Research 5th Saba

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submitted by : Dr.

Samera Abdulla Mahmood

Dr.Saba Adel
Dr.Safa Omer
Welcome to the short
course on Research
study –Guide

‫مرحبا بكم في دورة قصيرة حول دليل الدراسات البحثية‬

Targets: 5th year pharmacy students

Aims: To provide students with principles necessary

information on research planning and writing

Innovation: We aim to apply interactive lectures

where the student will be the center through
exercises and discussion.

Total Hours : 14hours

7 weeks of 2hr including 1 hr. Test
At the end of the course students will be able:

 To represent knowledge/steps in research

 To discuss their research project in terms of
research languish
 To prepare a project protocol
 To enumerate components of research study
document according to general standard
1- Research concept
2- Terminology in research speaking
3- Main topics dealing with research
research process
research plan
research writing & publications
Research study –Guide
Lecture 1
Key points
1- Definition of research
2- Terminology in research speaking
3- Main topics dealing in research
research process
What is research?
Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or as any systematic investigation to
establish facts.

Research the systematic investigation to study of materials and sources(topic) in order to

establish facts and reach new conclusions

Research is a careful & detailed examination into a specific problem, concern, or issue using
the scientific method. ... To getting a solution

Research is the process of solving problems and finding facts in an organized way.

Research is done by applying what is known (if anything),and building on it.

 Additional knowledge can be discovered by proving existing theories, and by trying to better
explain observations
Types of Research
• Exploratory or Formulative Research
• Descriptive Research
• Diagnostic Study
• Evaluation Studies
• Action Research
• Experimental Research
• Analytical study or statistical Method
• Historical Research
• Surveys
• Case Study
Exploratory or Formulative Research
Exploratory research is preliminary study of an unfamiliar
problem about which the researcher has little or no knowledge.

To Generate new ideas

Descriptive Research
• Descriptive study is a fact- finding investigation with adequate
• It is the simplest type of research.
• It is designed to gather descriptive information and provides
information for formulating more sophisticated studies
• Data are collected using observation, interview and mail
• It can focus directly on a theoretical point.
• It can highlight important methodological aspects of data collection
and interpretation.
• It obtained in a research may be useful for prediction about areas of
social life outside in the boundaries of research.
• Descriptive studies are valuable in providing facts needed for planning
social action programmes.
Diagnostic Study
• It is directed towards discovering what is happening, why is it
happening and what can be done about.
• It aims at identifying the causes of a problem and the
possible solutions for it.

This study may also be concerned with discovering and testing whether
certain variables are associated.
To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which
it is associated with something else.
Evaluation Studies
• It is one type of applied research.
• It is made for assessing the effectiveness of social or economic
programmes implemented or for assessing the impact of developmental
projects area.
• The determination of the results attained by some activity designed to
accomplish some valued goal or objectives.

It directed to assess or appraise the quality and quantity of an activity and its
To specify its attributes and conditions required for its success.
Action Research
• Researcher attempts to study action. E.g. Eradication of Malariya,
Maritime Navigation
• Action research is a reflective process of progressive problem solving
led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a
"community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and
solve problems

A baseline survey of the pre-action situation

A feasibility study of the proposed action programme
Planning and launching the programme
Concurrent evaluation of the programme
Experimental Research
• Experimental research is commonly used in sciences such as sociology and psychology,
physics, chemistry, biology and medicine etc.

• It is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates

one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables.

Experiments are conducted to be able to predict phenomenons.

To maintain control over all factors
A blueprint of the procedure that enables the researcher to test his hypothesis
Analytical Study
• Analytical study is a system of procedures and techniques of analysis
applied to quantitative data.
• A system of mathematical models or statistical techniques applicable
to numerical data.
• Ex. Scientometrics

It aims at testing hypothesis and specifying and interpreting relationship.

It concentrates on analyzing data in depth and examining relationships from
various angles by bringing in as many relevant variables as possible in the
analysis plan.
Historical Research
• The systematic collection and evaluation of data related to past
occurrences in order to describe causes, effects, and trends of those
events that may help explain present events and anticipate future
• Data is often archival-including newspaper clippings, photographs,
etc.- and may include interviews.

To draw explanations and generalizations from the past trends in order to understand the present and to
anticipate the future.
It enables us to grasp our relationship with the past and to plan more intelligently for the future.
The past contains the key to the present and the past and the present influences the future.
It helps us in visualizing the society as a dynamic organism and its structures and functions as evolving,
steadily growing and undergoing change and transformation.
Survey Research
• Survey research is one of the most important areas of measurement in
applied social research. The broad area of survey research
encompasses any measurement procedures that involve asking
questions of respondents. A "survey" can be anything form a short
paper-and-pencil feedback form to an intensive one-on-one in-depth

It is always conducted in a natural setting.

It seeks responses directly from the respondents.
It can cover a very large population
A survey may involve an extensive study or an intensive study.
A survey covers a definite geographical area, a city, district, state
Case Study
• A case study is a research methodology common in social science.
• It is based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group, or
event to explore causation in order to find underlying principles

To examine limited number of variables

case study methods involve an in-depth, longitudinal examination of
a single instance or event.
It provides a systematic way of looking at events, collecting data,
analyzing information, and reporting the results
Field research
• Field research has traditionally been thought different from methods of
research conducted in a laboratory or academic setting.

