relate your learning to the question.
 Also, write the section and number of the question
on the paper.
 And, start a new page for each question; Ensure you
clearly number each question
 You can answer the questions in any order – but please
make sure you number each answer clearly

5 5
Exam Briefing (TJA2019)
Areas for focus – remember we are dealing
with Festivals and Events!
 Read Read Read! so you get the best opportunity to value add to
your responses!
1. Barriers & Constraints
2. Impacts Assessment & Cost Benefit Evaluation
3. Antecedents & Decision Making
4. Human Resources & Volunteer Management
5. Event Experiences of Different Stakeholders
6. Events & Public Policy
7. Event Tourism & Destination Image

Any Questions?
All The Best in the Exams!

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