Final Presentation - F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

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Online Medicine

Ordering System
Group Members
F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017)

Munawar Zareef MC180204630

Uzma Kousar MC170402017
The main objective of online medicine ordering system is to automate the
existing manual system with the help of advance computerized software so,
that valuable data can be stored for longer period with easy accessing and
manipulation of the same.
The registered user can access the account with valid credentials. User can
surf the medicine items according to categories, Cart and online payment
options are available to user. User can track their orders with the medicine
In Online Medicine Ordering System Admin can handle the functionalities like
add new medicine items, edit/delete medicine items, Enable/Disable the
medicine items according to availability and their expiry dates. Admin have
authority to view order details and update the delivery status of medicines.
The payment transaction and user details are also viewable to admin.
Following are the Users of this System:


Process Model Diagram
Use Case Diagram
Online Medicine Ordering System
View Cart <<extend>> Confirm Order
Add to Cart
<<uses>> <<extend>>

Search Item
Check Order Status
Make Payment



Delete Medicine Category
User <<extend>>

Manage Medicine <<extend>>

Update Medicine Category

Add Medicine Category

View Transactions

View Users Placed Orders

Delivered Orders
View Orders
Add Medicine Item
View Medicine Items
Delete Medicine Item

<<extend>> Disable Medicine Item

<<extend>> <<extend>>
<<extend>> Update Medicine Item

Manage Medicine Items <<extend>> Enable Medicine Item

Business Rules Catalog
Functional Requirements:
Add Medicine Items: Admin can add medicine items details like name, Photo, Description/

Formula, Price, Category etc.

View / Edit (Price, Enable/Disable) / Delete Items: Admin can view, edit the medicine items details

as well as Enable/Disable medicine items according to availability or their expiry dates.

View Orders: Admin can track Live orders and Status Update for particular medicine delivery.

View Transactions: View previous transaction by date search and total amount at end (both

monthly and annually).

View Users: Admin can view the user’s details which are given during registration.

Register User have to register with essential details for medicine ordering system.

Login: User have to login with their credentials to access medicine ordering system.

Menu List: Different medicine items with respective categories viewable to user.

Item Details: User can view medicine items details and buy the Item by doing online payment.

View Cart: User can view their cart details, delete items from cart, update quantity etc.

View Orders and Status: User can keep track of their orders with delivery status.
Architectural Design
Presentation Tier

User Interface

Logic Tier

Move & Process Logical Decisions

Authentication Calculations
Data & Evaluations

Process Data Database

Data Validation
Commands Verification Queries

Data Tier

Database Storage
Team Structure

Name Group ID Tasks

Munawar Zareef F1802BF18B (MC180204630, MC170402017) All Work

Uzma Kousar
Project Schedule
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish
Mode Oct '18 Nov '18 Dec '18 Jan '19 Feb '19 Mar '19 Apr '19
29 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22
1 Software 23 days Mon 12-11-18 Wed 12-12-18
2 Project Scope, 23 days Mon 12-11-18 Wed 12-12-18
Functional &
Use Case
Diagram, Usage
Methodology &
Work Plan
3 Desgin 28 days Thu 13-12-18 Mon 21-01-19
4 Entity 28 days Thu 13-12-18 Mon 21-01-19
Design Diagram,
Class Diagram,
Design, Interface
Design, Test
5 Cases
Test Phase 15 days Tue 22-01-19 Mon 11-02-19
6 Test Phase 15 days Tue 22-01-19 Mon 11-02-19
7 Final Deliverable 45 days Tue 12-02-19 Mon 15-04-19
8 Final Code, Final 45 days Tue 12-02-19 Mon 15-04-19
Report, Final
Sequence Diagrams: Registration

S.D. 01. Registration

User:Actor registerationPage:Registration Page database:Database

1. Click "Register" button

2. Displays Registration Form
3. Fills Registration Form
4. Press "Register" button
5. Velidating & Verification

6. Save

7. Saving
8. Saved

9. Registered Successfully
Sequence Diagrams: Login Account

S.D. 02. Login Account

User:Actor loginPage:Login Page database:Database

1. Click "Login"
2. Ask for Username & Password

3. Type Username & Password

4. Velidating

5. Verify

7. Verified 6. Verifying

8. Logged in Successfully
Sequence Diagrams: View Orders

S.D. 03. View Orders

User:Actor ordersPage:Orders Page database:Database

1. Click "View Orders" button

2. Display Order to View

3. Chooses Order Category to View

4. Processing

5. Request for Data

6. Processing
7. Send Data

8. Displays Orders
Sequence Diagrams: Place Order

S.D. 06. Place Order

User:Actor ordersPage:Orders Page database:Database

1. Click "Order" button

2. Displays Form to Fill

3. Fills Order Form with Order Information

4. Processing

5. Save Information

6. Processing
7. Saved

8. Order Placed Successfully

Sequence Diagrams: Check Status

S.D. 07. Check Order Status

User:Actor ordersPage:Orders Page database:Database

1. Click "Track Order" button

2. Displays Form for Input

3. Fills the Form with Input attributes

4. Processing

5. Request Order Information

6. Processing
7. Sends Order Information

8. Displays Order Information

Logical Model/Class Diagram
-person_id: int
-firstName: string
-lastName: string
-gender: Boolean
-dateOfBirth: Date
-email: string
-phone: string
-address: string
-username: string
-password: string
-time_stamp: timestamp
+login (username, password)
+updateProfile ()

Admins Customers
-admin_id: int -admin_id: int
-person_id: int 1:M -payment_id: int -person_id: int
-time_stamp: timestamp -order_id: int -time_stamp: timestamp
+manageCustomer() -total_amount: string 1:M
<<make>> +register()
+viewOrder() -payment_method: string +placeOrder()
+manageFoodItem() -payment_detail: string +makePayment()
+managePayment() -status: string
-time_stamp: timestamp 1:M
<<manage>> 1:1
<<manage>> 1:1

Medicine_Items Customer_Orders
-item_id: int -order_id: int Accounts
-item_name: string -account_id: int
-item_id: int -account_id: int
-category: string
-payment_method: string -person_id: int
-availability: string
-delivery_detail: string -code: string
-price: string
-order_detail: string -status: string
-discount: string
-amount: string -time_stamp: timestamp
-item_detail: string
-status: string -status: string
-time_stamp: timestamp

M:1 M:1
Entity-Relationship Diagram
date_of_birth email
last_name phone

first_name address
Person username
person_type person_id
admin_id password time_stamp
person_id person_id
time_stamp customer_id
time_stamp Is a

Admin Customer

1 1

Manage M
Customer 1 Create

account_id time_stamp
1 person_id 1

delivery_detail amount
order_detail status
account_id time_stamp
1 order_id Track

1 M 1

View M Order Place

price discount
category availability item_id category_id


status Category

time_stamp 1

Manage M Medicine Item 1 Has

Manage M Payment M Make

payment_id time_stamp
order_id total_amount status
Database Diagram
User Interfaces: Home Page
User Interfaces: Sign-In Page
User Interfaces: Sign-Up
User Interfaces: Manage Items Page
User Interfaces: View Orders Page
User Interfaces: Change Password
User Interfaces: Manage Users
User Interfaces: Search Medicine Page
Tools & Languages
 Sublime Text 3.0
 WAMP 3.0.4 - 64bit
 MS Visio 2016
 MS Project 2016

 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
 PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
 MySQL (Databases)

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