The advantages of field research are that people are closer to

real world conditions and design the research in the best way to
discover the particular information required.
The students went to the library, checked out
several books, and might have copied several
pertinent (relevant) pages from the book. The
typical student organized collected information
and wrote up the "research report’.

Is it a research study? ???????

• 1- Research process
• 2-Research Methodology
• 3-Research Methods
• 4- Research problem
What is research methodology?

Research methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of a

research study. More specifically, it's about how a researcher
systematically designs a study to ensure valid and reliable results that
address the research aims, objectives and research questions. For
example, what type of data they'll collect, who they'll collect it from,
how they'll collect it and how they'll analyse it
Research Methods
The three common approaches to conducting research are quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
methods. The researcher anticipates the type of data needed to respond to the research question

Research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a

difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in
practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation
What is Research Process?
Research Process consists of series of actions or steps
necessary to effectively carry out research.
‫تتكون عملية البحث من سلسلة من اإلجراءات أو الخطوات الالزمة إلجراء البحوث بفعالية‬.

The process consists of closely related activities; such

activities overlap continuously rather than following a
strictly prescribed sequence.
The steps are as follows:
‫تتألف هذه العملية من أنشطة وثيقة الصلة بالموضوع؛ وتتداخل هذه األنشطة باستمرار‬
‫ الخطوات هي كما يلي‬.‫بدال من اتباع تسلسل محدد بدقة‬
unknown or insufficiently known

assessment of what is known

or thought about topic

Summarizing your
particular issue

determination of
something That we need
to know more about

‫تبدا عملية البحث بمشكلة ذات صور متعددة وتختلف باختالف التخصص والمجال البحثي هل عملي مجتمعي او تطبيقي او طبي‬
‫او صيدلي‬
The plan in Research Process
1. Formulating the research problem (P) ‫ المراجعة واالسئلة‬،‫الفكرة‬

2. Extensive literature review (LR) 1st stage

3. Development of working questions/objectives
4. Preparing the research design ‫تصميم خطة البحث ومنهجيته‬

5. Determining sample design 2nd stage

‫جمع البيانات والمعلومات‬
6. Collecting the data
3rd stage
7. Analysis of data
‫تحليل البيانات وكتابة تقرير البحث‬
8. Hypothesis-testing 4th stage
9. Generalization and Interpretation‫النشر او المناقشة وإعالن النتائج‬

10. Preparation of the Report & publication 5th stage

1. Formulating the research problem
A research problem is a specific issue or gap in existing knowledge that you aim to address in
your research. You may choose to look for practical problems aimed at contributing to change, or
theoretical problems aimed at expanding knowledge.
A research problem statement is a clear, concise, and specific statement that
describes the issue or problem that the research project addresses. It should be
written in a way that is easily understandable to both experts and non-experts in the
Step 1: Identify a broad problem area
Step 2: Learn more about the problem
Next, you have to find out what is already known about the problem, and pinpoint the exact aspect that your research will address.
Context and background
•Who does the problem affect?
•Is it a newly-discovered problem, or a well-established one?
•What research has already been done?
•What, if any, solutions have been proposed?
•What are the current debates about the problem? What is missing from these debates?
Specificity and relevance
•What particular place, time, and/or group of people will you focus on?
•What aspects will you not be able to tackle?
•What will the consequences be if the problem is not resolved?
Step 2: Learn more about the problem
Next, you have to find out what is already known about the problem, and pinpoint the exact aspect that your
research will address.
Context and background
•Who does the problem affect?
•Is it a newly-discovered problem, or a well-established one?
•What research has already been done?
•What, if any, solutions have been proposed?
•What are the current debates about the problem? What is missing from these debates?
Specificity and relevance
•What particular place, time, and/or group of people will you focus on?
•What aspects will you not be able to tackle?
•What will the consequences be if the problem is not resolved?
An Example of a Research Problem Statement
“The increasing prevalence of obesity in children is a growing public health
concern. Despite the availability of information on healthy eating and
physical activity, many children are still not engaging in healthy lifestyle
behaviors. The problem this study addresses is the lack of understanding of
the barriers and facilitators to healthy lifestyle behaviors in children.”
2.Extensive literature review

What have other people done?

In what areas research is still required for this problem?

This is a search for published .. Unpublished work .. and expert in the area to guide you in
planning your study.
The literature review should be incorporated into the introduction, methods and
• How do we organize and refer to the literature?
• Harvard style – this style will have authors and year (of
publication) in the text and references will be arranged
‫‪References‬‬ ‫‪:‬كيفية توثيق المراجع‬
‫وهناك نوعين من طرق اإلشارة إلى المراجع وتوثيق المعلومات هما‪-:‬‬
‫‪ ‬اإلشارة داخل متن البحث ‪In-text citation .‬‬
‫‪ ‬االشارة في قائمة المراجع‪Reference list .‬‬

‫اسماء المؤلفين‪1-‬‬
‫السنة التي تم فيها النشر‪2-‬‬
‫عنوان المقال‪3-‬‬
‫عنوان المجلة‪4-‬‬
‫رقم المجلد (العدد)‪5-‬‬
‫رقم الصفحات‪6-‬‬
Harvard style
this style will have authors and year (of publication) in the text and
references will be arranged alphabetically.

