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TBS Knots and Rope
Management: Learner Assessment

Capt. Miles C. Davis



• Students will be assessed during and post-instruction via objective testing, and construction-response testing, all criterion-referenced.

• Assessment for each enabling objective (EO) was based on the associated learning domain, suggested by the objectives’ verb.

• Assessments will include a random-call, a pencil and paper test consisting of multiple choice, short answer, and matching items, and
direct testing with observation.
• Complete assessments will be at the end of the slide deck.


Terminal Objective 1: Enabling Objectives 1-3

• Terminal Objective 1: Students will identify the key parts of a rope.

• Enabling Objective 1: After instruction and without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, students will list key parts of the rope
including the standing end, running end, bight, loop, and pigtail with 100% accuracy on a written test.

• Enabling Objective 2: After instruction and without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, students will list the function of each key
part of the rope with 100% accuracy on a written test.

• Enabling Objective 3: After instruction and without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, students will list the physical
characteristics of each key part of the rope with 100% on a written exam.


Assessment Methods

• For EO (1), multiple-choice items will feature rope diagrams, asking students to identify the corresponding part.

• For EO (2), multiple-choice items will feature scenarios involving specific parts of a rope, requiring learners to select the correct
function of that part. The potential answers will include different functions associated with rope parts, requiring students to
distinguish between the functions of different parts of the rope.

• For EO (3), the multiple-choice items will list the physical characteristics of the four key parts of a rope. Learners must select the
correct part that matches the description in the multiple-choice question, requiring learners to know the correct part of the rope
based on its physical characteristics or description.


Terminal Objective 2: Enabling Objectives 4-6

• Terminal Objective 2: Students will identify knots and associate their respective functionality and purpose.
• EO 4: After instruction and without the aid of references, when presented with an image, description, or name of a knot, students will identify each
knot with 100% accuracy on a written exam.

• EO 5: After instruction and without the aid of references, when presented with an image, description, or name of a knot class, students will define the
purpose of each class of knot with 100% accuracy on a written exam.

• EO 6: After instruction and without the aid of references, given a descriptive scenario requiring a knot, students will describe which knot will be most
appropriate with 100% accuracy on a written exam.


Assessment Methods

• EO 4 will be multiple-choice items.

• Four items present an image, description, or title of a knot, requiring learners to select the correct knot class.
• Measure learners’ ability to recognize, recall, and categorize knots and associated information, aligning with the cognitive outcome of the objective.
• EO 5 will be matching items
• Four items on the left with corresponding options on the right, including more options than items to reduce guessing.
• Determine the relationship between a knot class and its purpose is helpful when the objective involves association or the ability to recognize,
categorize, or organize information
• Matches the learning objective’s focus on categorizing information and testing knowledge-level objectives.
• EO 6 will be short answer items.
• Four short-answer items with brief scenarios involving a knot will be provided. Learners must select the correct knot to apply from the scenario
provided. Each item will include a different knot, forcing students to differentiate various knots.
• Match the objective’s verb, ‘describe’ by requiring concise & supported responses.
• Encourage analysis and problem-solving, supporting higher-order cognition and comprehension.


Terminal Objective 3: Enabling Objectives 7-11

• Terminal Objective 3: In a field scenario, students will tie various knots.

• EO 7: Without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, a standing line, and an anchor point, tie a square knot with two overhand knots and

pigtails longer than six inches in 60 seconds or less in the field.

• EO 8: Without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, a standing line, and an anchor point, tie a double sheet bend knot with pigtails less

than six inches in 60 seconds or less in the field.

• EO 9: Without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, a standing line, and an anchor point students will tie a bowline knot with a loop larger

than 4 inches and less than 10 inches secured with an overhand knot, having pigtails less than six inches in 60 seconds or less in the field.

• EO 10: Without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, a standing line, and an anchor point, students will tie a figure eight-loop knot in 60

seconds or less in the field.

• EO 11: Without the aid of references, given a six-foot length of rope, a standing line, and an anchor point, students will tie an around-the-body bowline

with a figure eight-loop knot in 60 seconds or less in the field.


Assessment Methods

• Direct testing with observation.

