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Descriptive Writing

What is Descriptive Writing?

Descriptive essays generally focus on a person,
a place, an event, or a thing. Writers convey
an idea about their topic by describing the
topic for the reader.
Show not Tell

Showing and not telling means that you paint a

picture for your reader.
For Example
There were trees near the lake.
Showing :
The lake stared through the trees, a wide grey eye
trapped in a perpetual state of weeping.”
The house was old.
The house frowned with a wrinkled brow, and
inside it creaked with each step, releasing a scent
of neglected laundry.
The clock had been in our family for years.
The clock stood by our family, faithfully marking the
Describing A Person
General Appearance: short,tall,dark,fair,looks
Interesting Features: large ears
Interests/ hobbies: likes sports/doesn’t like
Character: friendly and jovial, helpful in
school , polite, arrogant
Exercise: Describe your friend.

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