In-text citation
Vancouver style
This style will have a number (superscript ) in the text and the references
will be arranged in numerical order (as they have appeared in the text)

In-text citation
‫الإشارة داخل متن البحث‬
:‫بعد االنتهاء من كتابة فقرة او فقرتين من مرجع ما تذكر فيها بعض المعلومات عن هذا المرجع‬
There are generally two ways to cite:
 Citing (Author, date, p.) within the text
e.g. A previously study demonstrated… (Grover, 2005).
The full reference will be presented in the work’s bibliography. If there are
more than one author write (Grover et al, 2005 ), if the author name
repeated write (Grover (a), 2005 )
 Numerical citing in the text or footnote
e.g. A previously study demonstrated… [1].
The full reference will be presented in the work’s bibliography.
e.g. A previously study demonstrated… (1).
The full reference is given in the note field at the bottom of the page.
‫‪Referencing with Harvard‬‬ ‫اسماء المؤلفين‪1-‬‬
‫السنة التي تم فيها النشر‪2-‬‬
‫عنوان المقال‪3-‬‬
‫عنوان المجلة‪4-‬‬
‫رقم المجلد (العدد)‪5-‬‬
‫رقم الصفحات‪6-‬‬

‫اسماء المؤلفين‪1-‬‬
‫عنوان المقال‪2-‬‬
‫عنوان المجلة‪3-‬‬
‫السنة التي تم فيها النشر‪4-‬‬
‫رقم المجلد (العدد)‪5-‬‬
‫رقم الصفحات‪6-‬‬

‫‪made up of:‬‬
‫‪•Author or tutor‬‬
‫)‪•Year of publication (in round brackets‬‬
‫‪•Title of presentation (in single quotation‬‬
‫)‪• Journal title (in italics‬‬
Bibliographic reference:
Printed journal article e.g.
#. Author. Title. Journal Title. Year Date; 1. Drummond PD. Triggers of motion
Volume(Issue):Pages. sickness in migraine sufferers. Headache.
2005 Jun;45(6):653-6.
Printed book e.g.
#. Author. Title. Edition ed. City: Publisher; 2. Davidovits P. Physics in biology and
Year. medicine. 3 ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2008.
520 p.
Website e.g.
#. Author. Title. [Type of Medium] City: 3. Department of Engineering. Home
Publisher; Year [updated Last Update Date; [Internet]. Cambridge: University of
cited Access Year Access Date]. Available Cambridge, Department of Engineering;
from: URL. 2013 [access 10/1/2014]. Available from
how to write a reference in ………. style:
Alzaheb, R.A. and Altemani, A.H. (2018) ʻThe prevalence
and determinants of poor glycemic control among adults
with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Saudi Arabia ʼ, Diabetes,
Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy,
how to write a reference in ………… style:
Alzaheb RA and Altemani AH. The prevalence and determinants
of poor glycemic control among adults with type 2 diabetes
mellitus in Saudi Arabia. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and
Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2018; 11(7):15-21.
Write the following reference in the Harvard and
Vancouver style.

Reference Management Software
Why use reference management software?

• Take the stress and headaches out of referencing;

• Keep track of every bibliographic reference
• Backup your bibliographic data;
• Tag, search and sort references;
• Make it easier to insert a citation into your
document (“cite while you write” functionality) and
create an automatic bibliography;
• To quickly change citation and reference style; 46
IMPORTANT points in writing research

what is Citation? A “citation” is the way you tell your readers that certain
material in your work came from another source. It also gives your readers the
information necessary to find the location details of that source on the reference
or Works Cited page. A citation must include a set of parentheses
Example paragraph with in-text citation
A few researchers in the linguistics field have developed training programs designed to improve
native speakers' ability to understand accented speech (Derwing, Rossiter, & Munro, 2002; Krech
Thomas, 2004). Their training techniques are based on the research described above indicating
that comprehension improves with exposure to non-native speech. Derwing et al. (2002)
conducted their training with students preparing to be social workers, but note that other
professionals who work with non-native speakers could benefit from a similar program.

direct quotations involve taking someone else's exact words or statements and incorporating the quote into your
writing. sentence. Example: My sister said, “I need to do my homework.” If the quoted material is a fragment or
a phrase, do not capitalize the first letter
IMPORTANT points in writing research
paraphrasing tool is a free online rewording tool to rephrase words,
sentences, and paragraphs.
Paraphrasing Techniques
1. Change to Synonyms.
2. Change Word Forms.
3. Change from a Clause to a Phrase.
4. Change from Quoted Speech to Indirect Speech.
5. Change from Active Voice to Passive Voice.
6. Interpret Meaning Identify the underlying meaning of a statement.
7. others

Using A Combination of Techniques.

Web Sites for Paraphrasing 56
Program To Check Plagiarism

How to write a Literature‫السابقة؟‬
review ?
‫كيف تكتب مراجعة الدراسات‬

Alzaheb & Altemani (2018) investigated……………………………………………………..

By using …………………………………………………………………………………….
They found
………………………………………………………... They concluded/indicated that………

How to write a Literature review ?