• Measures students’ ability to tie knots in an authentic context and aligns with the psychomotor domain of the learning objective.

• Validates proficiency in knot-tying and the authenticity makes the content relevant, practical, and transferable.

• Situating students in an authentic context with induced stress via a time limit requires learners to perform a complex skill correctly
and confidently.

• An instructor will use a performance checklist, shared below, to assess the student’s process and an evaluation guide to assess the
outcome. To pass, the knot must meet all the established criteria (see performance checklist).


EO 1: Complete Assessment

1. What is the standing end of a rope?

a) The free end of the rope. b) The end used to tie knots. c) The part of the rope that is under tension. d) The looped portion of the rope.

2. Which is the working end of a rope?

b) The free end of the rope. b) The end used to tie knots. c) The part of the rope that is under tension. d) The looped portion of the rope.

3. When you bend a rope back on itself to form a U-shape, what part is created?
a) Standing end. b) Loop. c) Bight. d) Pigtail.

4. Which part of the rope is typically used for securing the rope when tying knots?
c) Standing end. b) Running end. c) Loop. d) Bight.

5. What is the pigtail in a rope?

a) The looped end. b) The small, loose, or frayed end. c) The part of the rope that is actively being used. d) The same as the bight.


EO 2: Complete Assessment

What is the primary function of the "standing end" of a rope?

a) To tie knots. b) To create loops. c) To provide tension and stability. d) To form a pigtail.

What is the main function of the "running end" of a rope?

a) To tie knots. b) To create loops. c) To provide tension and stability. d) To form a bight.

What is the primary function of a "bight" in a rope?

a) To tie knots. b) To create loops. c) To provide tension and stability. d) To form a pigtail.

What is the primary function of a "loop" in a rope?

b) To tie knots. b) To create loops. c) To provide tension and stability. d) To form a bight.

What is the primary function of a "pigtail" in a rope?

a) To tie knots. b) To create loops. c) To provide tension and stability. d) To secure the rope end.


EO 3: Complete Assessment

Which part of the rope is typically the end used to tie knots and is free to manipulate?
a) Standing end b) Running end c) Bight d) Loop

Which part of the rope forms a curved or bent section, resembling a U-shape?
b) Standing end b) Running end c) Bight d) Loop

What part of the rope is often used to create secure loops and has a well-defined, closed structure?
a) Standing end b) Running end c) Bight d) Loop

Which part of the rope is typically under tension and provides stability?
a) Standing end b) Running end c) Bight d) Loop


EO 4: Complete Assessment

Which knot is used to join two ropes of different diameters?

a) Square Knot b) Double Sheet Bend c) Bowline d) Double Figure Eight Loop e) Around the Body Bowline with a Double Figure Eight

When you need to create a secure loop at the end of a rope, which knot should you use?
b) Square Knot b) Double Sheet Bend c) Bowline d) Double Figure Eight Loop e) Around the Body Bowline with a Double Figure Eight

When you need a simple knot to join two ropes of the same diameter for a non-critical application, which knot should you use?
c) Square Knot b) Double Sheet Bend c) Bowline d) Double Figure Eight Loop e) Around the Body Bowline with a Double Figure Eight

When creating a secure loop around a person's body, which knot should you use?
d) Square Knot b) Double Sheet Bend c) Bowline d) Double Figure Eight Loop e) Around the Body Bowline with a Double Figure Eight

Which knot is commonly used by climbers to tie into a climbing harness for securing themselves to a rope?
a) Square Knot b) Double Sheet Bend c) Bowline d) Double Figure Eight Loop e) Around the Body Bowline with a Double Figure Eight

EO 5: Complete Assessment

a) End of Rope Knots 1) Tie the ends of two ropes of equal diameter together.
b) Anchor Knots 2) Secure a rope to a fixed object.
c) Middle of the Rope Knots 3) Creating a secure loop or hitch at a point along the length of a rope
rather than at the ends.
d) Specialty Knots 4) Serve a unique purpose or function, typically more complex.
5) To quickly tie and untie knots during rescue operations.