Barrella et al., (2012) evaluated the effect of an organic extract obtained from Ipomoea alba
L. on experimental periodontal disease in rats.. They found morphometrical analysis
demonstrated that topically-administered OE 1493 showed no effect on reducing
bone loss when compared with the control group
‫لم تظهر أي تأثير على الحد من فقدان العظام بالمقارنة مع مجموعة التحكم‬



Important Sites:
1.Science direct
5.Google Scholar
6.Sci-hub. 63
• Journal articles
• Different types of scholarly articles:
• Original articles present research results
(in the form of empirical studies‫ )دراسات تجريبية‬for the first

• Review articles are critical evaluations of other previously

published studies.
• These can also take the form of a meta-analysis in which the
results of a number of studies are used to answer a question,
such as what is the recommended way to treat a certain
• Books
• Books are defined as specialist books, which offer an overview,
such as textbooks (course books) for university studies, or books
where the author pursues a theory of his or her own.
• Introductory chapter, providing a good overview of the subject. You
can also find useful references.
• It usually takes quite a long period of time to write and publish a
book, so certain facts may have become outdated.
• Dissertations and Student theses
• Dissertations are written by postgraduate students
to get a licentiate or doctoral degree.
• very good overviews of earlier research and provide
the reader with extensive reference lists.
• Student theses are written by university students
(bachelor or master).
• Do not carry the scientific weight doctoral
• may also provide you with suggestions for other
references, methodology and working methods
within the field.
• Encyclopedias
• Provide a good introduction to a subject.
Encyclopedia entries may also contain selected
references for further reading.
• Reports are a way for researchers to publish information
about ongoing research or a recently completed research
• Often published by a university or research institution.
• Published much faster (compared to journal articles and
• Published in a series and called working papers,
discussion papers, technical reports, or research reports.
• Conference proceedings. When researchers
participate in conferences, the papers they
produce for the conference are published in
conference proceedings which are similar to
books or anthologies (‫)مقتطفات\ مختارات‬.
• Like reports, conference proceedings can
provide a good overview of current research.
• Official publications usually consist of laws,
parliamentary publications, or other official
material such as government investigations.
JSR Journal citation report
Development of working
What is a Research Hypothesis? Research hypothesis is a statement that introduces
a research question and proposes an expected result.
For example, prior research has shown that stress can impact the immune system.
So a researcher might hypothesize: "People with high-stress levels will be more
likely to contract a common cold after being exposed to the virus than people who
have low-stress levels
Development of working hypothesis/objectives

• The relationship between post-menopausal hormone replacement

Research question
therapy and subsequent development of endometrial carcinoma
‫سرطان بطانة الرحم‬
• Does post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy predispose
women to develop endometrial cancer?
• The hormone replacement therapy should be specifically stated
• Is it oestrogen alone or oestrogen in combination with a progestagen?
• Does the duration of therapy need to be defined as, for example,
more than one year?
• Should the diagnosis of endometrial cancer be specified as
histologically confirmed?
• “Is passive smoking harmful to the foetus?”
• The question needs to be better defined and also refined.
• Number of cigarettes smoked every day?
• Operational definition ‫( التعريف العملي‬is a statement of how the
researchers in a particular study choose to measure the variable in
• About the effect (on the foetus) ?
• Can be defined as effect on intrauterine growth retardation,
biophysical profile as determined by ultrasound examination, low
birth weight?
• “Is passive smoking harmful to the foetus?”

• The refined research question, for example, “Are the children born to
women whose husbands smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, of
lower birth weight than children born to women whose husbands do
not smoke”?
Development of working hypothesis/objectives

• Research
. objectives describe what your research is trying to achieve and
explain why you are pursuing it. They summarize the approach and purpose
" of your project and help to focus your research.It is two types GENERAL
Development of working hypothesis/objectives
• Your research objectives should be SMART—Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic and Time-constrained‫ مقيدة‬.
• When you focus on utilizing available resources and setting realistic
timeframes and milestones, it’s easier to prioritize objectives (‫لتحديد‬
‫)أولويات األهداف‬.
• Objectives should be stated using action verbs that are specific
enough to be measured, for example: to compare, to calculate, to
assess, to determine, to calculate, to explain, etc.
• Avoid the use of vague ‫ غامض‬non-active verbs such as: to appreciate,
to understand, to believe, to study, etc.,

• General overview of what you want to achieve by the end of your

Preparing the research design
Research design
• Observational studies • Experimental or intervention
• the investigators stand apart studies
from events taking place in the • the investigators introduce an
study. intervention and observe the
• simply observe and record events which take place in the
Observational studies
Longitudinal observational study

• Retrospective study • Prospective study

• The investigators study present • The investigators follow
and past events subjects for future events.
Observational studies
• Case–control studies
• a type of observational-analytical-retrospective studies over time
• a group of subjects with a specified outcome (cases) and a group
without that outcome (controls) are identified.
• Cohort study
• The word cohort was the ancient Roman term for a group of soldiers
who marched together into battle.
Observational studies
• A prospective cohort study was initiated by Austin Bradford Hill and
Richard Doll, to investigate the relationship between smoking and
lung cancer.
• They followed up 40 000 British
doctors who were divided into four
• non-smokers, and light, moderate and
heavy smokers.
• Death was the outcome they recorded.
Showed a substantial excess in
• 10 year results in 1964
both mortality from lung cancer
• 20 year and 40 year results and all cause mortality in smokers
The more the subjects smoked the greater were their chances of getting lung cancer
Experimental or intervention studies
• The investigators test the effect of an intervention on the events
taking place in the study. Two types:
Controlled or non-controlled
Hawthorne effect
• A study investigating the effects of lighting, heating and other physical
conditions upon the productivity of workers.
• Researchers surprised..
• The productivity of the workers kept improving even when the actual
physical conditions were not improved.
• Even “inert” treatments might result in significant
Control = improvements
group of patients in
who do
the patient’s condition not get the treatment under study
• A Controlled experimental study may be randomized or non-
• (Group of patients who receive the treatment and another group who
do not)
• Randomization is the most reliable method to ensure that the
participants in both groups are similar as far as possible.
• A crossover study (controlled intervention study) used in drug trials.
In this design, half of the participants are randomly assigned to start
with the placebo and then switch to active treatment, while the other
half does the opposite.
• Randomized controlled trials may be blinded
• (participants in the trial may change their behavior if they know which
intervention they receive.) Single-blind
• Double-blind is used when neither researchers not subjects are aware
of the type of intervention.
• A trial in which there is no attempt at blinding may be called open or
open label.
Determining sample design
Population & Sample
• A population is a collection of individuals, at moment in time, defined
by at least on organizing character.
• Is the material of the study, whether it is human subjects, animals or
• inanimate objects.
• Including all the target population is generally not possible (large
numbers, the cost and the time).
• A more realistic approach is to study samples or subsets of a
Representative as possible Enough numbers
to provide valid answers
Population & Sample
• Random sampling
• Stratified random sampling
• key subgroups are defined, for example by sex, social class, income
groups, geographic locations, etc. and samples are drawn at random
from each of these “strata”.
1.Collecting the data
Analysis of data &Hypothesis-testing

•Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive analysis involves summarizing and describing the
main features of a dataset. It focuses on organizing and
presenting the data in a meaningful way, often using measures
such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. It hypothesis testing is a systematic
provides an overview of the data and helps identify patterns or procedure for deciding whether the
trends. results of a research study support a
•Inferential Analysis particular theory which applies to a
Inferential analysis aims to make inferences or predictions population. Hypothesis testing uses
about a larger population based on sample data. It involves sample data to evaluate a
applying statistical techniques such as hypothesis testing, hypothesis about a population
confidence intervals, and regression analysis. It helps generalize
findings from a sample to a larger population.
Descriptive statistics
• Data presentation:

Table Graphs/figures
Descriptive statistics
• Calculations

• Central tendency mean

• Variation
• it is important to have some idea about their variation around the
• Standard deviation SD
• square root of the variance
Inferential statistics (Statistical tests)
• Statistical significance (‫)أهمية‬
• Statistical Hypothesis Tests (p-value) α (0.05)
• Null hypothesis H0
• α value (Error) = 5% (0.05)
• The null hypothesis is rejected if the P value is less than
• A result is commonly considered to be unlikely to be due to chance, or
to be statistically significant, if the P value is less than 5% (P < 0.05)
and is said to be highly significant if P < 0.01.
More specific research questions:
 How commonly women take estrogen after menopause?
 Does taking estrogen after menopause lower the likelihood of developing
coronary heart disease ?
 Are there other benefits and harms of estrogen treatment?
 What active constituents do present in plan X?
 What will be found if acetone is replaced by water as solvent for drug Z?
These questions are converted into objectives:
 To find out the frequency of menopause women taken estrogen.
 To determine occurrence of CHD after taking estrogen in menopause women.
 To analyze the effect of water on drug Z.
 To screen plant X for active substances.
 To examine the effect of estrogen on menopause women.
Preparation of the Report & publication
Research Plan General Format (components)
 Title / Authors • Project title
 Introduction • Project summary
 Background / literature review • Project description
 Objective - Rationale
 Methods - Objectives
 Personnel needed / available - Methods
 Facilities needed / available - Data management and
 Budget
 Time frame and work schedule/Gantt chart
• Ethical considerations
• References
Ethical considerations
(Approval by ethic committee )
 References

•No Results , No discussion, or conclusion.

‫كتابة مشروع التخرج‬
‫‪Research Document‬‬

‫ثانيا‪ :‬أبواب الرسالة‪/‬المشروع (الجزء الداخلي)‬ ‫أوال‪ :‬القسم التمهيدي (الجزء الخارجي)‬

‫‪Inner part‬‬ ‫‪Outer part‬‬

‫‪First: Outer part of the thesis:‬‬
‫‪ Document‬كيفية كتابة مشروع التخرج‬
‫))‪1. Cover page (Authors names & Name of Supervisor (s‬‬
‫‪2. Title page‬‬ ‫الرسالة او المشروع يتكون من االجزاء التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪3. Signatory/Declaration page‬‬ ‫)اإلقرار بأصالة البحث(‬ ‫أوال‪ :‬القسم التمهيدي (الجزء الخارجي)‬
‫‪4. Acknowledgements‬‬ ‫يتضمن ما يأتي‪:‬‬
‫‪ 1‬واجهة البحث أو الرسالة أو األطروحة (الجامعة والشعار والعنوان واسم الطالب والمشرفين)‬
‫)‪5. Abstract (summary‬‬
‫‪ 2‬صفحة اإلقرار بأصالة البحث (تحتوي على إقرار الطالب بان البحث أصيل وتحت توقيع الطالب) ‪.‬‬
‫‪6. Table of Contents‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬اإلهداء‪.‬‬
‫‪7. List of tables‬‬ ‫‪ 4‬الشكر والتقدير‪.‬‬
‫‪ 5‬ملخص الرسالة أو األطروحة بالغة العربية واالنجليزية (األهداف والمنهجية والنتائج واالستنتاجات)‪.‬‬
‫‪8. List of figures‬‬
‫‪ 6‬محتويات البحث أو الرسالة أو المشروع‪.‬‬
‫‪9. Abbreviations‬‬ ‫‪ 7‬قائمة الجداول‬
‫‪ 8‬قائمة االشكال‬
‫‪ 9‬قائمة الرموز واالختصارات‬
)‫المشروع (الجزء الداخلي‬/‫ أبواب الرسالة‬:‫ثانيا‬