EO 6: Complete Assessment

1. You are climbing and need to harness yourself using a strong knot that won't slip under tension. Explain which knot would be the most
suitable for this purpose.

2. You find yourself in a situation where you need to create a safety line during a special patrol, insertion, and extraction operation. Explain
which knot would be the most suitable for this purpose.

3. You are camping and must string up a tarp between two trees to create a makeshift shelter for the night. To secure the tarp effectively, you
need a knot that can join the two corners of the tarp's ridgeline with your available rope. Explain which knot would be the most suitable
for this purpose.

4. You’re on a ship and must secure a load of equipment that's being transported on deck. The load contains various items, and some of them
are secured with ropes of different diameters. You must fasten the ropes together to prevent any cargo from shifting during rough seas.
Explain which knot would be the most suitable for this purpose.

5. You need to fasten a rope to a loop or ring on the boat to keep it secure. Explain which knot would be the most suitable for this purpose.


EO 7: Performance Checklist

• Direct testing will occur in the field, and students will have the necessary resources to complete their tasks. Students will have 60
seconds to tie the prescribed knot in accordance with the criteria. All the criteria must be satisfied.

Knot: Square Knot

Actions Pass/Fail

Take the two running ends of the rope and cross one

under the other.

Bring the two running ends up.

Cross the two running ends opposite the first


Pull the two running ends tight.

Checkpoints: Two interlocking bights. Running ends

are on opposite ends of the knot and on the same side

as the standing ends. Two overhand knots and pigtails

longer than six inches.


EO 8: Performance Checklist

Knot: Double Sheet Bend

Actions Pass/Fail

Pass the thin rope through the thick rope bight.

Wrap the thin rope around the bight and tuck it under


Repeat the previous step to double the knot.

Hold thick end and pull thin rope ends to tighten.

Checkpoints: Knot is symmetrical and lies flat without

twisting. Pigtails less than six inches, does not slip,

and unties easily.


EO 9: Performance Checklist

Knot: Bowline

Actions Pass/Fail

Bring the running end of the rope around the anchor, from right to left, top to bottom.

With your right thumb facing you, form a loop in the standing part by turning your wrist

clockwise. Lay the loop to the right

Reach down through the loop with your right hand. Pull up a bight from the standing part of

the rope. Ensure the standing part of the bight is facing toward you.

Place the running end of the rope (on your left) through the bight from left to right and bring it

back on itself. Hold the running end loosely and dress the knot down by pulling on the

standing end.

Dress the knot down and safety the bowline with an overhand knot.

Checkpoints: A bight around the standing end, held in place by a loop that is larger than 4

inches and less than 10 inches. Running end of the bight is on the inside of the fixed loop.

Pigtails less than six inches.


EO 10: Performance Checklist

Knot: Double Figure Eight Loop

Actions Pass/Fail

Begin with the running end of the rope and form a 12-inch bight.

Ensure running end is on top.

With the bight, make a 360-degree turn around the standing end

forming a doubled loop in your hand.

Place the bight through the loop

Remove all unnecessary twists and crossovers and dress the knot


Checkpoints: Two ropes running side by side in the shape of a figure

eight. The knot forms a fixed loop. Pigtails longer than six inches.


EO 11: Performance Checklist

Knot: Around the Body Bowline with a Double Figure Eight Loop.

Actions Pass/Fail

Create a six-to-12-inch pigtail in your right hand.

Step over the rope so its behind you and wrap it around your body, secure the standing end in your left hand.

Create a loop with the standing end and from top-down reach through the loop and pull the excess rope through to

create a bight.

Route the running end left to right through the bight and back onto itself, creating a second bight.

Pull the standing end all the way through the loop.

Grab your pigtail with your right hand and make an overhand safety knot.

Take the standing end, extend it outwards. Create a bight and wrap it around your fingers (left hand) to create a loop.

Push the top rope through the loop to become your bottom rope.

Take your bight and route it under and through the top portion of the loop to create a bight.

Checkpoints: Running end is parallel inside fixed loop. Overhand safety knot is greater than four inches, and less than

your forearm. Pigtails between 6-10 inches. Double figure eight loop can fit your fist through, but not your head. All

ropes are parallel and not twisted.


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