Literature Review
 ‫ماهو الفرق بين خطة الدراسة البحثية و الرسالة؟‬
Second : Inner part (Body)
1. Introduction Results
2. Literature review (LR) Discussion/Limitation‫ و مقارنتها بنتائج دراسات سابقة‬,‫تفسير النتائج‬

3. Methodology
4. Results Recommendations
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions/ Recommendations References
References‫قائمة المراجع‬ Annex
‫قائمة المراجع‬
Literature :
 It is the document of a comprehensive review of the
published and unpublished work from secondary and
primary source of data in the area of specific interest to
the researcher.

 The literature review is an integral part of the entire

research process and makes a valuable contribution to almost
every operational step.
‫تعد مراجعة األدبيات جزءا ال يتجزأ من عملية البحث بأكملها وتقدم مساهمة قيمة في كل خطوة‬
‫تشغيلية تقريبا‬.
‫‪literature review‬‬
‫استعراض الدراسات السابقة هو استعراض لمختلف البيانات والطرق البحثية‬
‫واالستنتاجات حول الموضوع المستهدف ‪ ،‬بدءا من سلسلة من الكتب الى المقاالت‬

‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪Prevent duplication of efforts,‬‬ ‫والغرض من المراجعة االدبية هو ‪:‬‬

‫‪- Resolve conflicts,‬‬
‫‪- Avoid plagiarism‬‬ ‫‪ ‬منع ازدواجية الجهود‪،‬‬
‫‪- Point the way for further research.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬حل تباين النتائج‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬وتجنب االنتحال‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تسليط الضوء او افساح المجال للمزيد من الدراسات البحثية مبنية عليه‪.‬‬
‫اإلحصاءات الحيوية‬

Source of Literature Census ‫التعداد‬

Books Vital Statistics ‫سجل المحافظات‬
Surveillance System ‫نظام المراقبة‬

 Text book  Census ‫التعداد‬

 Monographs  Governorates Record
 Edited Collection  Surveillance System ‫نظام المراقبة‬
Journal Article  Surveys
 Academic Journals International organization
 Conference preceding Documents
Indexing and Abstraction  WHO, UNICEF
journal Search engine Media
 PubMed  Newspaper
 Google schooler  Magazines
Past Dissertation Internet
1-Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology of Catha Edulis Forsk:
A Review

2- Aspirin reduces platelet count in rats: Original article/ Research


3-Validation of an HPLC method for the determination of ciprofloxacin

in human plasma (Research article)
3-‫ التحقق من صحة طريقة‬HPLC )‫لتحديد سيبروفلوكساسين في البالزما البشرية (مقالة بحثية‬

4- Simple Two-step Procedure for the Synthesis of Memantine

Hydrochloride from 1,3-Dimethyl-adamantane(patent)
)‫ (براءة اختراع‬Dimethyl-adamantane-1,3 ‫إجراء بسيط من خطوتين لتخليق هيدروكلوريد الميمانتين من‬
Answer the following by true or false and correct the false:

1- The primary source of information includes book like an

encyclopedia ( ).

2-Secondary information sources are those paper or

publications that mainly include new information or
unprecedented new perceptions or interpretations of known
facts or ideas ( ). 2- ‫مصادر المعلومات الثانوية هي تلك األوراق أو المنشورات التي تتضمن أساسا‬
‫معلومات جديدة أو تصورات أو تفسيرات جديدة غير مسبوقة للحقائق أو األفكار‬

3- Review paper is considered as primary source of

information ( ). 111
Project plan/protocol

o Should be thought out carefully and written in full detail.

o It is the most important part of the study
o It should include information on
----the research design
(experimental/descriptive/cross sectional/ intervention/)
-----the research subjects,
-----Sample size (Calculation)
Exercise 6:
1-Merely quantitative research uses research proposals to conceptualize the process
that is proposed to be undertaken. T/F 1- ‫مجرد البحث الكمي يستخدم المقترحات البحثية لوضع تصور للعملية التي يقترح‬
‫القيام بها‬
2-A research proposal outlines the research process that is to be undertaken so that
the validity and appropriateness can be examined by others
2- ‫يحدد مقترح البحث عملية البحث التي يتعين القيام بها بحيث يمكن لآلخرين فحص صحتها ومالءمتها‬.

3-Which of the following is not a function of a research proposal of a study?

a. Why proposed strategies of investigation are selected.
b. What is proposed to be done in a study.
c. What answers have been found to what is proposed.
d. How answers will be found to what is proposed

4-The proposal should start with ______________.:

a.The proposed structure of the report b. A time frame of the proposed research
c. Sampling technique d. An overview of the main area under study
5-Which statement describes the purpose of a research
A-it is an overall plan, structure and strategy designed to
obtain answers to the research questions.
B-A document for scientific scrutiny(‫ )للتدقيق‬for others to
judge the appropriateness of the project.
C-A reference document to show how the research was
carried out.
D-All of the above.
Reference Style:‫النمط المرجعي‬

Vancouver (predominant in the medical field)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Psychological Association (APA)

Research guide for 5 year

At the end of this course,

in the Next week, the test will be done
‫ سيتم إجراء االختبار‬، ‫في األسبوع المقبل‬
Summary of 1st , 2nd & 3rd lectures:
• Research concept
• Research Process
• Publications
• Population &Sample
• Research plan
• Research Document
• References (Citations /List/ style/Refer. Management Software)
• Paraphrasing/ Quoting/Summary
• Writing Literature Review
1- The solution to a specific issue or problem by using scientific sophisticated tests and
methods may be named research. T / F
‫يمكن تسمية الحل لقضية أو مشكلة معينة باستخدام اختبارات وطرق علمية متطورة بالبحث‬

2- The research problem can represent idea, inquiry or insufficiently known issue . T / F
‫ يمكن أن تمثل مشكلة البحث فكرة أو استفسارا أو قضية غير معروفة بما فيه الكفاية‬.
down of
Existing R questions Proposal Data
literatures collection
Unknown or Assessment Determination Device (plan)
insufficiently of what is of something we a way to look
known issue known about need to know at something Analysis
a topic LR more about ???? we need
Problem Discovered what
‫عدم اليقين‬
we have found
The uncertainty that the
about the topic
investigator wants to resolve

Review of research process Report to others

what we have

Research Problem Knowledge Publication of

Population & Sample
3- the document of a comprehensive review of the published and unpublished work from secondary
and primary source of data is called literature. T/F
3- ‫وثيقة مراجعة شاملة للعمل المنشور وغير المنشور من المصدر الثانوي واألساسي للبيانات تسمى األدب‬.

4- Which of the following can be Sources of Literature? 4- ‫أي مما يلي يمكن أن يكون مصدرا لألدب؟‬
a. Books b. Journals c. WHO report d. All of them

5- Which of the following publications can be a primary sources of literature for new data?
a. Review article b. Original article c. Systematic review d. All of them

6- The following statement do present the purpose of using literature review, except?
a. Prevent duplication of work b. Avoid plagiarism c. Presentation of results
d. Acquiring a general view about the research topic ‫اكتساب نظرة عامة حول موضوع البحث‬

7- you have to enumerate the components of the following:

a-research plan proposal b- research document c- reference
8- In which chapter of the research document we can found population and sample ?
a. Introduction 2. Methods c. Literature review d. Discussion
Research Plan General Format (components)
 Title / Authors
 Introduction

 Background / literature review

 Objective

 Methods

 Personnel needed / available

 Facilities needed / available

 Budget

 Time frame and work schedule/Gantt chart

 Ethical considerations
(Approval by ethic committee )
 References

•No Results , No discussion,

122 or conclusion.
1-Terminology in Research
1-Research Objectives: the goal (aim/purpose) to be achieved by R project.

• Writing your research objectives clearly helps to:

• Define the focus of your study ‫تحديد محور دراستك‬
‫تحديد المتغيرات المراد قياسها بوضوح‬
• Clearly identify variables to be measured
‫اإلشارة إلى الخطوات المختلفة التي يجب اتخاذها‬
• Indicate the various steps to be involved
‫وضع حدود الدراسة‬
• Establish the limits of the study ‫تجنب جمع أي بيانات ليست ضرورية للغاية‬.
• Avoid collection of any data that is not strictly necessary.
2-P-value: level of marginal significance within a statistical hypothesis test,
representing the probability of the occurrence of a given event.
‫ قيمة‬P ‫ والتي تمثل احتمال حدوث حدث معين‬، ‫هي مستوى الداللة الحدية في اختبار الفرضية اإلحصائية‬.
The p-value only tells you how likely the data you have observed is to have occurred under the null hypothesis. If
the p-value is below your threshold of significance (typically p < 0.05), then you can reject the null hypothesis,
but this does not necessarily mean that your alternative hypothesis is true.
‫ تخبرك قيمة‬p ‫ إذا كانت قيمة‬.‫ فقط بمدى احتمال حدوث البيانات التي الحظتها بموجب فرضية العدم‬p ‫أقل من عتبة‬
‫ األهمية عادة‬p < 0.05) ، ‫ ولكن هذا ال يعني بالضرورة أن فرضيتك البديلة‬، ‫فيمكنك رفض الفرضية الصفرية‬
What does p-value mean in simple terms?
P-value is the probability that a random chance generated the data or something else that is equal or rarer (under the
‫تعني‬hypothesis). We calculate the p-value for the sample statistics(which is the sample mean in our case).
‫ ماذا‬p ‫بعبارات بسيطة؟‬
‫ قيمة‬P ‫ نقوم بحساب قيمة‬.)‫ هي احتمال أن تكون هناك فرصة عشوائية قد ولدت البيانات أو أي شيء آخر مساو أو أكثر ندرة (تحت فرضية العدم‬p ‫إلحصاءات العينة‬
)‫(وهي متوسط العينة في حالتنا‬.

P-value is the level of marginal significance within a statistical hypothesis test, representing the
probability of the occurrence of a given event.
1-Terminology in Research

Random ‫عشوائي‬

In-text citation :
Reference list :
2-Tips in Research Document writing
‫نصائح في كتابة وثائق البحث‬
)‫المشروع (الجزء الداخلي‬/‫ أبواب الرسالة‬:‫ثانيا‬

Literature Review
 ‫ماهو الفرق بين خطة الدراسة البحثية و الرسالة؟‬
Second : Inner part (Body)
1. Introduction Results
2. Literature review (LR) Discussion/Limitation‫ و مقارنتها بنتائج دراسات سابقة‬,‫تفسير النتائج‬

3. Methodology
4. Results Recommendations
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions/ Recommendations References
References‫قائمة المراجع‬ Annex
‫‪ :‬البحث في محركات البحث في اإلنترنت‬
‫محركات البحث عبارة عن برامج مجانية متوفرة من خالل مواقع خاصة على اإلنترنت‬
‫تتيح للمستخدم البحث عن معلوما ت أو ملفا ت محددة ضمن مصادر اإلنترنت المختلفة‬

‫تعتمد هذ ه المحركات على الفهرسة اآللية برصد التعبيرات والمفردات والكلمات •‬

‫‪.‬المفتاحية الواردة في المعلومات المنشورة في مصادر اإلنترنت‬
‫الكلمات المفتاحية‬
‫‪:‬‬ ‫يتم البحث فيها‬
‫‪1. Science direct‬‬
‫‪2. Clarivate‬‬
‫‪3. PubMed‬‬
‫‪4. Scopus‬‬
‫‪5. Google Scholar‬‬
‫‪6. Sci-hub.‬‬
The study investigated the effect of methanol extract and its fractionations obtained from
Yemeni khat on the smooth muscle isometric tension in Lewis rat aortal ring preparations
and compared the effects of the crimson and green leaves.

Khat leaves were sorted into green (khat Light; KL) and crimson (khat Dark; KD) leaves,
extracted with methanol, followed with solvent-solvent extraction (benzene, chloroform
and ethyl acetate). The contractile activity of the fractions was tested using aortal ring

Fractions of benzene (BF) and ethylacetate (EaF) contracted the aorta with 2μgm,
whereas, chloroform (ChF) with 1 μgm / 1 ml buffer was less potent.

In conclusion, fractions of green and crimson Yemeni khat leaves contracted aortas of
Lewis rats. Both leaves behave almost similarly. Contraction induced by chloroform
fraction produced alpha-sympathetic activity
Read Understand Rewrite For discussion
The study investigated the effect of methanol extract and its fractionations
obtained from Yemeni khat on the smooth muscle isometric tension in
Lewis rat aortal ring preparations and compared the effects of the crimson
and green leaves.
1- try to paraphrase:
The study aimed to test the effect of methanol extract and its fractionations
obtained from Yemeni khat on the smooth muscle isometric tension in
Lewis rat aortal ring preparations. The effects of the crimson and green
leaves were compared (……….).
2- try
The effect of methanol extract and its fractionations obtained from
Yemeni khat was examined using the smooth muscle isometric tension in
Lewis rat aortal ring preparations (………).
Read Understand Rewrite
The study investigated the effect of methanol extract and its fractionations
obtained from Yemeni khat on the smooth muscle isometric tension in
Lewis rat aortal ring preparations and compared the effects of the crimson
and green leaves.
For discussion
To write LR: (aim/methods/results/conclusion)
Mahmood et al. (2009) examined the effect of methanol extract obtained
from Yemeni khat on the smooth muscle isometric tension in Lewis rat
aortal ring preparations. The effects of the crimson and green leaves were
compared. Khat leaves were divided into green and crimson. They found
fractions of benzene (BF) and ethylacetate (EaF) contracted the aorta. The
conclusion was that both leaves contract the aorta similarly.
Exercise :Paraphrase the following sentences:
1-Ciprofloxacin is an antibacterial agent of the fluoroquinolones,
and is considered as abroad-spectrum antibiotic used in the
treatment of urinary and respiratory tract infections as well as in
gastrointestinal and sexually transmitted diseases

2-Khat is consumed by students when they wish to study for long

hours especially during examination periods
Exercise :Paraphrase the following sentences:
1-Ciprofloxacin is an antibacterial agent of the fluoroquinolones,
and is considered as abroad-spectrum antibiotic used in the
treatment of urinary and respiratory tract infections as well as in
gastrointestinal and sexually transmitted diseases

2-Khat is consumed by students when they wish to study for long

hours especially during examination periods
3- Types of scientific research
The research is broadly classified into two main classes:
1. Fundamental or basic research
2. Applied research
Fundamental or basic research: ‫البحوث األساسية أو األساسية‬
1. investigation on basic principles and reasons for occurrence of a particular
event or process or phenomenon called theoretical research
1. ‫التحقيق في المبادئ األساسية وأسباب حدوث حدث أو عملية أو ظاهرة معينة تسمى البحث النظري‬
2. not lead to immediate use or application
‫ال يؤدي إلى االستخدام الفوري أو التطبيق‬
3. provides a systematic and deep insight into a problem
‫يوفر نظرة منهجية وعميقة في مشكلة ما‬
Applied research:‫البحوث التطبيقية‬
1-solve certain problems employing well known and accepted theories
and principles.
1-‫حل بعض المشكالت باستخدام نظريات ومبادئ معروفة ومقبولة‬
2- Experimental research, case studies and
inter-disciplinary research are essentially applied research
‫البحوث التجريبية ودراسات الحالة و البحوث متعددة التخصصات هي في األساس‬

Basic and applied research, further divided into three types of research bearing some
characteristics feature

Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Mixed research
Mixed research- research that involves the mixing of quantitative and
qualitative methods or paradigm characteristics
Thank you
any question?

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